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[Seventh Sea] [Characters]


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Fernando Salazar was born to a housemaid of a ranchero’s don, Constanza, and no confirmed father.

Growing up Fernando was often teased for being a bastard and was often accused of various little crimes growing up due to his looking Vodaccian, and every Castillian knows that Vodaccians are a lot of criminals; he often got into fights with other children over these matters, not doing his reputation with the neighbors any good. He didn’t need to get along well with the neighbors, he had his family; he played games with his cousins and often got into trouble with Miguel and Hector; listening to his grandfather’s stories and songs; tagging along with his mother and grandmother to the market and helping them cook.

During one of the many festivals that the people of Castille hold, Fernando heard the most beautiful singing. Following the music to the source he discovered a girl with roses in her midnight dark hair, her beauty magnified by the lights of the festival. There was no need to go out and find the girl who would eventually be his wife, she was there in front of him. Attempting to get close and praise the girl for her voice, more to just talk to her really, he saw the girl be lead off stage by a man he could only assume to be her father and he recognized the smug aristocratic face of Jorge Domingues, meaning the girl was Estella Domingues. Despite all rational thought saying that he shouldn’t pursue her he resolved to make Estella Domingues his wife.

Afterwards he went to his mother, Constanza, and grandmother, Floriana, and asked them what he should do to have this girl fall in love with him. Floriana told young Fernando that his grandfather held the answer to that question. So Fernando asked Sebastian Salazar, his grandfather, to teach him to play the guitar. As Fernando was taught the powers of the six strings news of Fernando being in love spread through out the family and despite the teasing, the whole family supported him.

Fernando when he was confident that he had learned all he needed to know he went of to the Domingues house. Outside, on the courtyard wall, Fernando began to strum his song and like he had followed her singing, Estella followed the music. After the song she praised him on his performance and asked him to come down from the wall to talk and he gladly obliged. That night when he returned home he had the most pleasant of dreams. The next day he returned and Estella had been waiting for him, and while he played she sang and after that they would talk until sunset. This was the way they went about for some months, until one misfortunate afternoon.

During one of their secessions Jorge Domingues marched into the courtyard to discover his lovely daughter being tainted by that filthy Salazar bastard. With a roar the master of the house grabbed the intruding bastard, and despite all the pleading from the daughter, through the boy out onto the street and told him never to talk to Estella again. As youths do, Fernando ignored the command and the two continued to meet away from the Domingues house.

Despite the joy that Fernando felt with Estella, he felt that he hadn’t earned the right to be with her. So in order to acquire that right Fernando sought to join the Aldana Swordsman School in order for Jorge to see him as an equal. Everyday he went, he would be turned down admission until the day one of the masters of the school, Diego Alvarez, said that such determination and spirit was necessary for a swordsman and accepted young Salazar as his apprentice. Diego drilled Fernando for years, reducing his and Estella’s shortened time together even more. Diego stressed the importance of defense but did not under cut the necessity of offense and all the while he transferred his love and views of being a swordsman. Through strenuous training and proper incentive Fernando learned the teachings of the old man.


During a day of rest Fernando was walking through the town and was enjoying the fact that no one attempted to provoke him or shove the blame of some kid on him. The walk was just to the market for an ingredient his grandmother had forgot. He wasn’t expecting to see anyone or do anything, but he caught sight of Estella and her father. Not willing to give up the secret that he and Estella were still meeting with one another he attempted to avoid the two, but his eyes stayed locked on Estella. If they had not stayed he would have not seen Papi Domingues talking to a youth a few years older than Fernando and making gestures about Estella as a merchant does his product. Fernando found his feet moving towards the three, his stomach burning. He stopped before the guest and spoke.

“I, Fernando Salazar, challenge you, señor, to a duel.” The handsome older youth’s face contorted into an amused sneer and proceeded to a deep, rich laugh.

“Oh, señor, that is quiet hilarious,” the youth responded after his laugh. “Why on Théah would I accept a duel with a commoner?” He dropped his voice, “As a member of the Swordsman’s Guild I’ll have to punish you for violating the law.”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that, amigo, I am also a member. So do you accept or decline?”

“I’ll only accept if you can provide evidence that you’re a member.”

“My master is Diego Alvarez and I have studied under him and the Aldana School for the last seven years.”

“Diego Alvarez, eh? I had heard that he had taken an apprentice, I just can’t believe it is someone like you. Señor Domingues, is he really Alvarez’s apprentice?”

“Unfortunately, it is true that Alvarez did accept this half-Vodaccian scum as his apprentice.” Domingues confirmed while glaring knives into Fernando. Fernando ignored it.

“Accept or decline, amigo, I haven’t all day.”

“Very well. I, Alberto Cortez,” Fernando’s eyes widened at the name, “decline your challenge. I see no reason to duel with some peasant with a sword, especially a Vodaccian one. Have a nice day.” Cortez turned around and started off

“First, Alberto, I’m not Vodaccian,” Fernando called. “Second, I guess that the whole town will have to hear about the don’s son running away from a duel.” Domingues grabbed Fernando and slammed him against the wall.

“I don’t know what you’re doing, Salazar, but you’re not impressing anyone.”

“Let the fool down,” Cortez said, returning. “If it is so important for this mongrel to learn its place, I will gladly teach it. I accept you’re challenge.”

“Buena. The duel will be to first blood. You can pick the time and the place.”

“Fine, I needed something to do tomorrow. My home. Tomorrow, an hour before noon. I’ll work up an appetite teaching you where you belong.” With that he nodded back to Domingues and walked off. Fernando was still being held against the wall by Domingues. The elder swordsman looked back from the figure of Alberto Cortez walking away to the pinned Fernando, astonished.

“You must be crazy as well as stupid.” Domingues whispered. With that he let Fernando go and marched on home, calling Estella along. She had been watching the whole thing and hadn’t said a word. Fernando stood up and flashed her the same smile he always did when he would depart. Estella didn’t smile back and before she could speak her father called to her to get moving. She gave Fernando a look of concern before going to catch up with her father.

For some reason, that look didn’t sit well with Fernando.

Fernando and Diego were walking down a corridor to the site of the duel. There was ten minutes until the hour before noon and Fernando had already told his master what had happened.


“This is madness, Fernando,” the gray haired master said again. “You’re dueling a Cortez. And for what? Approval from the father of the girl you like?”

“Love,” Fernando stated. “And it’s not for approval. I’m making sure that Cortez won’t take Estella to be his wife against her will.”

“Your views are so convoluted,” Diego muttered.

“Besides, it is not madness for me to fight Cortez,” Fernando began as he tightened his glove. “The guy is a rich spoiled brat. He probably slacked off during his training because he thinks he’s untouchable.”

“Maybe so, boy, but he has more years of experience than you do and he has been taught by dozens of masters.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t have you as a master, did he?” He offered his hand out for his sword.

“Flattery won’t make a difference in this duel, Fernando,” Diego handed his apprentice the blade. Fernando checked the sword quickly before sheathing it once more. The blade had a dangerous beauty and it filled him with confidence.

“I have one thing this rich brat doesn’t have.”

“And that is?”

“A reason to win.”

“Yes, and it is a chauvinistic, convoluted one. But he has the reason to win because you threatened his honor.”

“What do nobles know of honor?” Fernando joked as he began to push open the door.

Diego sighed. Overconfident, prideful, and blinded by love, Diego Alvarez knew how to pick his apprentices.


When the apprentice and master stepped into the ballroom they were both taken aback at the number of people. Diego recognized apprentices and masters from the school as well the upper echelon of the crowding around Cortez. The lad looked comfortable and confident. Diego also noticed Alonso and Aracely Cortez on the balcony.

Fernando’s eyes didn’t make a note of any of those people, his eyes only saw Estella and her father standing off to the side. Estella was closer to him and her father was closer to the young Cortez. Fernando was confused as to why she was here. This duel was supposed to be private.

“I hope you didn’t mind my inviting some guests, Fernanda,” Cortez called. The room fell silent.

“Not at all, Alberto,” Fernando responded as he ignored the intentional feminization of his name. The young noble’s expression soured at being referred to by his first name by a commoner. Fernando took his place, but did not draw his blade. There was still five minutes before the duel would begin. “I’m glad I could give you something to do today. Prophets know that young master Cortez needs to keep his hands busy.”

“Are you happy that you’ve gotten your chance to duel with better stock, Salazar? I hope you are because I am going to remind you of where you belong.”

“I don’t need reminding of where I belong. Now is the sword that you’re going to be using your tongue, because I would gladly disarm you if that were the case.”

“Isn’t this low life amusing?” Cortez asked the crowd around the two of them. “No, we will be using swords. Are you prepared to lose, mongrel?” He drew his blade.

Fernando smiled and drew his sword. “Not at all.”

It was an hour before noon and the two young men began. Fernando took the first strike, only for his strike to be parried. He attacked again and again with Cortez batting the blade away each time.

“Your form is horrible and your strikes are far to predictable. As I expected from you, Vodaccian,” Cortez said as he and Fernando circled each other.

“I’m not Vodaccian. I am Castillian. Just like you,” Fernando responded, speaking the last words slowly.

“You’re nothing like me, mongrel,” Cortez growled as he began his assault. Fernando was surprised at the speed of the attacks. They were nowhere near Diego’s speed but still faster than any strikes Fernando had parried before. Fortunately, Diego’s training held up. On Cortez’s last strike of the assault, Fernando parried the strike and struck at Cortez’s eye.

Cortez was lucky and fast on his dodge, only a lock of his hair was cut off. There was a gasp from many of the people in the room.

“You cut my hair.” The noble said weakly.

“You’re welcome.” The duel continued. The crowd, Estella, Diego, and Domingues were impressed at the speed of the two young duelists. The crowd couldn’t believe some nobody was on par with a noble, however Estella and Diego believed it possible.

The clock struck noon and the two young men stopped fighting. The two didn’t let their eyes off each other as they took a moment to catch their breath. Cortez started chuckling and Fernando began as well. Soon they were caught up in their laughing. The crowd began to laugh too, but uneasily. As the two swordsmen’s laughing died down, Cortez began to clap his off hand against his wrist.

“I think that this match has really been more of a spectacle than I first thought. Truly this is a testament to the skill and talent that,” Cortez took a deep breath, “Master Diego Alvarez has at teaching the Aldana school of fencing. Let us applaud him.” The crowd began to clap with Cortez. Fernando was too tired to say or do anything about what Cortez did, but he didn’t let his guard down.

Lucky he didn’t. While the crowd was caught up in clapping Cortez rushed at Fernando and struck. Fernando batted the blade aside but didn’t riposte.

Cortez then brought his blade up to Fernando’s cheek and flicked his wrist. Fernando felt the blade cut his skin and then the warm trickle of blood going down his cheek.

He lost.

Cortez began laughing and there was applause from the crowd. It didn’t register to Fernando. His limbs were heavy and it felt like his stomach was trying to eat itself. Domingues walked over to Fernando, probably to add insult to injury but Cortez stepped over to Fernando first wearing the smug smile that he had when the two first met. He looked Fernando dead in the eyes and said:

“I told you, mongrel; you are nothing like me.”

Fire flew through out his body and Fernando felt his heavy sword arm slash up. There was a unanimous gasp from everyone in the room and silence fell again. Fernando suddenly came aware of everything around him. Cortez on the floor clutching his right cheek. Estella with her hands covering her mouth. Diego eyes wide staring at Fernando. Cortez’s mother standing up and a smile of satisfaction on Alonso’s face. Domingues bending down to look at Cortez’s wound.

“I beg to differ,” was all that came from of Fernando’s lips. He let his sword fall from his hand and didn’t give anyone else a second glance as he turned and went back to his home.

He saw himself in the mirror when he got home. He now had a thin red line down his right cheek. He cleaned the wound and prepared his bag. He walked out the door with a simple kiss on his mother’s head when she tried to stop him. He couldn’t stay anymore. Fernando came to the edge of town when he felt a tugging on his arm.

He turned and saw it was Estella with tears in her eyes.

“Where are you going?” her voice was choked up. He moved his head in the direction of the setting sun. She slapped him on his cut cheek.

“That’s not an answer. Where are you going?” Her voice was still choked but harder this time.

“To be worthy,” he whispered.

“To be worthy of what?”

“You.” Another slap, the same cheek.

“Why? You’re already worthy, you’ve always been worthy.” He opened his mouth to say something but any words he had to say were stopped by her kissing him. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said soundly, “but I don’t deserve to be with you until I redeem myself.”


“I struck the victor of a duel I lost, it was a thing a coward would do. And no coward deserves to be with you.” And with that he turned and left his family, his master and his love.

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Fernando Salazar


Merchant Sailor

Swordsman’s Guild member







Hubris: Overconfident

Swordsman: Aldana School

Fencing: Attack-2, Parry-3, A. Feint-2, A. Riposte-3, A. Tagging-1, A. Exploit Weakness (Aldana)-1

Courtier: Dancing-1, Etiquette-1, Fashion-1, Oratory-1

Artist: Musician (Guitar)-2

Sailor: Balance-1, Climbing-1, Knot-work-1, Rigging-1, A. Leaping-1

Advantage- Swordsman’s Guild

Background: Defeated

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Sorry for the low quality of this. It may need to be edited later.

Sven Lorakson, first born of Lorak Kleigson, heir apparent to the territory of Savanvjarnaholt, entered this world the same as most people, as a helpless, mewling babe. Far too many forget that everyone's birth is equally humble, whether born in a palace or a hut, and that even the strongest warrior was no more than a child in his time. His birth was extraordinary in its inauspiciousness--not that there were bad omens, but that there were no omens whatsoever. The skjaeren and skalds of the court looked to the world and the runes for hints of what kind of person Sven would be, only to find that no traditional omens were to be found. When cast, the runes always wound up face down, there was a distinct lack of unusual weather, animals behaving strangely, things going particularly well or poor--nothing. There was a raven calling out various runes, but as that raven belonged to a half blood Usuuran who had, in a moment of madness everyone regretted, taught his bird how to speak the runes and a wide range of profanity, this was not particularly unusual.

His childhood would seem strange to the nobility of any other land. To many outsiders, it seemed that the Vesten did not have nobility. They did not have counts, dukes, or barons, instead only having three real titles: High King, ruler of the entire country, a position that had been unfilled for many years; the low kings, the men who ruled the various lands and who gathered to choose the new high king; and the Jarls, the generals who guided the war parties and who took care of the defense of their homes. In many lands, the same person served as both jarl and low king, especially in the poorer regions.

Even low kings and their heirs were expected to work. There were no pampered man-childs of the Vestenmannavjnar; such a person would soon find themself disinherited. This was a harsh land, ruled by a harsh people. Sven learned to help with the fishing boats, carried smaller rocks from the farms to where they could be used, or at least where they were out of the way, and otherwise helped with menial tasks between his lessons with the skjaeren on runes, the skald on history, and the jarl on combat. Early on, he was forced to choose between pursuing the magic of the runes or the fighting style of his teacher, the jarl Sonja Bloodaxe, a student of the Siggurdottir fighting style. There just wasn't enough time to devote to both. As much as he admired his teacher, though, he decided that he could be of more help to his people by mastering the runes. This was a decision that greatly pleased his father, more for the reasoning behind it than the decision itself.

His time spent studying the runes was shared primarily with one other student, a girl who had moved to the area with her mother when they were both too young to have started their studies. They grew up together, and grew close through their mutual love of the runes and passion for the stories of the great heroes of the past.

When Sven first told his father that he was planning to propose to Kadlin Clearsky, his father was happy for them both. While her lineage was unknown due to her mother's unwillingness to talk about her past, she had something more important than pedigree: the respect of the people. That she possessed rune magic as well, ensuring the strength of the runes in their children, was another thing in her favor. His father, however, set a condition before they could wed, that Sven prove himself mature enough to run one of the lower fiefdoms competently. Each of his two younger brothers and younger sister would most likely wind up running one of the fiefdoms or taking over the position of jarl, should they prove themselves competent. The most competent child would be selected to inherit their father's seat, but so far Sven had held onto that distinction both by the advantage of being first born and by showing maturity and care for his people, though he could be a bit rash at times.

Not even a full month before they were to be wed, Kadlin's mother died. Kadlin was very quiet until the funeral. The day after the funeral dawned with her completely missing, with no word to anyone. Sven has now set forth with the primary intention of finding his lost fiancee, and maybe getting the chance to live a story like the ones he had so long admired. His sense of responsibility had always overridden his need for adventure, but now that he had a legitimate excuse...

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