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Aberrant: Infinite Earth - Cosmos Nova - [CN] New Beginnings [Fin]


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The look on the faces of many who came by his office said it all. Most were terriffied of him now, his inhuman appearance had turned respect to fear.

Still his The Commander told him the D0 rep would be coming soon, so he waited patiently, filing his reports, and and going over the incident.. This new life would take some getting used to. Hopefully whoever they sent from the department would be able to help.

He looked at his shield, and began the blood still on it, and set to cleaning it. He could still remember those Ice blue eyes, and the look of someone enjoying what they were doing, as she pulled the trigger that should have killed him.

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Naomi walks into the offices, looking about seeing if she could recognize the police chief for the ward or someone that can point her to the new Nova. Some of the nervous officers started to melt their concern from the new Nova's appearance seeing the far more pleasing and cuter Nekojin before them.

"Something rattle you officer?"

"Um... no... just the new Nova is... intimidating."

"Don't be... he's a fellow officer as you. He's going through some rough spot indeed. I should know."

She nods. "If there is one thing he needs, is his extended family." She says, loud to enough to try to sway those hearing her.

"Now, where is Officer Hideyoshi?"

"Down the hall, Detective Minami."

Naomi nods and heads down the hallway, looking for the room where Ryu was. When she sees the person sitting at a desk towering over the walls of a cubicle, the tiger-man himself... she walks in, brushing back her tan raincoat, showing her ID badge clipped to her brown waistcoat. "Officer Ryu Hideyoshi? I'm Naomi Minami, Consulting Detective to the Tokyo Police Department and the liaison Department 0 sent."

She bows deeply. "I hope... you are okay."

She respects police officers highly. Then again, she respected all authority.

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He bowed and nodded. "Good evening Detective Minami. I've been expecting someone. Had I know it was you they would send, I would have requested they proivde me some better clothing. "he only had on slacks and a white t-shirt, his feet no longer fit in shoes, and there wasn't a jacket that would fit on his powerful frame.

"What is the next step Detective? Do we remain here, or do we go to some secure facility to continue the assessment?"

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"Well... first off... Are you hungry, Officer Hideyoshi? We can't work with an empty stomach and I can start the verbal portion of the interview... don't worry, I'm not going to be asking too many questions other than what would be of interest to Department 0 and towards knowing your skill-set."

She adjusts her vest. "Now as for other things I also have to go over the particulars of your eruption as part of the assessment. The Department knows what caused it, but they are studying eruption experiences. I think that finding this out would help in their overall research."

She stretched, "I am actually proud to see that a new Nova that will hopefully is on our roster is also a Nekojin."

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"I have eaten my fill since returning after the incident."

He looked at her. "Not Nekojin. Nova, nothing more or less." His tone was that of a career officer. He nodded. "If you are hungry though, we can go eat. Yakiniku would be nice."

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"Sorry... A lot have people have called me that... Nova works as well."

Yakiniku huh... he must be hungry she thinks as she adjusts her coat. Makes sense if he needs a lot of protein to help his nova process.

"Sounds good. After my eruption I became a primary Carnivore, so having some Yakiniku sounds great. Know of a place that is good for it?"

She scratches her head when she sees his badge still slightly tarnished by blood. "Whose blood is that?"

She was genuinely concerned.

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"Mine. I was shot twice before I errupted." He nodded. "Not the first time actually, but this was the time I nearly didn't get away." He nodded. "I know some places we can go, but I hope you have a good sized vehicle. It's about thirty minutes drive from here, north out of the heart of the city."

He nodded. "Let's go. The way my comrades are looking at me, disgusts me."

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Naomi sighed. "Well, at least my vehicle is a roomy electric. First got it when I was shuttling students about before the tsunami. Now... it's still proving useful. Let's just nevermind that. This is about you and what Department 0 can do for you as much as what you can do for us."

She smiles, stepping aside to let him lead the way back down to street level. "After you."

As they head down, her tail flicks a little bit. "I have to be honest, I'm not sure why your colleagues in the force are treating you like they do. I've... not experienced such things... perhaps it's just a adjusting period."

Once they got to the street level she shows him to the passenger seat of her electric mini-van. "I got enough range on her to get us there and home easily enough. And we got enough headroom too."

"I know, soccer-mom as a American colleague put it, but it does the job."

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"I was an unassuming man, a respected officer. Now I look like something from a video game, something terrifying."

He smiled, as he fastened his seatbelt. "You have some differences from me. "Nekojin have a popular niche in our culture, but in that they are all female. I am most decidedly not."

"While you look neat and graceful and friendly, I look powerful and predatory. That's something humanity has never liked, the notion they're no longer top dog, or cat in this case."

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"I am sure once you've been on a few missions and got into the public eye, the trust factor will improve. I have at times after my eruption been looked upon askance. But after I started helping in recovery efforts and helping around my hometown during the reconstruction effort I was looked on more favorably. Of course after all that and I was on a few cold cases, I was respected even more."

She smiles. "Once you start getting your feet under you and hit your stride, you can be a powerful symbol... perhaps even a role model."

She sits down and closes her door and buckles up. "I just have one rule for my passengers... even the ones that could withstand a crash. Buckle up. We are setting an example after all. And the seats will adjust to your height. Department 0 figured that I would have taller folk in my car."

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he nodded. "I already have. I am an officer of the law, after all." He directed her on their trip. stopping at a place near the outskirts. There was a small restaraunt, and as usual the lot was empty. "Follow my lead."

He went inside. "Captain Hideyoshi!" He smiled, even though the man there was obviously blind.

"Hello, Mr. Ogawa, a friend and I needed a latenight bite, and your wife's Yakiniku is just right."

"I'll have her get started on two jumbo orders. Not like you to bring a woman by so late."

"This is a very special case."

"Alright then, nobody's here and I'll keep it that way." The old man smiled as he went into the back.

Ryu led her to a booth and smiled. "He has this entire placed memorized, and as you may have noted, is totally blind."

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Naomi smiled. "I can see why you picked the place." She said.

She sits down and nods once he takes his seat. "Now... while we wait, I should ask first, what is the extent of your training while you were in the Police force? Also, is there anything else that may be of note in regards to schooling or other matters?..."

She adjusts herself in the seat, making sure she doesn't hurt her tail. "...and, if you feel like it, what sort of thing happened that caused you to end up erupting?"

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"I graduated from Tokyo University with a degree in Forensics science eighteen years ago. I've been on the police force ever since then, with SWAT training, and working both Vice, Homicide and several other departments. I currently am A Captain and senior detective."

He nodded. "I am fully versed in several personal combat and defense styles."

He looked at her. "I errupted because i was about to die from the Russian shooting me in the head." He sighed. "She was working for the Yakuza, they tried to renegotiate the same night we were running an op on them. Things went bad, we got caught. Three other officers died."

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"Son of a... What did this "Russian" woman look like?"

She started going down her list of Russian criminals that Interpol had been watching and monitoring. "I may know of this certain individual."

She sighed. "Seems we both erupted in great tragedy. But your skill set would compliment mine... In fact I remember working for your precinct a few months ago... I don't know if I saw you then, but... I am sorry for the loss."

Blood and conflict... I hate this. Is this our lot? She thinks. "Do you remember anything that happened during the eruption or did your world go black like it did for me?"

She adjusted herself, uncomfortable from asking such a personal question. "I... I'm sorry if this brings anything back you don't wish to remember, although I'd think getting shot in the head would probably reduce what you remember or potentially make it impossible to remember."

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"Blonde, heavy scars, over her hand and face, down her neck. Ice Blue eyes. The look of a real predator. This was the first time we'd got eyes on her directly, and she took down almost everyone."

His blue eyes seemed to flare. "My world did not go dark, it went blood red." His tone though definitely darkened. "I remember the feel of tearing through her guards like tissue paper, the sounds of bones shattering, and their dying screams."

"Getting shot didn't block it out, it brought it to a whole new level. I lost control. It was only a stroke of luck that any of them lived. It's been termed self defense, and force used in the line of duty, but I still do not feel good about it."

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Naomi blinked... To hear it described was a shock, she almost forgot to remember what the description of the Russian was.

"No way... THAT Russian?"

She pulls out her tablet from a pocket in her coat and sets it on the counter, and pulls up an Interpol dossier on her. The photo even unsettled her.

"So it was this woman huh?" She says as her tail flicks back and forth, agitated. "Not good."

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His eyes narrowed. "Yes." He nodded. They heart the old man come out, setting plates before them both, along with steaming glasses of tea. "Enjoy."

"Thank you." was Ryu's response. He looked to Naomi and nodded. "Let's take a break and eat, my mood shood improve."

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"Thank you, sir." Naomi says with a seated bow. Visible or not, it was the right thing to do.

She takes her chopsticks and clasps her hands together and says grace. Soon after, she says "Itadakimasu!" and begins eating.

Pausing between strips, her ears perk up. "I just realized something... We Novas have a higher appetite... I sincerely hope our host is willing to cook seconds... Does he... even know about Superhumans?"

Her ears droop... sincerely hoping she will not overstress the hospitality of the cook.

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"He knows what he wishes to know." His wife is not blind, and she's already seen us. To him it is not what is outside, but what is inside."

He continued eating, and the old man came out with fresh plates as they finished the first.

Ryusei smiled. "Thank you."

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Naomi smiled. "Thank you, Sir." She says, bowing again, amazed at his skill.

"So... this is... a disturbing little scenario that has brought you to this point... I don't like the fact that a wanted criminal on Interpol's priority watch-list is the individual responsible for the death of three Japanese police officers."

She leans forward and thinks as she nibbles on her meal. "What does the Queen of the Vory hitwomen want here..."

She taps her free fingers on the table, thinking as she eats. "Ryu, Once we're done here, I promise you, we will get to the bottom of this and find out what is what. A criminal of this magnitude deserves all the attention I and Department Zero can put to bringing this cop killer and her cohorts to justice."

She sighed. "Damn... I really suck at this government assessment stuff... I could assess the needs of a student in no time flat... and that was when I was just a normal human. Now... things are a lot more complex."

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"Expanding her sphere of influence. Some of the Y got in over their heads, tried to solve it with force, called her in, and now she's aced them, and moving to take their territory for themselves. The others won't stand for it, and will attack, but I can tell you this much. She won't observe the niceties. She will fight with the full might available to her."

He nodded. "You're doing alright so far Naomi. getting me to talk beyond work is no mean feat the last thirty six hours." He finished another glass of tea and nodded. "You were a teacher before, I've always respected teachers."

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Naomi blinked, if it was visible she would be blushing. Her ears move down and her tail relaxed.

"I... I was better than average... at least that's what my superiors at the school said. Then again it doesn't take much to be a exemplary teacher at an elementary school."

"In a way, I guess Department Zero is my new school... Except now I'm one of the gifted students." She leans forward. "At this rate I'd be in a school uniform."

She looked into Ryu's eyes and saw the human in him. Wounded, Scorned. "There is a human within you. Everything you've experienced comes from the human condition."

She sighed. "At least that is what my therapist says."

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Ryu looked at her and nodded. "I know. Who I am has not changed. It's the same for you I imagine." He nodded. "Not that physical changes don't take some getting used to." his tail lashed at his side. "It could always be worse." A third plate was brought, and Ryu nodded. "That will be it for toinght, send the bill to the usual place, and it will be paid in two days."

He nodded. "pleasure as always Ryu, you and your lady friend enjoy, and don't be strangers."

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Naomi smiled, and looked to the man who has need so kind and generous with his hospitality. "Thank you, Sir. Your dishes are the best. Made with love."

She smiled, resisting the urge to meow in satisfaction.

"Ryu... Are you willing to put your new talents on a larger stage. Recently I found myself in battle and found my skills wanting. If it wasn't for my training several of my international colleagues in the DSA would have died, but I couldn't fight... you can represent us when the call is made, Ryu Hideyoshi. The hero Japan deserves..."

She finishes her last plate. "As I am the Detective, you could be Japan's guardian... still a cop, but on a much, much bigger beat."

"If you are willing, tomorrow we will see your physical prowess as well as see what you are capable of. Department Zero has been developing a testing regimen to see what sort of powers a potential combat-capable Nova can bring. Of course due to our constitution you will not be going to war on foreign soil, but I have a bad feeling there may be a crime-war coming to Japan."

She cleans off the chopsticks and sets them down politely on the table. "One I am afraid I cannot fight alone."

"I need a Super-cop."

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"I'll think about it."

He looked down. "I'll consent to the testing, just to see what exactly I am capable of doing. I don't want to inadvertantly harm anyone."

"I know that war is coming and it may be the worst kind, one in the open."

He looked at her playfully, and his own tail brushed hers. "I?"

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She coughed, clearing her throat. a slight mew comes from her lips. The owner of the restaurant perks up. "Yumi-chan is that you dear?"

Naomi looked around. "Um... she's not here, but you may have heard her outside..."

He nods and continues cleaning dishes. Naomi scratches her head trying to remember to keep calm.

"I am most likely going to be assigned to get information on this impending crisis, Ryu. If the proverbial excrement hits the cooling device we're all up the creek lacking propulsion."

She sighs and sits back. Knowing the negotiations are at a crucial point. "As I said before I am not a fighter... If you see something in the Department of value, I hope my awkwardness doesn't turn you off."

"Just seeing someone else having to deal with what I am dealing with... it gives me hope. Hope that if I can get through this, I can help you."

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He smiled. "We'll see. That they thought enough to send someone in my situation, or at least something similar speaks highly for them. I wouldn't mind your help, if you'll accept mine."

He sat back his tail reappearing beside him. "So, is that all for now?"

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"No. I am the last of my family. There's no one left save me."

"The only person who needed to know was my accountant, and she's already been told. She oversees the estate and such that I was left with my parents' passing."

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Naomi clears her throat. "I... didn't mean to intrude if that was a... sensitive subject."

Her tail falls limp to the floor. She places her hands on his, the only thing that still has the human element as the palms and fingers had no fur.

"I hope that this doesn't insult you in any way, but... you are the most beautiful person I have met among the Superhuman kind. A symbol of strength. Once we win the people, trust me, there will be action figures... manga... hell they might make an anime series about you. Just you wait. You're going to be famous. In a good way."

She smiles. "The new kid always gets the third degree." Giggling she stands up. "No matter what happens, I'm there, Ryu."

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He sighed. "It's okay. I can talk about it."

Her compliment made him smile. "Considering you have met Connor Fontenot, I am flattered Naomi."

He smiled. 'Fame is all well in good, but not what I need to do my job. I do what I do to make a positive Impact, If I wanted the life of fame fortune and leisure I could have it."

He smiled and rose up himself to leave, his tail lashing about behind him. "I'd like that. and perhaps once they decide whether or not they want me, you and I can do this again, in less formal terms."

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Naomi politely stood up. "Great. Then we can meet up tomorrow at the JMSDF base in Tokyo. Yokohama to be precise. You'll be briefed for the physical tests and then... you go to town. I'll be watching, in fact. I want to get acquainted with their training program for Novas of your caliber."

She bowed to the owner and his wife. "I thank you for the meal, I would love to return."

She smiled and let Ryu lead the way outside.

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He smiled as he directed her to his home her offer one he'd take. Riding the train wouldn't be too fun. The Apartment building he lived in was nice. "I'd invite you in.." He smiled. "Tomorrow after the assessment, Dinner's on me." He smiled.

With that he head upstairs, mentally preparing for the next morning.

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The Next Day

Naomi walked into the Marina building where the training briefing would take place. She already saw the platforms for the test were deployed, and was familiar with the paintball machines that were set up on them. She never seen the process before and her abilities weren't gauged as "Alpha" grade combatant grade, so she didn't have to go through this exercise.

She sat at her seat and Head Director Nishimura with her trademark pink hair and lab coat was standing at the podium in front. "Ah, Minami-Sensei... good you've arrived! So what was your assessment of Hideyoshi-san?"

"He's all about law and order, Ma'am. For all that he is worth, the money, estates... it matters not to him. He's a career cop, and incorruptible."

"Good to hear. Does he have patriotic leanings?"

"None more than I or any citizen."


"None, Director."

"Hmm... And I know in your report it also stated that his eruption didn't have anything of significance other than his... tear..."

Naomi mewed, her ears down. Did she fail? "I'm sorry, Director. I don't think I was that good for this job."

"No, you did great. Now... I think Hideyoshi-san is on his way."

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Ryusei arrived on foot, and nodded.

"Director Nishimura, Agent Minami, a pleasure to meet you both this fine morning." He spoke with a genuine formal tone, and bowed slightly. He was dressed in a simple white T-shirt and pants, his large clawed feet padding across the concrete as he'd moved to meet them. They could see the jet black tips of his powrful claws, and he nodded. "I trust we will be moving somewhere less crowded for the assessment?"

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Naomi mewed and smiled. "Oh, it's Detective, Ryu... This isn't like the DSA in that aspect... No agents here."

Director Nishimura adjusted her coat. She laughed, sounding like a mature woman, which she was. "Now Naomi, please, I know Doctor Hitomi wouldn't like hearing you had one of your tics again."

"Sorry Director." Naomi says, bowing her head.

"That's okay... even I have my affectations..."

Director Nishimura heads to the front flat-screen and pulls a layout up of the training areas floating in the Harbor as Commander Kenji Nakamura of the JMSDF walks in, with what looked like a folded up survival suit under arm, a helmet, and a life vest as well. "Greetings everyone, thought I would get a few things before we started that was the reason for my delay."

The wizened man of 50 years looked still as spry as his academy days, even with the signs of graying hair on the temples. "Today, Captain Hideyoshi, you will be eliminating gunnery positions on the platforms we provided. The goal is not to destroy the platforms, for they are property we are trying to reclaim from terrorists. Thing is some of the platforms are still controlled by friendlies. To find out which ones are hostile, we will be sending a recon boat to the platforms, to ferret out the hostile turrets. They will mark with a paintball gun each hostile turret."

"The turrets themselves use simulated rubber rounds, they will sting, but otherwise do nothing. They will also leave a mark where they hit with red paint, no matter which side caused the damage. They also have a small device that sends a radio signal to things like other turrets or the scout boat letting it know how much damage it has suffered. The scout boat is a Zodiac boat that has been lent to us to use from Department Zero. If it suffers too many hits it will sink, leaving it's pilot in the water. If that happens, Captain, your job is to rescue the pilot and bring her back to shore without her suffering any injuries."

"She will be wearing a survival suit that is wired with receivers that will gauge what sort of injuries she has suffered, up to death. If will let out a signal if such a thing happens, ending the mission."

"Since we are aware of what sort of firepower you can shrug off, you will not require a sensor suit, Captain Hideyoshi."

Director Nishimura walks up. "We picked one of the best boat pilots in our active roster to pilot our Zodiac. Detective."

Naomi perks up, she was watching the briefing on screen. "Huh?"

"You will be piloting the scout boat and marking the targets."

Naomi looked a bit scared suddenly. "Umm...."

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Ryu looked at them and nodded. "Very Well then." He too his starting postion in the air, and he could feel his perceptions speed up. To those watching him, he seemed to shift nd move, and there was decidedly an after image effect, as he was awaiting the first target designation.

Inwardly, he was a little annoyed. To him it seemed like they were seeing him as a mobile weapons platform. That was decidedly not something he liked.

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Naomi suited up, wondering exactly what the test would be. At least the helmet was designed for her head and provided eye protection.

Director Nishimura flew over to Ryu. "You'll need this." Handing him a communicator. "Naomi down below will have one. I'm actually sure this will work out, Ryu."

Before she flies away back to Naomi for a final briefing, she turns to Ryu. "Personally... I know you're more than this. More than just a weapon. Prove it."

She flew back down to Naomi who was just about suited up.

"I hate orange." Naomi pouted.

"I know, you don't drown either... but... at least with that gear on you won't get wet. Wet fur is a bitch." The director mused, checking that Naomi's gear was on correctly. She tightened the connector for the tail sleeve. "There... that is always the hardest to get."

"Tell me about it, I had the same problem with my Oyori."

The Director nodded. Making sure the tactical vest Naomi had on was buckled right. "Hmm... one of those new models with the variable auto/manual trigger setting for the PFD... Nice. Just be careful, Naomi." She hands Naomi a communicator.

"Right." Naomi slips the communicator earpiece into the location on her helmet built for such a device. Then she hops in the boat and was handed her paintball launcher. She speeds off to the platforms as the director and the commander looked on.

Okay... remember Naomi, dodge and move. She starts entering a serpentine pattern as the turrets swiveled, looking for targets, then one locks in on her, and another. but some did not.

She pulls out her designator and marked the hostile turrets and moved to the next platform. The two hostile turrets swiveled and fired but hit only water and Naomi was old hand at this.

The second platform's firing range was only a few moments away... "Targets marked, Ryu."

"Ryu..." The Director says over her comlink "...those turrets are designed to be quite modular, so go to town. Let loose. They're just overgrown paintball guns honestly... that shoot rubber bullets..."

Naomi looks down the line, noticing there were more and more turrets as she got further in. She had that sinking feeling she would be treading water before too long. Then the idea gets into her head... She sets her vest to manual, knowing there are always options, even when you do get sunk.

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The excercise was childs play for Ryu, which surprised even him. He weaved between firing turrets taking them out with a single strike, or in one case a swipe from his claws. A half dozen turrets seemed to line up on her at once, and there was a massive surge from Ryu, as bolts struck all of them at once. Thus far no paint marred either Naomi or Ryu, and they'd already cleared half the course. He moved so fast, and with such precision, it was almost a thing of beauty to watch him in action.

"Naomi, there is a quad bunker to the left, knowing what I know, only one is a hostile. Confirm please."

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Naomi banked left and started her run, staying low to the hull (as it were) of the boat as she could while driving and managed to discover the number of hostiles... They all unloaded on Naomi's boat.

Rawrrr! Naomi screeched as she jumped overboard as the boat was riddled with hits it started fully sinking almost immediately. This was what Naomi expected. She did her best to keep under water but forgot her suit had an inherent buoyancy to it so it was a fight t keep under water. But the odd thing the discovered was as she managed to keep underwater the turrets didn't know she was there.

She swims up to the platform, right against one of the turrets and peeks up, seeing that there were no turrets that could aim at her from down below.

"They sunk my boat... how rude!"

She leaps up, propelled by her arms. And noticed the lock-on delay. She pulled out her rifle and started marking the turrets. That was a contingency though. She knew the Turrets had to play by the same rules. In a split second she calculated her every motion and made the turrets fire upon each other by moving to a certain spot and leaping again at just the right time.

The warning klaxons of the disabled turrets pleased Naomi. She didn't even have to lift a finger in anger.

"Platform neutralized." She says, and walks to the edge of the platform she was on.

"I think I'm out of range of the next platform in line... I don't dare swim over."

Then she hears the sound of something rising from the platform. When she turns she notices a mushroom-like device, and it deploys multiple barrels from it's "cap" and it fires off all at once. It was a trap! Naomi jumps overboard at the last moment. "Damn!"

"Interesting solution, Naomi, but wreckless." The Director said, pressing a button, withdrawing the mushroom mine. "You are out of the fight."

"I'm not "injured", director!"

"No, but you are a liability."

The turrets start locking in on Naomi... but this was a tell as to which ones on the next platform were hostile. Naomi mewed in fear and winced...

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