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Aberrant: Children of Quantum Fire - Drop the Bombshell [5.8]

Quantum Fire

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Marina maybe be the plainest (but realistically, still goddess levels of beauty) of the three models in her family, but she makes up for it in enthusiasm and raw grace in her movements. She poses for her shots, paying extra attention to the instructions and comments the crews give her. As she heads off to take a break, she enters the dressing room, wiping her forehead, overhearing the tail end of her sister's conversation.

"It should, but I still wouldn't completely trust it if I were you , Cora" Marina said entering. She slowly reaches for a ...for lack of a better term, outfit. "Just don't go revealing the finer points of the plans. Kay?" She stares at her outfit and then looks at Maia's. "Did either of you honestly see us doing this last year?" She said chuckling. The young water elemental clearly is enjoying herself today.

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Perhaps I should have called in a favour from one of the photographers I know, Jason mused, watching the effect four unearthily beautiful women were having, though it might not have made a difference. Jason rarely had shoots were other women were showcased equally - it was usually unfair to compare any other woman to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Jason nodded back at Coraline, a flicker of concern in her devastating indigo eyes. The upbringing these girls had had left lingering scars of paranoia beneath their flawless complexions. A certain wariness was healthy, but not when it started to affect every moment of living. She hoped she could help them, though she found the reactions of most novas to the fertility and breeding issue to be rather... extreme.

"I was in the same bought as you girls when I first started modeling... and acting for that matter," Jason comment wryly, a half smile on her lips as she saw Maia and Marina beginning to relax some and enjoy themselves rather than being self-conscious. "I had never imagined myself posing half nude and more. But when life throws you a curveball, you have to adjust or risk striking out."

With that, Jason took her turn on in front of the camera, dressed in a deep plum, satin babydoll gown and a racy, black bra and panty set. The younger girls all possessed dizzying amounts of beauty and grace, but Jason had the experience and the bewitching presence that translated through the camera which made her set somehow... more. Making her own suggestions, Jason had to admit, Jacob was doing an admirable job of controlling himself while continuing the photoshoot. She'd have to remember him for future shoots and opportunities.

Jason sashayed back into the change room, the babydoll gown slipping from her shoulders, and beeped her daughter on the nose. Danica, her eyes wide at the sight of the beautiful women, still looked sort of bored watching them model underwear. And true, though they seemed to be easing into it, the girls still gave the lingerie a suspicious glance the less of it there was.

"How 'bout we move to evening wear, girls?" Jason suggested. "That would be alright, wouldn't it, Jacob."

"Of course, of course! Any more of you goddesses in lingerie, and the advisory warnings on the photoshoot would be so high it would be counter-productive to continue." Jacob assured them.

"Yay! Dresses are better than underwear!" Danica squealed, making her opinion known from outside the changing room.

"Plans?" Jason murmured with a brow arched at the sound absorber as she slipped into a classy and sensual tuxedo cut for woman's figure that she had been chiefly responsible for popularizing along with a pair of five-inch stilettos.

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Coraline had to agree that dresses *were* better than underwear, some of these something she'd actually want to mold her eufiber into, and she started looking more interestedly at the items they were to try on for the first time that day. Combined with Alex giving a mute 'okay' gesture regarding the privacy device, she relaxed more.

Well, at least, once she turned on the device, and it was clear Jacob had left again anyway.

"I can cure nova infertility. At least for a little bit and for a few novas at a time. And I want to. Because it's important for more of us to have the hope of families than those who accidently escaped Utopia's cocktail," blurted the young metamorph with a defiant look at her sisters, "I just don't know how we'd survive setting up that kind of service. The Motherhunters use so many innocents to find and kill us."

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Jason inhaled sharply, the slight grimace on her perfect lips doing nothing to detract from her radiant beauty. She spun around from the vanity, perching on the corner of the desk, legs crossed and arms folded beneath her abundant bosom. Her divine visage was smooth, her calm expression giving nothing of her thoughts away and her indigo eyes glowed with a piercing light.

"Now that is subject to a great deal of debate," Jason admitted in a low voice. "Makin' your... services available to any and all would indeed make you a target. And there is little you'll be able to do to keep it secret for long if you try to keep it quiet. In the Nova Age, there are simply too many options available. You could try to go public like I have, but... It's a paper-shield." She smiled sadly, a melancholy light in her eyes before they sharpened on Coraline once more. "I assure you, there will still be attempts. And more, I'm just one person with a single child. You would be seen to be responsible for a great deal... more. In some ways, it is easier to attack a service provider than a single individual, there are more who can be blamed for it."

Jason sighed and began pacing, her heels not even making a whisper under her fluid gait. "Though I'm sure they have valid reasons, I wonder if all those who hide their fertility and children are actually aiding the motherhunters. I know not everyone has my, hmm, public pull, but it seems they are partially doing the motherhunters work for them - they can be attacked with virtual impunity, the reasons unknown to the rest of the world. Despite what you may believe, it would not be tolerated by the vast majority of the public. But I know - oh, how I know - what it is to fear for a child."

She began tapping her lips with a pair of fingers, looking at Coraline speculatively. "Forgive me, but let me play devil's advocate for a moment. Say you do get this service started, who would be welcome? Anyone? Even those who exacerbate the conflicts between novas and baselines? Those so highly tainted they are insane psychopaths and cannibals, or less than animals? Would you charge people or put caveats on their actions and/or behaviors for the gift of being allowed to breed? There are mostly likely many who would accept them, but then you have the weight of determining who should be allowed to breed and who not."

Her voice hardened into a sharp song. "But I tell you, I and my daughter have been threatened more by novas than baselines. I have no sympathy for those who put my daughter in danger, those who made the choice willingly, misdirected or not. There is some leeway for those who have had their wills stolen from them, but not much. Would you grant an apologetic motherhunter your gift?"

Jason regarded Coraline, cocking her head pensively. "If I may ask, why are you thinking about this now? You are what, seventeen, eighteen? Are you thinking about starting a family already? Are you concerned about the fate of the Nova subspecies? Even with the actions of the motherhunters, we are still growing in numbers. And here is something else few Novas really consider - our lifespans are greatly increased." She nodded at Alexandra. "In some cases indefinitely. We have a much longer time frame to reproduce. If you look at if on the species scale, every single nova birth counts as a greater increase of the population than it does for baselines. I'll admit, having Danica was a complete accident, though one I'm eternally grateful to have happened. Still, if we reproduced at their rate... soon, too soon, there wouldn't be place for both of us on this world. I certainly don't condone their actions, but they are right to see many of us as threats, because we are."

Jason sat on the edge of the desktop once more, shaking her head. "The fertility thing... it's a very tangled issue, nearly unravellable. My suggestion, if you wish to hear it, is... pursue this at a personal level to start. Help your friends and family, those you care about or those you know well enough to handle the ordeal and who will make good parents. Selfish perhaps, but I prefer to think of it as enlightened self-interest. I would like to see my child growing up in a world focused on peaceful coexistence rather than one side trumping over the other. And in the meantime, work towards making the idea of novas breeding being acceptable, not a threat to all those who see us as one."

Jason shrugged, then flipped on a stylish fedora with a flick of her wrist and stood up once more. "That's what I'm tryingto do, but it's not easy being one of the very few admittin' I'm fertile and have a second-generation nova child."

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Subject to the focus of Bombshell's full attention and overwhelmed by it despite her best efforts, Coraline couldn't help but smile and take mental notes of the challenges to overcome, the expression only failing to a quick flash of guilt during the mention of 'apoligetic motherhunters', an ebb in the pink fog of Jason's charisma. "I don't know," she cheerfully confessed, happy to find someone to helpfully talk about this topic, "But thank you for giving us the kind of questions I need to answer to find out. Alex and the others have been rather unhelpful in that way, and... I've been hiding for 17 years. Now that I can help, I *want to*."

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Maia looked at Cora and then to Alex. "Because we've been trying to establish an unassailable position first Cora, you know that. If you start your service and we aren't ready, They could hit with more force than even we could handle."

It was a discussion Maia disliked having. They were seventeen. She was of the opinion they should wait, or if possible un-sterilize everyone all at once.

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"The specter of rapid nova population growth is a destabilizing variable on the global stage," Alex said, folding her arms. "Introducing it publicly would reduce the amount of time we have by forcing the hands of several factions."

"Use the gift as you see fit, but I'd recommend using it only on novas who are intending to stay with us, at least for now."

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"There no harm in asking questions to an expert under privacy protection that Alex herself vouches for," Coraline argued, considerably less willing to just lie there and take it from her own siblings than she was from Bombshell, "But Butch is going to get around to organizing this meeting of his *eventually* and I wanted to at least start having an idea what to say when he does. Forgive me for caring. I get it, we wait until everything else is ready and then act to give back what Utopia stole from us. Just... Planning stages, ya know?"

The young metamorph grabbed a black dress off the rack and vanished behind cover to change into it

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Jason bowed her head and bent her knees in a fractional, playful curtsey, heavenly voice wry. "I'd hardly call myself an expert, Cora, just a mother, but thanks for the vote of confidence." Hearing the girls squabble a bit, Jason wasn't unduly concerned. Though the subject matter was heavier, they sounded like family everywhere, related by blood or no. She gave Maia a level look, then nodded at Coraline. "You might find you could hit back with more force than you realize, with equally disastrous results. Start small, plan big. What you want isn't an unassailable position, but one that isn't assailed at all."

When Coraline mentioned Utopia, the girls witnessed the first hint of disapproval from Jason. It was no more than the lowering of her perfect brows, a slight narrowing of her glorious eyes, but from a woman like Bombshell, the disappointment she felt struck them a blow, not harsh, but evident. "I don't know what you may have heard or believe you have found out, but don't blame Utopia for the surprisingly low fertility of novas. I may not agree with all their actions and their insistent recruiters, but they have done a lot for both novas and baselines, and the world in whole. And I have many friends who work with them and for them, and met many more. They are good people, even if some of them are arrogant, assholes, self-righteous and sanctimonious or all three. If nothing else, their PR department would have a fit with such a disgusting conspiracy hanging around Utopia's neck."

Jason softened her judgement with a smile, arching her brows in apology. "Sorry to harp on you, Cora, but I know how rumours breed and multiply. I'm unfortunately resigned and accustomed to it, but I don't enjoy seeing it happen in front of me, especially to those who don't deserve it." Jason waved at the door with her gloved hands. "Just let me do my turn on the catwalk, and I'll be right back to answer more of your questions, Cora. Well, at least give what feedback I can, I honestly don't mind. Ask me what you want."

With that, Jason strutted out, hips swaying sensually, utterly feminine yet undeniably powerful. Men always looked good in a tux, and she had made that doubly true for women, with the right cut of suit. Jason couldn't help thinking back to her wedding day, her and Danielle both in tuxedos specifically designed for their dramatic figures. Her lips curled fondly - almost making Jacob and those looking through the cameras faint - as she reminisced of the wedding dress she had worn for Danielle alone later than night.

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Jason didn't know about the cocktail and Utopia's role in unwittingly distributing it? What? But she seemed so cappable and well-spoken, how could she not..?

The thought disconcerted Coraline and knocked her somewhat out of her pink fog, especially as the older Nova left, Bombshell's disaproval running headlong into a truth the young metamorph knew in her heart of hearts. Sure, she may have been imprecise in not blaming Proteus and Aeon directly, but still... She emerged from cover in a tasteful black dress with a split down one leg, ready for her first go in an outfit she would enjoy wearing.

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When Bombshell returned from her turn, Alex waved her over. "A couple things..." she said in a low voice, not meant to carry. "Cora's more...militant...than some of us on the subject of the Fertility Police. She's had it very rough, and has some good reasons to feel the way she does. Also, just maybe food for thought, Proteus may only be a clandestine piece of Utopia...but it's still part of it. There's a point in the command structure where both Utopia and Proteus answer to the same leaders. That doesn't change the good that Utopia's done, but it does, in my view, throw their overall motives into question."

She shrugged. "Anyway. Just so you know where we're coming from. Sometime when there's time we'll tell you about the kids we busted out of a Proteus facility, and what was being done to them there. Might want to put Dani to bed first though, if you get me."

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Bombshell sashayed back into the change room, noting the conflict in Coraline's expression, but waving her on to her set in front of the cameras. Standing behind a change screen, her back turned to Alex, Jason listened to her with grave intent as she stripped out of the tuxedo. When Alex finished, Jason gave her a flat look over a smooth shoulder, her silver hair weaving itself into an elegantly simple braid under its own accord.

"Thank-you for sharin' that, Alex, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you on a couple of points," Jason replied in an equally low tone, though it still rippled like the sweetest music. "I've heard of Proteus, yes, and the things surrounding them would give anyone pause, but considering them part of Utopia is like calling rot a part of the apple. They are more of an... affliction. One Utopia was been making every effort to excise. And though they may answer to the same leaders, those leaders rarely tell the right and the left what they other is doing, I think. And I believe in this case, the left hand, that is, Proteus, tells them only what they wish."

Slipping on an asymmetrical soieleau dress with a vivid tribal pattern that hung from a single shoulder, Jason spun around, facing Alex directly. "Don't go making the mistake of painting Utopia and Proteus with the same brush. They are two completely different agencies and they don't share the same ends and most emphatically don't share the same means." Her enticing lips pressed into a firm line as she laced up a pair of open-toed sandals that wrapped up to the knee. "If there must be hate and anger, make sure it's directed at the right target, otherwise the pain will spread far and wide."

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"Don't misunderstand," Alex said, "I don't hate Proteus or Utopia. On the contrary, I think I understand them both. Utopia's creators were largely taken by surprise by N-Day. They might have known something like it would happen eventually, but not specifically when. That would explain the frantic pace of their early discoveries. Utopia's goal was then what it is now...peaceful coexistence of baseline and nova. However, they also felt they needed more time. The sudden appearance of not just a few novas, but more and more every day meant that things were getting out of control...rolling ahead of them. So they did what they felt they needed to do in order to keep on top of the situation. They implemented a plan to control nova reproduction. Trying to deal with new eruptees AND fresh batches of next-generation novas all at the same time was simply something they couldn't do."

Alex shrugged. "But like any lie, once it started it just kept getting bigger. Pretty soon it was pretty clear to anyone who knew the whole story that Utopia's dream was hanging by a thread. All it would take was one leak. One disgruntled person in the know. And the whole thing would come tumbling down. Enter Proteus. It was designed, from the start, to do two things. It would get dirty with the ops Utopia couldn't be associated with...and when the time came, it would take the fall for the sins of the past too. Thus preserving the core mission."

"It's a noble mission, though in the end I think coexistence will be more complicated than they give it credit for. The point though is just that regardless of who Proteus takes its marching orders from now...and regardless of how rogue it's gone...it nevertheless is a fact that it's performing precisely how it was always intended to. And in case it wasn't clear, I'm not mad at Utopia. Anger distorts one's perception, like Cora. Of course...sometimes loyalty can do that too."

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"I can hear you perfectly fine, Alex, but feel free to continue to point out how noble any plan requiring the near complete murder of an entire generation of novakind is after I leave to take my turn outside the privacy field," Coraline rather bluntly commented, as she passed out of the changing area, a vision in black ready and willing to embrace the distraction of the cameras and the instructions and a meditative now leagues apart from her other training. The fact she actually *liked* this outfit helped a lot, too, adding a trace of true enjoyment to her poses that was lacking before.

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Maia emerged in her own evening gown, this one a sexy black number. It was long, though so was the slit up the left side.

"You kind of did Alex."

"I know what you meant. That Utopia's mission of making the world better is noble. I agree there. Using Proteus to hunt us, our parents, and kill any who could reproduce and their progeny isn't though. Remember how much of an issue it is for Cora." Alex knew full well Maia had watched members of Team Tomorrow take down and kill her father.

She looked at Bombshell and Alex, and sighed. "That's something of an issue with Cora. She hates Utopia. Proteus in particular."

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Marina steps out in a blue (yes, ironic) evening dress .

"Utopia has done some good things, yes. But I understand where she's coming from. Noble beginnings or not, Someone in Utopia, or even with in Aeon's main power structure still had to personally ok Proteus. I think Noble intentions died right then and there, ladies. Am I right?"

She said sighing. She loves all his sisters, but really hates having to get into it discussions like this. No matter what someone is bound to get pissed off.

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Jason watched Coraline head back out in front of the cameras with a sigh, then turned back to the other girls, smoothing the dress across her round hips with a few flicks of her hands. "Girls, you are still muddling the issue, working under a false pretense. You're looking at Utopia and Proteus as pieces of the same entity. They are not. The Aeon Society on the other hand... they may have some dire things to answer."

Going through the jewelry, Jason added a few tasteful pieces to her wrists, gesturing at Alex. "It think you may have the order backwards, Alexandra. If such a disgusting conspiracy does in fact exist, Proteus would have implemented it regardless of and against Utopia's wishes. Have you ever met Justin J. Laragione? I have. You'd know he'd never countenance such a line of action. And if he had had the clout and political favours to stop Proteus, he would have as well, unless he knew he'd lose, weakening Utopia in the process and strengthening Proteus even more, who would have went on with their plans anyway." A slight frown did nothing to mar the perfect beauty of Jason's face. "If he'd known all that it would could down to, he might have made the attempt anyway."

Next, Maia felt the regard of the one woman in the world who outshone her in raw, physical appeal, and that not by much, despite being a nova and model for longer than she had been alive. "You've got it backwards too, Maia. Proteus insinuated itself inside Utopia against its wants, as well as elsewhere. And from what I can infer from what you've said and I've heard, they did it with the backing of the same organization that provided the start-up capital for Utopia itself. Utopia isn't using Proteus to hunt novas, Proteus is using Utopia to hunt novas." Her lips tightened fiercely. "And from the inquiries and contacts I have made since Danica's birth, they aren't the only ones doing the hunting."

With a slightly challenging half-grin gracing her lips, Jason leveled her incandescent gaze on Marina. "You would blame an entire organization for the intentions and actions of a relative few they had no control over? Let me posit an scenario, and please, understand I have no knowledge of who your parents were, this is just a hypothetical situation. Let's say... your mother believed she found out someone was threatening your life, Marina, and like mothers anywhere, nova and baseline, she took steps to end that threat. She didn't consult with you first, or make you aware of the thread. And she ended it with finality. Does that negate every good and noble intention and action you've done or will do?"

Hands on hips, Jason took in all the girls with her eyes, her expression cool. "Believe me, I feel for Coraline, I do. In case you've forgotten, I lost my own wife to motherhuntin' motherfuckers too, and I and Danica have been threatened more than once since. It doesn't mean I hold Utopia responsible just because it and Proteus know some of the same people."

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"...were, this is just a hypothetical situation. Let's say... your mother believed she found out someone was threatening your life, Marina, and like mothers anywhere, nova and baseline, she took steps to end that threat. She didn't consult with you first, or make you aware of the thread. And she ended it with finality. Does that negate every good and noble intention and action you've done or will do?"

Hands on hips, Jason took in all the girls with her eyes, her expression cool. "Believe me, I feel for Coraline, I do. In case you've forgotten, I lost my own wife to motherhuntin' motherfuckers too, and I and Danica have been threatened more than once since. It doesn't mean I hold Utopia responsible just because it and Proteus know some of the same people."

Coraline padded back into the privacy field after her latest turn was over, listening silently to the last part of the older woman's spiel and wondering what she had missed. The privacy field was *very* good after all.

"A public apoligy for allowing themselves to be used the way they were would have been nice. The first step to solving your problems is admiting they exist if you can't solve them yourself and considering what we've seen, Utopia either won't or can't get Proteus to stop," she supplied softly, "Even I'd be willing to permit them to keep doing their 'good works' if they had the courage to do that without outside prompting."

She clearly wasn't expecting that to happen, but by her expression even that much forgiveness had cost her a lot in sympathy she had in thin supply for the organization in question.

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"No Marina, they still do good things in the world. We've all seen them we just haven't paid as much attention because we've largely let Proteus' activities overshadow everything else." She looked to Cora before going out. "You will never get that public apology. What I'd like to see is them moving to shut down Proteus. Turn Team Tomorrow loose on the ones who hunt and kill children, and let the do what they were meant to do, Take down the badguys."

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Jason shook her head at Coraline and Maia, slightly disappointed, and yet chagrined too. She much preferred things clear and straightforward as well, yet she had lived long enough, experienced enough, to know it just couldn't always be that simple. Unfortunate. "Girls, forgive me for saying this, but you are sounding like children. As much as I'd like to agree with you, things are rarely that simple, that black and white... And I assure you, I never thought I'd be one to admit this."

She arched a brow at Maia, flicking a hand emphatically, the bracelets on her slender wrist chiming softly. "Maia, Utopia is trying to expunge Proteus as they can, but surprisingly, it's difficult to extricate a clandestine organization that has thoroughly infiltrated your command structure, especially when you have no authority over them. It would be like the FBI trying to shut down the CIA. And further, Utopia have to be very careful when taking action, since many of those Proteus uses are scapegoats, have clean records, have no actual evidence of wrong doing, and such like. Utopia has a lot of leeway - though not as much as they used to - and such actions would paint them in a draconian light, hindering any further positive actions they try to make."

Jason faced Coraline directly, her expression solemn through personal experience. "And Coraline... apologies, they don't go as far as you'd think and they solve even less. What works on a personally level translates poorly on the world-stage. Utopia could apologize, but all people would hear is that they let Proteus use them, not that they were tricked and manipulated. Admitting to a problem doesn't do much if you can't get help - it just paints a target on you for anyone with an excuse and a lawyer, which ties up more resources that could otherwise have gone to something worthwhile and productive."

Jason reclined in a chair, crossing her legs, shoulders slumping in weariness. "Let me tell you something that happened to me, many years ago when my... career as a nova was still starting. After a married couple saw one of my XWF fights in person, the woman claimed she no longer found her husband attractive, any man attractive in fact. Claimed the sight of me made her desire only women, and only leggy, busty women at that. She and her husband sued me, accusing me of turning her gay. I was young then, and felt bad - hell, their two young daughters suddenly saw their parents fighting for no reason and blamed themselves - so I... told them I was sorry and settled."

Jason frowned at the recollection. "It was one of the worst mistakes I ever made, opening me up to other lawsuits, since it created a precedent. It took some time and some very expensive lawyers to move past that, get things sorted out. Sure, I could have ignored them, moved, did something else - but I prefer to live in this world, no hold myself above it. To me, if felt like running away. I give to charities, money and my time, but only those of my choice and I don't give out handouts to anyone beggin' for 'em. Apologizing might truly take courage, but too often, others only see it as capitulation."

Jason looked back up at Coraline, crossing her arms, glowing indigo eyes sharp. "And further, who can Utopia actually ask help from? Despite any assurances and good intentions, anyone one they give access to would spend more time looking at Utopia than actually focusing on Proteus. So, Utopia would just end up shooting themselves in the foot and Proteus would only be somewhat troubled. Can they do more to stop Proteus? Probably, but they aren't doing nothing."

She cocked her head to the side, tapping her exquisite lips with a slim finger speculatively. "How 'bout this? We cool down on the talk about world politics and conspiracies - we all have our beliefs and assumptions, right or wrong - and I'll make some calls, see if I can get us a meeting with some Utopia reps. Not the PR department or office jockeys, but those who really know what Utopia is doing to curtail the actions of Proteus. I've met Laragione several times, I might be able to call in a favour."

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If Bombshell hadn't been herself and Coraline hadn't a comitment to finish the shoot, the young metamorph would zipped off with a final curt comment, thoughts too a broil to consider what was said for more than a few heartbeats. As it was, her emotional temperature dropped a few degrees and her expression grew taut even under the older nova's overwhelming charm. The point about the vindictiveness of human nature held true at least. And Aeon would probably gladly throw Utopia under the bus if it ceased being a useful tool.

"I'll keep an open mind. If Uncle Shen and the family agrees that we wouldn't shoot ourselves in the foot by offering to do something like that," she returned, a sense of outrage struggling in vane for expression before she grabbed another dress and vanished into a changing room, "Someone else can go now."

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"I'd be up for that Jason, I really would."

She looked to Cora. "It's no worse than what we do now. They know our faces by now, the whole world does. You knew they would when we signed up for this."

She looked to Jason as she rose to go back out. "Some of us are eighteen, most of us aren't. By alot of standards, we are still children Jason. Even with our powers that remains true. Not a good excuse, but something to consider."

Before anyone else could respond, Maia left to the set.

She smiled and caused two of the photographers to pass out, taking every pose perfectly.

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The photoshoots continued for some time, over the next three days, the girls wearing hundreds, maybe even a few thousand different outfits, and having most of the photographers, in fact, just about all of them, passing out at some point or another from shear sensory overload, the beauty involved was almost like being physically pounded in a way.

End of Thread

XP: 2 Standard, 2 Baseline, 2 Nova

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