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Aberrant: Infinite Earth - Cosmos Nova OOC

Mr Fox

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Yeah, since the UN isn't a prevalent force in metahuman affairs like they are in mainline Aberrant, while there are some standards between certain nations within certain speheres of influence, there is variances based on culture, religion, and even population.

In Japan, Nihonjin Novas and their Psiad counterparts are considered national treasures to be protected and nurtured. This has caused (and in some circles highly believable) the appearance that Refugees that are allowed into the country are second-class citizens. Thing is, Japan has been severely behind in the Nova race since they only allowed Japanese Refugee Novas (called "Rescued" Novas) and while the government doesn't hire rescued Novas, Refugees are regarded with some respect, but there is a long way to go since although they are Japanese they are yet foreign, alien residents. This weak level of Xenophobia has made "The Rescued" seem almost ignored. It doesn't help Japan's reputation that Japanese firms and even the government have courted foreign native Novas over their own Rescued population.

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I could see the Psiads making up for in numbers what they lack in power. I do like the idea of there being a fair number of low level ones with touch telepathy. And you have to admit, politicians as a rule are fairly corrupt so the idea of people being able to get into their heads and learn their secrets would spawn a serious knee-jerk reaction like passing laws that they have to register and that citizens would need to be scanned upon reaching puberty for psychic abilities, thus the discovery of so many more psiads than novas. They would no doubt also pass legislation regarding the admissibility of telepathic evidence and how it can legally be gathered.

On the other hand, the Psiads would not want it to become widely (if at all) known that there are some of them that can read thoughts without touching you. The public would be a little wary of Psiads but tolerate them if they know they have to be touched, but if it became known that they could do it without touch there might well be outright persecution. I like the idea of the allied nations of the EU and America establishing the Psi Corps, much like what you described in Japan.

I would go a step further however, the Corps is actually run by non-telepaths whose identity is kept a very well guarded secret so that the telepaths couldn't end up creating a shadow government ruling the nations from behind the scenes. In fact, their identity is kept totally secret from the telepaths themselves for security reasons, orders are delivered via electronic means so that a telepath cannot trace contacts back to the source.

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I would think they probably have a non telepathic Psi assigned to each Director of the corps that provides a haze that protects the Director from psychic scrying. In fact some of the directors may be low-level native Novas that have many levels of defense against such meddling. Of course this makes Psi-Corps highly arcane in the view of the public, and gets more than a few tinfoil hatters claiming they are part of some Illuminati plot.

Maybe this was formed not just because of some political imperative (although such an imperative is served by it's existence), but was formed primarily as a public safety response.

Of course the Japanese branch has become a bit of a problem because they are part and parcel with Department 0's interests with the "Rescued" Novas to find out more about their universe so that once they have a gate of their own they can start researching what to avoid. They don't know they are playing with fire by doing that, but... needless to say tragedies make great stories.

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By scanning, I didn't mean through technology, I meant that Telepaths would test people for the ability. They can 'feel' a mind with rudimentary shields or whatever. One of the duties that the telepaths would have to perform during their 5 years of mandatory service would be going out to schools and universities around the allied nations. Of course they would also have recuritment centers set up in major cities around the country and offer significant incentives to join up if they are 'qualified'.

This is something I would find interesting in the setting. It doesn't have to be fully formed yet however. We are still in the early stages right now. Low level Teeps would be more numerous than novas, but they would also be a lot less "special" since they can only do one thing really, and that's not all that impressive compared to a nova who can fly and shoot lightening out of their finger tips.

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Sure, in early stages ... makes sense. I too think this is a good direction to go in.

Maybe its some sort of genetic quirk ... low level touch based and self-effect psychic powers. I could see lots of low level teeps with forms of weak psychometry or empathic powers too. The touch based thing jumps out at me as the defining feature.

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Okay here is Japan as a society...

Japan since the arrival of the Refugees has been one of slow, but then rapid change. Japan was already in a economic malaise, and the refugees arriving only served to exacerbate the situation. With Japan's population starting to crash and many firms relocating to China or South Korea, Japan was looking for a win, but they mistrusted the Refugees, and the only ones they decided to take in were 7 known Japanese novas. They in turn provided the first quantum catalyst by their just being there to start priming the nation to start having eruptions.

By 2009, there were 5 native "Nihonjin" novas, and 10 by 2012. The first Nihonjin was the director of "Project: 0", Aiko Nishimura, who erupted in late 2007 when discovering a calculation that led down the road to a possible unified theory candidate. The second in early 2008 was Kei Nakano, a training aircraft crash survivor that became the embodyment of a jet plane when she flew.

As the number of Novas grew, the trend of Psiads appearing was taking shape. With Psiads being required to register for security and privack reasons, Japan started using the required training of said Psiads for national security work. This made Japan overnight the premiere intelligence agency in the world because they picked the best covert psi-operators they could recruit.

But one Psi gave a dire warning that was left unheeded and would cause calamity.

The Earthquake of March 2011 was a shock to the country both financially and psychologically. The disaster would claim many, but immediately after all of Department 0 sprung into action to create a Disaster Response team to respond to any future disasters as well as the current crisis. All Novas in Department 0 were assigned to the effort no matter what they could do. This would become the basis for "Nippontai", a team that would form up during an emergency to answer any crisis. In fact after the 2011 quake, the economic and industrial might of Japan went into disaster preparedness and the reconstruction effort.

Culturally, Japan is of two worlds. They are a thoroughly modern society, but with an eye for ancient custom. They are reserved but also have started to become more individualistic from western influence. Also after the Great East Japan earthquake, they also have started a regimented approach to disaster preparedness. This has started to cause a "Security Culture" to form. Every corporation now usually has a cadre of Psiads trained in corporate espionage, while the few native Novas provide national protection in the form of watching the nation's borders to just representing them on the world stage.

All the while Japan's popular culture becomes more and more dynamic, portraying Psiads as silent guardians of the homeland and Novas as heroes (sometimes villains). All the while, the refugee Novas that are able to call Japan home are called "The Rescued" and while they seem to have it rough, are looked upon by Japan with some curiosity, although the mistrust is there as well.

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Feel free to contribute. I've been throwing stuff out there revolving around Psi Corps. I've also got a story in mind that I want to write regarding politics and what happens when a dirty politician threatens Psiads.

Other than that, I think the US and EU would react much the way we would expect. They would be a little paranoid, so they would want to control the novas. That would be fairly impossible due to the constitution of the US and laws in the EU. So then they would settle on recruiting as many as they could while having their intelligence agencies keeping tabs on them as much as possible. Like Japan, I don't think they would trust many of the Refugees and if they recruited them it wouldn't be in trusted positions.

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Well Japan's view of Native Novas is far more amicable in the fact that because of their rarity and the fact Japan is "behind" in the node race, they treat such power with kid-gloves. But since the "Nihonjin" are so special, it is not as if they are feared, just jealously protected. Usually behind a cadre of lawyers, bodyguards (if needed), and the best equipment and support they have access to. (If anyone else is rolling up for Japan, best have Backing 5 and Equipment 5.) That, and Nihonjin in Department 0 get a pretty good Salary, excellent medical benefits, and a therapist for the rough times. Free Room and Board in Tokyo at a SDF base while spartan, doesn't hurt either if the Nova started out with not much to begin with. Although once they get established they help the new member find a place to live.

If anything, it's as best a situation one can ask for. You just spend your days on the Government's payroll, and generally on call. If the Japanese Government or Department 0 ever calls, they have ways to get you back as quick as possible. (Although with Kei, that usually entails her flying back at Mach 2.)

God help you though if you welch on your duties or actively piss them off... you'll find yourself cut off at just the time you need them. And sometimes they might set you up for the fall.

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Ooooh.... we're going down THAT road? *grins*

Thing is, I think the "Real" conspiracies shouldn't come from those places, because to be honest, any combination of Novas and Psiads would have smashed the Illuminati long ago... then started their own. ;)

Then again, Kei is just a fighter pilot and the embodyment of air superiority. She cares not of what the ground-pounders do in their little clubhouses.

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Well, once Varro gets more for the EU, I can elaborate for the UK. Anyway, just so I know I have group consensus, is there anything else marked on my sheets that can be considered in-theme other than the ones I have? I just don't want to mass discount my purchases without knowledge that I'm on solid ground.

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Recall the kind of time frame we are proposing here. The vast majority of Psiads and Novas are just getting their feet on the ground.

Yeah, but a few may have been already tinfoil hatters to start with and if not busted, they are planning to bust the conspiracys (Real or Imagined) now that they feel empowered. It's amazing how much can change in a few weeks without powers. Last spring is a prime example.

And the thing is, I know of many different conspiracy theories, some are more real to me than others. If I had suddenly the intellect and foresight to crack them... I would network with people in the proper positions and within 6 months have my own "Arab Spring", but this would be more of a western version.

The internet is a powerful tool, or weapon. Sometimes both.

But, I have to agree that there is not a critical mass yet that can move things among the Nova/Psiad communities.

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Runs over to look... rather flies over...

Addendum 1: It is of my opinion that I am going to make a few background changes and some tweaks to Kei's sheet. It should only take a few moments.

Addendum 2: Telluris is Awesome!

Addendum 3: Changes made based on the current status of the timeline. She is no longer a former JMSDF pilot since her eruption date would have made her 16. Background changed accordingly.

Addendum 4: Tweaks to Kei's sheet are done.

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I had to make a change to Kei again. Realizing the Armor was permanent I have two options. While I went with Option 2, here is what I am thinking. Advice is welcome.

1: Take Armor still, take a weakness where it requires maintenance instead of the usual permanence it has.

2: Take Force Field, and when the field is up Kei is surrounded with a field that makes it appear she has aircraft armor around her body.

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Proposal for a Forcefield build for Telluris:

Add the Superheavy extra (normally for the Armor power) to the FF.

When strengthened, which costs an additional 3 QP at time of activation, the FF provides [Quantum + Power Rating ] plus 2 soak per success rolled, in addition adding +1 Diff per rank to any attacks made against the nova. All the penalties for Superheavy (-1 Dex, -3 initiative, etc) still apply.

I was thinking this was more appropriate for a gravity-warping defence than either Invulnerable or Armor, both of which are Permanent and not really appropriate. The slowing down of Rob's reaction time, etc, could be due to the slightly higher level of effort he needs to maintain the FF at this strength.


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too powerful. It only adds at most 5 soak for armor. in addition to it's other benefits. The benefit here should be the same.

already at 1 dot it gives him +13 soak (1 success))

which is 6 more than he'd be getting normally.

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Option 3: Armor with Superheavy extra, then when she spends the quantum to active the superheavy extra it pops the aircraft armor, but the regular 5 dots remain in effect all the time.

Could that "supplimental" armor form over what Kei is wearing? That was one of the reasons why I switched to FF since it forms over what the person is wearing.

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Attunement 5. It would be unfortunate if I needed that parachute and had it rip off my accident when I armored up...

Ok I like your style. Would taking that extra force me to make it a L3 power? Are there logical weaknesses I could take to bring it back to a L2?

Only asking certain questions because I have never made more advanced and customized builds before.

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Well darn... I was thinking Armor was a L1 power, I may need to go back and check my np spending. Yeah, the extra would make it an L3, not sure what you could throw on there as a weakness to drop it's rating back to L2.

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Okay thought I'd post a second time because it is a separate subject and I think I might get quoted when people respond.

We should think of the reasons why our organizations work with each other, at least enough where we can interact as a team.

This is what I am thinking at least for Kei

US (Mech, Coyote, Psi-Cop, Telluris): The United States is the closest ally Japan has. Even with the disagreements with some hot-button topics, Japan sees the US as a close friend and is more than willing to send Kei there to assist whenever needed. After all they probably did the same after the quake last year.

UK (Mel): Relations solely with the British are like any other allied nation, they do business, nothing more. Since Kei is a representative of Department 0, and allowed much free time between actual missions, she might visit the isles once in a while. (And she has watched a couple episodes of Doctor Who and Torchwood... She's a bit of a Anglophile.)

EU (Darklighter): The EU is a major political power, that houses a traditional ally in Germany. (Japan and Germany have been allies, even before WWII, and still are.) Not to mention the EU is a major economic partner. If the EU called, Kei would be sent depending on what was needed, and Kei would have reason to occasionally dart about the alps. She only knows English though and that could be a hurdle.

Australia (32's character when complete): Australia is a Pacific Rim partner and Japan routinely does joint defense exercises with them, the Koreans, and the US routinely. And as economic partners there are trade agreements that makes them an important ally. That, and there's lots of open outback for Kei to fly around in with beautiful landscapes. Also, the Aussies are just cool people to be around.

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Quantum contruct allows you to "make" quantum powers at 1 success per 5 nova points.

I want a power to allow my character to create gadets "matter creation" style, and q-construct seems to fit.

Firstly, I would like to change manipulation to intelligence, as it is a device, not a creature. Also, I was thinking of stripping the ability for it to make multiple at a time, strip it of it's ability to act on its own and require that I have seen a blueprint of the device I am mimicing (functional copy, not good enough to fool someone into thinking its the original).

Surtr suggested the weaknesses: 3pt object only, 2pt must be wielded.

What do you guys think?

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First, Quantum Construct doesn't allow you to create powers. It allows you to create a living creature out of quantum energy. That creature at certain levels may have powers of it's own.

Now with Surtr's suggestion, you make it where the construct must be weilded. Now I say there should be a further change.

You cannot make a living thing with it. As such, it has no stats, and can be broken/used/disarmed like a normal device in your hands.

I would say that would be a 2 pointer I think.

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