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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Nexus Earth - Chapter 10.5 Filling Up The Gap (Fin)


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"Kai's Zanpuktou is Female. Generally they are the same gender as the wielder. He's special, his Sword was forged from a part of Priestess Yuna, as well as his own Soul."

He shrugged. "Akina is the reverse. Her Zanpuktou, Gabriel, is male, and at least in this incarnation, she is female."

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"I see." Francis commented after a pause. "Here's my issue. Very recently," stressing the very to a point where he might have only just had this happen, "I've overcome my refusal to really accept magic, Kidou, all for what it is. Of course, when I did, it still left me aware that I had no idea how to proceed. Then the voice speaks to me from within, she says that 'to know that you don't know is the first step'. And then recommended I see out you. That's about it for progress."

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"I hadn't," Francis explained, "because it wasn't a part of the world where I grew up in. It was a world of miracles, but advanced technological and scientific miracles. I grew up in a world and worldview where magic really didn't exist. And I've seen magic before, but always shoved it into a paranormal or other explanation that made it seem more scientific. I was trying to make it fit when it wouldn't, in retrospect. Eventually, I realized that I had to stop shoe-horning what I was seeing and admit it was magic all along. But now I need to actually learn, about magic and Bankai."

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"Now don't assume they are the same. Magic and Bankai are two wholly different things. Both can be learned yes, but Magic deals alot with rote, and perception. Kidou even is like this, though abit more spiritual.

"Bankai is almost purely spiritual, with a good measure of personal will thrown in."

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"Well I drew and forged Inazuma here at the same time. Then it took me five years to get my shikai. Another ten to finally manage Bankai."

"the Zanpaktou that I wield is a physical representation of my own soul. Most people with Bankai have it like this, called an External Bankai. I know Lily and Georgi both have internal. Internals have no focus like my sword, and lack in power, but can be triggered by stress, or calm."

"Strong emotion seems to be the key factor there."

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Francis worked the information over in his head. It suggested he wasn't going to achieve it any time soon, but clarification wouldn't hurt. "When you say you forged Inazuma, I doubt that was in the mundane sense, was it? That likely rules out my pistol as a focus, consequently."

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"no you don't get to decide that."

He nodded. "Though if the voice really is the part of you that will become you Zanpuktou, it's safe to assume you're an external type. Meditation might be in order, to try to find the part of yourself that wishes to be found."

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Francis nodded wordlessly, supposing that in some way he had been right earlier in his methods, if not mindset. Well, it seemed there was a way to attempt to proceed further. If it took years, well... better get started. "Ok. I'm glad we had this chat, thanks. Now are you sure you don't need any help?"

Eiji shook his head, and Francis smiled briefly. "Good luck." Soon enough, he departed, progressed his way by ship and teleportation back to his room. Making sure the room was shut, he considered that he hadn't done this much, being more focused on the physical training rather than the internal mind. Still, it wasn't as if he couldn't do it.

Slow the breathing, close the eyes, begin relaxation all for the first several minutes before Francis even started searching.

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For Francis, the beginnings of a landscape began to form in his mind. It was hot, and extremely dry, like a desert. The wind didn't blow, and nothing moved. It was dead, stagnant, sterile.

In the distance though Something caught his eye. It was green, it was growing.

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Francis was standing on that landscape, the sand crunching softly between his boot soles. He was also outside, picturing the desert-scape in his mind. But he did not consider the contradiction, and instead looked towards the green object in the distance. One could suppose what the implications of the desert-part were, but the growth meant activity.

So rather than stare at the sand, he moved in the direction of the green.

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Granted, this was inside himself, but space seemed to not bring him any closer. Something wasn't letting him advance obviously, but what was it, and how was he going to bypass it? Unless this hidden part of him wouldn't be found without cooperation?

Miss? If you're listening, and this is your way of saying I have to work with you, you've made your point.

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No, I don't... Francis thought irritated, which damn hard enough in the midst of... a lifeless desert. I guess that's what my denial of magic and the soul has done to this place, has it? That makes me wonder... do you actually reside here?
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"Yes, you did this to this place. Cold rationality, this is where it leads. But there is hope for you. Faint Hope."

There was a pause, one that seemed to strech on and on. "I am near you, yet distant. You still cannot hear my name."

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Faint hope? Francis wondered. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm talking to you. I've made it this far. But if the desolate terrain was representative of his previous mindset, and the green glow was his inner soul, the spirit speaking to him... something was preventing him from moving closer.

Some attachment to before that was not easily eroded and still there. Ok, I'll bite. What is it in my worldview that I still haven't discarded that needs to be?

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"You're still looking for others to explain, to tell you what to do what to think. Just a good soldier, following orders. Worrying only for the mission you can't remember. If you cannot find and come to terms with what bars you from this, then perhaps its best if you never attain it."

The voice was beginning to fade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The mission? Francis replied indignantly at the insulting message he was being given. The moment I saw the ruined hideout, I knew there was no coming home, let alone carrying out the mission. Homeline is gone for all intents and purposes.

"Then why do you still try to remember the past?"

I... Francis was caught off guard by the fading voice. That was true, he'd been worried about the secrets of a life that simply wouldn't come back in memory at his will. How long have I been pushing it, eh? I guess the only answer is that I didn't realize I need to let it be.

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There was a pulse and he as there, standing at a small pool, with tiny saplings, and a bit of grass growing around the edges.

"Let go of what you cannot change. Embrace the unknown."

The water looked cool and refreshing, and the leaves of the trees were a verdant green he'd never seen before. The grass was lush, and the smell of this tiny island of nature in the midst of such desolation made him smile.

"You've taken the first steps. Now rest, and refresh your soul."

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Francis smiled as he realized that he'd surpassed the first challenges in front of him. See, don't be so doubtful. I can do this. He knelt down and splashed some water onto his face, mixing with the sweat of this inner world. Then, temptation and thirst made him drink a bit before he pulled up and settled down to release the tension. I wonder? Am I close enough to hear your name, or at least see you?

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If you insist. Francis laid back on the ground, and closed his eyes. Breathing slowly, he did not quite go to sleep, but refrained from movement. Staying there, he told himself, patience, and he would reach his accord with the Zanpakuto soon.
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Guess I needed it... Francis opened his eyes to find his boots very, very close to the expanded water's edge. If it had gotten any further expanded, they could have been soaked. Scooting back out of the aqueous radius, he rolled back before getting up. He hadn't felt this rested since... who knew when? I'd argue this to be rest and refreshment. What now?
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Sentimental value, Miss. It may be a tool, but it's saved my life on more than one occasion. As Francis replied, his armor faded away until it was all gone, leaving only him and his clothing. Still, you're right, I don't need it here.
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Francis looked around, and then thinly smiled with the hope that he could reach an accord here. Your name, for one. It's harder to converse appropriately with someone when they're just a nameless voice with no body- but you did say I have to decide on your form. Inside the mindscape, the Francis there closed his eyes and had a second visualization, of a tall woman with long green hair and sharp blue eyes. Her face held the cutting edge of a teacher and she was dressed much like a Wild West cowboy or cowgirl in this case. You can probably tell that this is what I think you'd look like, given our interactions so far.

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"Nagareboshi." The word was obviously a name, and noting the gun at the hip of the woman who had just appeared, Francis could only stare. She was beautiful, yet at the same time, there was a sense of danger about her.

"IT's been so long Francis, So long I've called to you, and you never heard."

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Francis recovered from the ogling and looked a little sheepish now. Easy now, she was a part of him, and he wasn't sure if this counted as narcissism or not- he hoped not. "Well, I don't think there's any way to ignore you now. No way, there isn't." Okay, that was bad.

"All right. There is strength and power in our unity, and I want us to unlock it together. Are you willing to do that with me Nagareboshi?"

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"I am, but not right now. You dying would be rather bad. Until next time."

Then Francis woke up, with an IV in one arm, and a very startled Medtech looking him over. "Doctor! he's awake!"

At his side he could feel the bulge of gun, a worn classic six round revolver he recognized all to well.

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