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Shadowrun: Everybody Lies - [Team Red] Back in Business


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"The odds are very high her disappearance is connected to this artifact," Valkyrie surmises. "That MacAllister didn't mention it may be from lack of interest, lack of knowledge, or an attempt to misdirect." She paused. "He seemed earnest though. Also, it's likely we're still under surveillance."

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Jian pursed his lips for the moment, though he was more focused on trying to actually get the info needed on Fiona Craig... not anywhere to be found. "Sure."

Data Search #4

Jeremy *rolls* 5d6: 4+3+4+3+5: 19 [Jeremy] 11:38 am: bleh [jameson] 11:39 am: 1

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She had been quietly listening, and letting the rest of the group lead the negotiations, they seemed capable enough. "I am not adverse to this idea, but I would like a good look at this object they want so bad, the Atlantean Foundation isn't usually interested in rocks unless they are unusual in some way or another." When she said a good look, she meant a look on the astral, to see if it was unusual on that level, but that remained for the future. "In the meantime, it seems like a chance to get paid for a pair of jobs that naturally interaction, I say we take it."

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Grimm, who had been silent through out this second round of negotiations finally leaned forward and spoke. "While I have no problems taking this man's money, i would advise caution. As Valkyrie mentioned, we don't know MacCallister's ultimate motivation regarding this rock and if push comes to shove I'd rather have him as an ally than an enemy."

Grimm paused, as if in thought. "Still there is no harm accepting this offer for now. If it turns out MacCallister has no interest in the rock then it is to our benefit. If he does, well then we will have to improvise," After speaking he leaned back again and lapsed back into silence.

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Caesar frowned a little at Valkyrie's non-answer, but the others all agreed to take the job in one way or another which made her vote of only marginal consequence. "OK, so it's agreed, we'll take this case, but keep out eyes open and play this safe. We keep the stance that, as of right now, we're not crossing anybody." He leaned in close to Valkyrie, and said quietly, for her ears only, "For future reference, an actual yes or no is appreciated in situations such as this."

Naizaire returned shortly and sat down, his comm link returning to where it had been previously on the table, "Well, do we have an agreement? Two thousand up front, negotiation for additional compensation upon delivery of the item?"

Caesar nodded, "We accept. Once we have the item and can deliver it I will contact you and we can set up another meeting." The ogre's hand dipped into a pocket within his jacket and withdrew a cred stick which is waved past the commlink, transacting two thousand nuyen to the stick for his payment. It may have been out of date for the times but there were few more anonymous means of transacting payment than by secure credstick. He waited for the others to take their payment as well, the night was young and there was much work yet to be done.

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The transactions run smoothly and Naizaire nods with a smile as he leaves the Pâtisserie. You follow him quickly taking a different turn a bit back the way you came from.

Right as you are leaving the Pâtisserie you hear several bikes approaching fast, all Harley Scorpions tagged with dozens of Gang-Tags. You make out several Norms, a few Elves but mostly Orks among them. Before you notice they’re carrying UZI IIIs the Gang opens fire, randomly shooting at people around them, mostly at the crowd leaving the Underground 93 but also in your direction.


Combat Rolls

Joani *rolls* 6d6: 5+6+2+4+6+1: 24

[Joani] 9:56 pm: 3 hits

Init 9 – 1 IP

[OOC: Combat starts – please post your action and your initiative including how many Passes you have. Everyone can roll Judge Intentions for free for more details about the attackers.]

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As soon as the bikes approached, Jian remembered the word on the street, what he'd forgotten before heading down to the meeting. As soon as the gunfire started, he started swearing at himself in his head for having done so. A gang war rumored to kick off around one's meeting place should have been a memorable red flag.

"Frakking Chulos!" He spat over the AR broadcast strictly to his teammates. "Gang war. The Cutters were trespassing on Chulo turf and dealing drugs, the Chulos want payback, and people were saying the Cutters would visit the Underworld 93 show." Immediately, he was jinking and looking for cover as he continued his explanation. "In short, I suggest we not get caught up here."

[Jeremy] 4:21 pm: Initiative

Jeremy *rolls* 8d6: 3+6+3+2+4+5+5+6: 34

[Jeremy] 4:16 pm: time to roll Judge Intentions

[Jeremy] 4:16 pm: Intuition + Cha

Jeremy *rolls* 7d6: 3+6+6+1+2+1+5: 24

[Jeremy] 4:16 pm: 3 hits

ACTION: Full Defense (Complex)


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"Aw crap." Caesar located the closest auto and made a break for it throwing himself behind the car to avoid the incoming hail of bullets. His concern was cover first, and situational awareness second, he kept his head low as he crossed the distance to the car slid in next to it. His hand slipped into his jacket searching for the hold out pistol within.

[jameson] 10:19 am: so my init stat is Reaction + Intuition right?

[Jordan] 10:19 am: yes.

[jameson] 10:20 am: so 7 ... and then I roll that many dice and add the hits to the rating to get my score?

[Jordan] 10:20 am: yes.

[jameson] 10:20 am: ok

[jameson] 10:20 am: Init 7

jameson *rolls* 7d6: 4+3+5+5+1+4+1: 23

[jameson] 10:20 am: 2 hits

[Jordan] 10:20 am:

[Jordan] 10:20 am: so 9 Initiiative

[jameson] 10:20 am: making me init 9 w/ 1 pass

[Jordan] 10:21 am: coolio. I'm glad you didn't beat Grimm's initiative... That would have been

[jameson] 10:22 am: did youpost?

[Jordan] 10:22 am: not yet

[jameson] 10:23 am: Judge Intentions 16

jameson *rolls* 16d6: 6+5+1+5+4+2+2+4+3+3+4+4+2+2+2+5: 54

[jameson] 10:23 am: 4 hits?/

[Jordan] 10:24 am: yep... lame.

[jameson] 10:24 am: *shrug*

Diving for cover so ... full defense? also drawing my gun if possible

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On seeing the attack begin, Valkyrie did not dive to cover; it would be more accurate to say she blurred there. In the space of a blink she'd gone from standing and watching in the open to crouching behind a car's hood and cautiously peeking over it to keep an eye on them. At the same time there was a click sound and a sleek pistol appeared in her hand. A quick eye would have seen it pop from her sleeve in a fast draw mechanism.

With quick glimpses to minimize exposure, she captured a frozen image of one of them and tried to assess their movements and actions on a tactical level. Was Jian's analysis correct?

Initiative (base 10, 3 hits = 13; Pass 1 of 3)

SalmonMax *rolls* 10d6: 3+2+6+1+1+3+5+5+4+1: 31

[salmonMax] 9:42 am: Init 13 it is.

[salmonMax] 9:42 am: Witness?

[salmonMax] 9:42 am: Heya Jer

[Jeremy] 9:42 am: 3 hits

[Jeremy] 9:42 am: witnesses

Judge Intention

SalmonMax *rolls* 7d6: 6+6+3+6+6+2+5: 34

[salmonMax] 9:43 am: Holy cow.

[Jeremy] 9:43 am: 5 hits

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The roaring sound of 10 Harley Scorpions make a deafening sound which is only overlapped by the bursts of UZI IIIs firing wide bursts at the crowd, including you!

Glass breaks, people scream in panic and return fire is opened just across the street by the rivaling gang - the Cutters. In a matter of seconds the peaceful post-concert atmosphere is turned into a warzone between two rivaling gangs.



4d6.hits(5) → [5,4,2,3] = (1) - Attacks Caesar

4d6.hits(5) → [5,4,1,5] = (2) - Attacks Valkyrie

4d6.hits(5) → [4,5,4,5] = (2) - Attacks Mr. Grimm

4d6.hits(5) → [4,2,1,2] = (0) - Attacks Imiri

4d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,5] = (1) - Attacks Jian

Targets were chosen randomly

Initiative for Imiri


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Once she got behind cover, fast enough to avoid the stray shots coming her way entirely, Valkyrie simply waited; keeping her head down. She watched intently to see if any of the gangsters came around behind the car to get a shot at them, but otherwise she was more than content to let the idiots mutually self-annihilate while she was safe behind a wall of metal.

(Essentially just taking full defense behind cover...she hasn't got a horse in this race for now.)

Defense roll as I go into cover:

[salmonMax] 1:57 pm: Okay. So first defense...

SalmonMax *rolls* 10d6: 6+1+1+5+6+2+3+6+5+6: 41

[salmonMax] 1:57 pm: 6 hits...

[Jeremy] 1:57 pm: that's more than enough

[salmonMax] 1:57 pm: Enough to avoid the gunshot easily...

[Jeremy] 1:57 pm: witnessed

[salmonMax] 1:57 pm: Danke, sir

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Bullets whizzed around the young elf as he moved for cover. Knowing his pistol's range, he waited, prepared to shoot any of the gang members who were stupid enough to stop and dismount from their bikes

Reaction roll to not get shot

Jordan *rolls* 8d6: 1+4+2+6+6+3+3+4: 29

2 hits

That should be enough.

Grimm is holding his action, ready to shoot if one of the ganger's steps around the car.

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Everyone leapt into cover just in time and got spared by the barrage of bullets the gangers unleashed. Bystanders on the opposite side of the street were not as lucky or prepared and people scattered around in panic yelling for help and the Lonestar or Knight Errant. Within seconds return fire was opened as the Cutters who were at the club recognised their enemies and unleashed retaliation.

Grimm is holding his action, ready to shoot if one of the ganger's steps around the car.

One of the Chulos hit the breaks on his bike and came to a skittering halt right next to Grimm but seemingly unaware of Grimm's presence as he scanned the crowd for the rival gang.

[OOC: Grimm's Hold Action active now - giving you 24 hours to respond or I move on to the next IP]

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Grimm regarded the unsuspecting ganger with cold fury. Only cowards used drive-by tactics to strike at their enemies. These bastards had no honor and didn't care about collateral damage. Well, this time these they bit off more than they could chew. The Collateral Damage was fighting back!

Grimm lifted his pistol and shot once, then quickly compensated for the recoil, aimed and shot the ganger again; all within just a few seconds.

Rolling composure for Poor Self Control - Vengance

[Jordan] 9:48 pm: rolling Composure

Jordan *rolls* 6d6: 3+2+2+6+2+1: 16

[Jordan] 9:48 pm: 1 hit

[Jordan] 9:49 pm: so Grimm is shooting this guy

First Shot - Simple Action

I am assuming Medium Range (-1), Smart Link (+2), Not sure if I get Ambush Dice so I'm leaving it out. 14 Dice total.

[Jordan] 10:10 pm: First shot

Jordan *rolls* 14d6: 1+4+1+2+5+6+3+1+6+1+2+1+6+5: 44

[Jeremy] 10:11 pm: 5 hits, I count

[Jordan] 10:11 pm: 5 Hits

Second Shot - Simple Action

Same Mods as above plus Aiming (Free Action from Krav Maga +1), and Recoil (-1)

[Jordan] 10:13 pm: Second Shot

Jordan *rolls* 14d6: 1+3+3+5+1+5+5+6+5+5+6+5+1+5: 56

[Jordan] 10:14 pm: 9 Hits

[Jeremy] 10:14 pm: *hits

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Grimm takes deadly measure and squeezes off two perfect shots. The Chulo never noticed what hit him and when he did he was already collapsing above his bike. The large Ork slid off the bike losing balance crashing against the car behind which Grimm was taking cover.

1 Chulo less…

Combat Rolls

[Joani] 10:04 pm: Defense roll vs. Grimms Attack comes now

Joani *rolls* 3d6: 1+4+4: 9

[Joani] 10:04 pm: no hits

[Joani] 10:09 pm: but I get to roll 10 Dice for damage reduction which comes now

[Kamiko] 10:09 pm: Boom Headshot?

[Kamiko] 10:09 pm: booo

Joani *rolls* 10d6: 4+6+2+3+6+5+1+5+5+1: 38

[Joani] 10:09 pm: 5 hits

This nets 4P damage on the first shot

[Joani] 10:14 pm: ok - for the second shot I get 1 Dice to roll for defense, yay

Joani *rolls* 1d6: 5: 5

[Joani] 10:14 pm: hit!

[Joani] 10:14 pm: that reduces Grimm to 8 net sux...

[Joani] 10:15 pm: he does 12P damage which I withstand with 10 Dice... here we go

Joani *rolls* 10d6: 4+4+6+1+6+5+4+5+3+3: 41

[Joani] 10:15 pm: 4 hits

[Jeremy] 10:16 pm: Mala: Yes

[Joani] 10:16 pm: 8P Damage total – ouch

The Chulo gets hit for 4 and 8 P Damage – he’s waxed.

[OOC: Next up is Smax/Valkyrie - This is IP 2]

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Valkyrie glanced over as Grimm executed the ganger. Unfortunate, that. Not that he'd killed the kid, but that it had been loud and visible. His body was too far from cover to easily get to and drag out of sight though. Still, with the return fire from the rival gang, they might not notice...or assume he was shot by one of the others. Cycle gangs were not noted as being overly discriminating on the basis of intelligence.

She stayed where she was, watching and listening for any sign the gang was taking note of their position...ready to open fire if there was need.

(OOC Sitting tight, delaying action to fire if a target threatens us.)

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The shooting continued but luckily no one really noticed that Grimm killed one of the Chulos. People were fleeing the scene or retreating back into the club and in the distant the approaching sirens of Knight Errants Units could be heard above the gunshots. This could get really nasty if you decide to stay and shoot this out.

Perception Roll for Gangers

[Joani] 2:26 pm: I'm rolling a general Perception test for the Gangers to see if they noticed any of you guys killing one of their members.

Joani *rolls* 5d6: 1+3+4+4+3: 15

[jameson] 2:26 pm: *sigh*

[Joani] 2:26 pm: nope

[OOC: Combat basically ends unless someone decides to shoot at the Gangers. You have a chance to retreat unseen – I need an Infiltration roll (1) from you guys. If you don’t have Infiltration you default to Agility.]

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Jeremy clenched his teeth as Grimm shot a Chulo getting too close, but fortunately that hadn't gotten eyes on them. "I suggest this is the time to get away from the scene." Following his own advice, he began to make his departure from the area, expecting the others to peel with him.


Jeremy *rolls* 7d6: 5+3+3+1+2+6+4: 24

2 hits

[Jeremy] 8:41 pm: witness?

[Kamiko] 8:41 pm: Oh god... Wanna see NAomi go nuts? Give her Catnip and she'll go charlie cheen.

[Kamiko] 8:41 pm: witness

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Valkyrie waited a moment to give Jeremy enough room to move, then followed, crouched down low and moving quietly. She was no ninja, but she could keep off a ganger's radar in the middle of a pitched firefight...

[salmonMax] 9:25 pm: MIght as well do Valk's stealth too...

SalmonMax *rolls* 7d6: 4+6+1+2+1+1+3: 18

[salmonMax] 9:26 pm: Hooray for the 6...

[salmonMax] 9:26 pm: Hee

[Jeremy] 9:26 pm: close, but you made it

[Jeremy] 9:26 pm: no glitch

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Caesar stood up, and walked away, unfortunately for him inconspicuous was a concept that clashed with his appearance in every single way.

Calling attention to myself
[jameson] 10:44 am: blech [jameson] 10:44 am: Sealt, default to Agl 4 = 3 dice jameson *rolls* 3d6: 3+2+4: 9 [Jeremy] 10:45 am: ouch [Jeremy] 10:45 am: Stealth is a skill group [jameson] 10:45 am: hmm [Jeremy] 10:45 am: Infiltration is the skill [jameson] 10:45 am: doesn't mean I have it [jameson] 10:45 am: [Jeremy] 10:45 am: you might have to use Edge [Jeremy] 10:45 am: Jim: Yeah, just clarifying [jameson] 10:46 am: hmmm [jameson] 10:47 am: Spending Edge jameson *rolls* 3d6: 1+4+2: 7 [jameson] 10:47 am: [Jeremy] 10:47 am: [Asarasa] 10:47 am: The smexy Ogre just can't bring himself to be inconspicuous
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When Grimm saw the others exiting the field of combat, he melted into the shadows but kept a close watch on their chatty Ogre companion. Clearly the man had more stones than common sense as he sauntered away from the firefight. Grimm's pistol was still at the ready, in case any of the bikers decided to send a few bullets his way.

[Jordan] 10:24 am: Rolling Infiltration

Jordan *rolls* 10d6: 6+6+2+3+1+5+5+5+5+2: 40

[Jordan] 10:24 am: 6 hits!

[jameson] 10:24 am: care to lend me a couple

[jameson] 10:25 am: Caesar is gonna so get waxed

Grimm is keeping an eye on Caesar and shooting anyone who looks like they are going to attack him

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For a moment the shootout seemed to escalate as more and more Cutters appeared on the scene turning the road into a deathzone. The roaring engines of the Chulos Harley's thundered through the street again as they turned around for another drive-by.

This was the opportunity you needed to sneak away and get out of the deathzone and move towards the safe zone and away from the scene. Everyone managed to duck out of danger and fortunately for Caesar who was about to take a fatal wrong turn Grimm managed to cover his retreat by geeking another Chulo who obviously had mistaken the handsome Ogre for one of his sworn enemies. Two bullets square across the chest geeked the ganger and gave Caeser the necessary time to get out of danger.

The gunshots slowly faded away while Caesar looked for a club to crash. The club named "Fade out" provided enough privacy for the team to plan their next move and recover from the sudden attack from the bike gang.

[OOC: You managed to get out of combat and sneak away. The "Fade out" is an average club nothing special, nothing run down and relatively well visited after the concert]

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Grimm motioned for the others to hold a moment while he scanned the bar for any obvious threats before motioning the others to enter. He led them to a large table at the back of the bar and sat with his back to the wall. This gave him an unobstructed view of the bar, the patrons and the exits. The little Morissey Elan was back in it's hidden sleeve holster and he was really wishing he'd brought at least one of his Predators. From now one he wasn't coming to one of these damn meets without one. Every time he did the drek hit the fan somehow.

Joani, if I need to make a perception test let me know. I'll edit this and put the results here.

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"All right," Valkyrie said briskly, as if they hadn't just come in seeking shelter from a hail of gunfire. "I suggest we proceed to the airport Hilton. My sources indicate the concierge there is well-known for having access to the booking and availability of other hotels in the area. He may be able to tell us if our target has a room nearby. If not, I'll check additional resources."

She paused, then added, "As the Hilton is not a place I have done business before, I suggest we go in person to allow Caesar to obtain access to this information. I'll conduct additional searches as we go."

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"That sounds like a good plan. Barring another random drive by I think we need to nut up and focus on finding Ms. Craig, and the chunk of rock." He nodded to Valkerie, "Any additional information on this concierge? Any vices or the like I can leverage?" Caesar looked at Grimm and Jian, "I should take one of you with me, just in case." The ogre pointed a well manicured finger at Grimm, "I'm inclined to take you after that little fiasco, you showed a good level head out there. Any reason I should change my mind?"

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"I am fine with that," Grimm said simply. "However, to be at my most effective, I will need to retrieve my gear."

He looked around at the others feeling a little more in his element. "I suggest we all do that. I don't get caught out like we just were very often and I don't like it. We need to be more prepared."

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"I'll see what I can find about him," Valkyrie replied to Caesar neutrally. "Though I'm sure a bribe would be sufficient if nothing else."

She glances at Grimm and shrugs. "I am adequately equipped for the moment."

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Imiri was quiet, she had followed the lead of the rest of the team when violence had erupted, now she wasn't sure that's what she should have done, but what was done was done and over. "I carry most of my equipment with me, so whatever the plan, let's move forward with it."

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Scene 4 Night Prowler

The Runners quickly dispatch and fetch their equipment meeting later at the vicinity of Sea-Tac Airport. The Hilton is not far and a much used Hotel for those who just briefly stay in Seattle - for business Trips usually. Like in Fiona Craig's case.

It was well past midnight by now, security around Sea-Tac was still high but not at it's peak manning. The Hilton was about a mile away. You have several options now - ask around casually, hack into Sea-Tac or call one of your contacts.

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Dressed now is what could only be described as a power suit, one that would not have been out of place at a Renraku Board meeting, Caesar felt a little more comfortable. It wasn't the fact that it was a suit, he had plenty of those that were cut equally well, but this suit was armored, and they'd already been shot at once this evening, Caesar preferred to be ready if it became twice. He shook his head grimly because he realized that if the run was completed with them only being shot at twice it was done either very well, or was rather easy. The others arrived in the little parking lot by the coffee shop. Caesar was an odd figure in that place at that time and standing next to a motorcycle, but life was what life was.

"What's your this guy's name Valkyrie? The concierge I mean. I'll see what I can do to get Ms. Craig's lodging information from him, and then we can get this show on the road." He looked at Grimm and Jian, "Is one of you coming with me?"

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Jian hadn't been much differently dressed than before, except he'd taken the time to gather up other pieces and bits of things that would make worthwhile improvised darts. This was turning, at least in the general plan, into the kind of mission where he'd be going into places with a higher likelihood of MAD scanners overall. "Sure, I'll do it. Someone needs to watch your gleaming ass, and I think Grimm might stand out a bit too much in the Hilton."

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"His name is Jason Evers," Valkyrie said abruptly as feeds routed data her way. "Male. Human metatype. Thirty-one years old. Slight discoloration in skin on left hand where a tattoo was removed due to his employment at the Hilton. He has been known to sell information regarding the location of guests for secured credsticks. In the past this has often been tied to leaks about celebrity visitors and VIP's to the media. He can access other hotels too though, not just the Hilton. It's likely he has confederates running an illicit data trade, though that has never been confirmed. The size of his network is estimated as being significant though, based on the information he's been able to turn up."

"No references about him accepting other forms of payment."

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Grimm pulled up to the team's meeting place in an old, slightly abused dull black car. He stepped out of the vehicle and his newly made companions noticed that he was dressed in the same casual business attire that he came to the meeting in yet appeared slightly bulkier than before. He felt better wearing his armor, having his predators on his person and his Nitama strapped to the underside of the trunk door.

"I got us a temporary vehicle," He said to the group and nodded when Jian offered to go with Caesar. "If you need to store anything there is room in the trunk."

He looked at Valkyrie and said "Since Jian is watching Caesar's back, I'll stay with you in case something goes sideways."

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"We can keep driving nearby," she agreed. "Oh, and Caesar, there's a mention in the data of the hotel's receptionist being an unusually attractive ork female. Is that useful?"

She looked just like she had before, except she had a visored helmet pinned against her hip under her arm. A good eye would pick out that both of the sleeves of her jacket were now suspiciously full though, instead of just her left arm.

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Caesar nodded, "OK, thanks." He turned to Jian, "I'm going in as a businessman looking to meet with Ms. Craig. You just need to look like an imposing bodyguard for this to work," he smirked, "this suit does the rest." Looking at the other he added, "With luck this should go over quickly enough and I'll find out where her room is, maybe even get a keycard. If not, well, that's why we have a hacker." He looked at the car Grimm had arrived in, "Grimm, mind dropping us off? It'll look better than a taxi or my bike."

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There wasn't much traffic at this hour and Grimm dropped both Jian and Caesar off near the Hilton and remained nearby in case of an emergency. Valkyrie and Imiri waited for their que while the handsome Ogre made his way towards the 5-star establishment.

The Hilton was pompous both in decoration and architecture. A beacon of western luxury with an extensive array of ARO of all color and effect. According to the Hilton they could tend to every wish their guests would formulate. As Caesar and Jian enter their PAN's get immediately scanned and tagged as guests without access and various arrows point them towards the reception in the great entrance lobby.

"Welcome to the Hilton! How may I be of service? Are you looking to stay for the night or do you want to check-in for longer. I upload our vacancies and prices to your PAN at once.", the young human greeted the runners with exaggerated enthusiasm. Next to him was a rather cute looking female Ork with large green eyes and rather smallish tusks. She was definitely an Ork but surely was pleasing to the eye for other Metas, too. She smiled at Caesar as he approached and tried to appear busy by checking something on her screen.

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Caesar strode through the lobby like he owned the place; attitude was as much part of a successful con as the costume and the right words. He smiled and winked at the ork, and then just as quickly ignored her completely, she was eye candy for the playboy executive, but otherwise not part of his business here. With a slightly bored expression he studied the man behind the counter, "Yes, yes, I'm here on business. I have a meeting with Ms. Fiona Craig. What room is she staying in? I'll ask you to call up to her as well. To let her know I'm here." Caesar leaned on the counter with on elbow and fiddled with his cane, looking for all intents like somebody who was too important to be kept waiting.

[jameson] 11:10 am: CHA 6 + Negotiation 5 + Glamour (3) + First impression (2) = 16

[jameson] 11:13 am: ok here we go 16d6

jameson *rolls* 16d6: 6+6+6+4+4+4+5+1+4+4+6+2+1+4+1+2: 60

[Joani] 11:13 am: 5 hits

[Joani] 11:13 am: k, here's my roll

Joani *rolls* 7d6: 5+2+3+3+1+5+1: 20

[Joani] 11:14 am: 2 hits

[Joani] 11:14 am: 3 net

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The young human smiled briefly and then gave his assisstant a nod who left and went to the backoffice. Once he was sure no one was listening concierge leaned forward.

“Yeah, I remember her. Cute one, for an Ork... She was looking for a place in Bellevue. I suggested the Mulvihill Hotel at 3225 158th Avenue SE, Bellevue. I think the Hilton wasn’t really her ‘price-class’ if you catch my drift.”, he grunted a little winking at Caesar.

“Do you want me to dial-up the Mulvihill?”, he asked eagerly while inclining his head a little and producing his PAN which he casually placed on the fine teak-wood receptionist desk. It was conveniently displaying the number 75 on it’s screen.

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Jian unlike Caesar, seemed to have a carved wood expression, with the undertones of low-level suspicion and the hovering near Caesar as any bodyguard who protected a high-level principal would of his surroundings and the people around. And a hint of menace too, his appearance seemed to say: I'm watching you, don't you dare threaten or even think about harming this man next to me, or you become the definition of 'cacked.'

As he heard the concierge's explanation, Jian recorded it in his head while focusing on maintaining the alert aspect expected of him.

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