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Aberrant: Infinite Earth - Character - Cosmos Nova Non-Players Characters

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kitty.jpgKitty Price

Personal Information:

Identity: Katrina Ralene Price

Names: Kitty

Occupation: Actress/Humanitarian

Physical Traits:

Weight: 121 lbs

Height: 5’10”

Apparent age: early 20's

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Causacian

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Handedness: Ambidexterious

Brief History: Kitty was one of those lucky few who erupted when Stonehedge opened to admit the refugees. As such, she was able to carve inroads into Hollywood before anyone else could get there. She’s smarter than she looks and has leveraged this into success, even overcoming the ‘feline-thing’ that marked her early career. Today, she is considered to be the single-hottest woman on Earth.

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esposita.jpgDr. Mariposa Esposita

Personal Information:

Identity: Mariposa Esposita

Names: Mari

Occupation: Doctor/Humanitarian

Physical Traits:

Weight: 125 lbs

Height: 5’7”

Apparent age: early 20's

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Hispanic

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Black

Handedness: Right

Brief History: Mariposa is on the most self-possessed woman in the world, holding her composure in the face of punctured arteries and Mexican gunmen threatening her patients. There is something almost untouchable about her; it could be the white angel wings. It might also just be her; there is something undeniably calming about her. Dr, Esposita was a doctor before her eruption, and she has expanded her practice and charties by using her fame to increase awareness for people in need in the slums of Mexico.

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ming.jpgXue Ming

Personal Information:

Identity: Xue Ming

Names: Ming

Occupation: Refugee/Linguist

Physical Traits:

Weight: 103 lbs

Height: 5’5”

Apparent age: early 20's

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Asian

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Handedness: Right

Brief History: Xue Ming is the daughter of a Chinese dissident, which meant that she lived a life of misery in a Chinese prison. She hadn’t seen her parents since her arrest as a collaborator, though in truth she was never openly subversive. Her crime was being related to her father. While in prison, Ming erupted and spontaneously teleported to Mexico City. She was placed in Dr. Esposita’s care while she adjusts to life as a nova. Given her gift with tongues, there is no doubt what field she will be entering.

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Director Joseph Horst

Personal Information:

Identity: Joseph Horst

Names: Joe, Director Horst

Occupation: Director of the Department of Superhuman Affairs

Physical Traits:

Weight: 170 lbs

Height: 5'10”

Apparent age: late 50's

Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: Caucasian

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Grey and not a full head of it, either

Handedness: Right

Brief History: Joe Horst started in service to his country as a buck private in the U.S. Army 1st Air Cavalry Division, fighting overseas in the Vietnam War and serving three tours with distinction, ending the war with the rank of 1st Sergeant and a transfer to Europe, where he was to be stationed as part of the NATO forces in Germany. A talent for getting the best out of his men won the Sergeant the notice of his CO, who frogmarched the noncom into officer school so that he emerged a Lieutenant. Sadly, a training accident shortly afterwards forced Horst to retire, his back no longer able to support the rigors of a soldier's life. He remained commited to serving his country, however, and after using his G.I. Bill to further his education joined the Department of Defense, serving as an able and honest Pentagon bureaucrat for the next couple of decades, his departments always running with high morale and efficiency.

When the refugees arrived and U.S. citizens started erupting, the Departments of Defense, Health and Science formed a joint initiative, the Department of Superhuman Affairs. Horst's superiors in the DOD wanted a trustworthy and able man to head up the administration and man-management of the new superhumans who, through one means or another, found themselves working for the government. He has not thus far let them down, providing an environment where even brilliant and devious minds such as those belonging to his two bete noires, Telluris and Coyote, can flourish... though he sometimes feels an ulcer coming on as a result of it.

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Director Aiko Nishimura
Head of Department 0

Full Name: Aiko Nishimura
AKAs/Nicknames: Aiko

Vital Statistics
Age: 50
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 pds
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese
Hair: Light Pink
Eyes: Brown
Handedness: Ambidexterous
Occupation: Director of Department 0, A Division of Japan's Ministry of Metahuman Affairs

Picture: Director Nishimura (Dormed)

Aiko Nishimura was born in a different era. 1962, It was the beginning of Japan's Reniassance into a economic juggernaut that would dominate the 90s, and Aiko was intelligent, cunning and insightful in equal measure. Unfortunately all she saw for jobs after getting out of high school was secretary work. It was also an era where it was still expected for women to be teachers or mothers.

She resigned herself to the fact she would not be in the boardroom sitting as a chairman, she would be taking notes and memos.

By the time she was 45, though, she was moving in the world. Managing to get into the government, working in the Ministry of Welfare as a undersecretary to the Minister of that organization. Then came the refugees, and she was in a prime position. And then it happened. Her eruption came almost right after the arrival of the refugees when she was arguing with the head of her department.

Once the government saw what her talents were, they made her the Minister of Metahuman Affairs and had her lead the new Ministry of Metahuman Affairs which was spun off from the Ministry of Welfare.

Aiko took to her role with gusto, formed Department 0, fully aware that Japan would need their Novas and Psiads. After the Great East Japan Earthquake got her secret project to in the open as she organized a cadre of Native "Nihonjin" Novas, Refugees (called "The Rescued" by the Japanese), and Psiads and coordinated with foreign relief agencies and their Nova charges under the banner of "The Nippontai Initiative".

Now Department 0 is the darling of Japan, a new branch of it's Self-Defense Force. With a united superhuman front, the possibilites are limitless!

Personality and Impressions
Aiko is a patriot and a idealist. She sees her nation and her own actions must move for the greater good of the country and it's people. She is a hard worker, but she tries to be as gregarious as she can. She has her hair well kept and takes advantage of her rejuvenated appearance to add to her carefully cultivated facade as the face of Japan's novas. She tends to switch between wearing a white labcoat-like coat over ordinary business clothes, or a sky-blue business ensemble that she likes wearing when dealing with the public.

She has tremendous insight in the Human condition, and knows how to say the right word or Know the right comprimise that convinces two parties who are in conflict to come to resolution. She is also a flier.

Chess, Poker, Strategy Games
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Zacc "Skywalker" Carson

A social recluse since the death of his parents as a young teenager, Zacc spent most of his life locked up in his room, with his older sister bringing him food when he needed it. Years later, when they couldn't afford the rent he was going to be evicted - but instead chose that moment to erupt, cordoning off the house and keeping away the people who would take his sanctuary from him. But of course, that attracted more attention - police, reporters, even the 60 minutes crew and eventually George. George stepped in following Zacc's sister and talked him out - offering him a better sanctuary and ultimately a purpose. After giving him the nickname "Skywalker" (both from his mop of hair and his use of "the force") George got Zacc his privacy - and enlisted his help - first in the negotiation and training of "Big Ben", and since Zacc and Ben have become suprisingly close - if mismatched friends and have worked as a team on a few missions.

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"Big" Ben Larryson

A working man and a "typical bloke" Ben just lived to earn his money day by day. Then one day, in a fight with his wife Mary, he knocked her through a wall. Out of fear and rage and attacked anyone who came close, until George was enlisted and went in to negotiate. Even with skywalker's shields he was beaten to an inch of his life before he got Ben to back down enough. George used his connections to arrange for the charges to be dropped, and his wife to get appropriate medial care. Ben tried to kill himself out of remorse, but due to his powers was unable to even do that, but George offered him a path to redemption, to help others in trouble. Since then, with the delicate touch of skywalker's shields Ben has been training to get his powers under control, and even managed to help in the Japan Disaster, as well as a few local cases. His wife Mary (with the help of a few nova physicians) is recovering and has never been so proud of him. He's still known to break furniture and the the occasional wall, and using fine tools like cutlery is a challenge, but when he gets too frustrated, Skywalker often steps in to help - usually without even announcing his presence. Just a brief flicker of power and the fork is strong enough to last under just that bit more pressure.

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Dr. Miyako Hitomi
aka: Dr. Omoikane

Age: 28
Allegiance: Department 0

In the world of Novas, Psiads, and even normal folk, no one is more important than a caring ear. This is all the more true when you meet the preeminent psychiatrist of Japan, the legendary Dr. Omoikane! She discovered her "empathic" talents in reading emotions and understanding the moods and psyche of others almost intuitively. When she started picking up on the thoughts of others though, she immediately went to Department 0. She was immediately enrolled into the Japan branch of the Psi Corps where she went through the typical training and eventually came out fully licensed and registered as a "Empath". One who could understand what lies underneath a person's emotions.

Under Psi-Corps regulations, she wears her pin on the lapel of her labcoat, and has a pair of rubber gloves she usually puts on when dealing with people outside of Department 0.

Personality and Motivations
Miyako can be clinical, but she is kind. The more troubled a patient is, she seems to soften even more. This seems to draw out the problems a patient has even more. Miyako cares for all her patients and wants to see them being fully productive members of society without problem.

Illustration: Taken from the Manga: "Travels of Dr. Omoikane"
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