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World of Darkness: The Darkness of Space - [Darkness of Space] Comming Online


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Dove smiled as Miu approached. "Nothing at the moment, but how about tagging along, just in case. And then I'll know where to find you when I have a minute to see about something permanent here on the base." Dove didn't stop walking as she talked, for as short as she was, she set a good pace. Though not only did it not seem to press her, she seemed to be holding back.


The dragon looked Wyrd over. "You may approach, but take care, my patience is thin." With that, the dragon faded from sight.

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Seeing the nava computer was confused about it location, and the small ships not responding to hails. he decides to see if he can get the ship to move the ship or turn the ship in the direction that the small ships came from, if the sub-space engines don't work but there is always the shuttle bay to depressurizes to move the ship in the forward direction.

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Miu nodded. Without a word she fell into step with Dove. Something was definitely up, something more than anyone had anticipated, and something told her that being near to Dove/Chickadee was a prudent idea. She liked to believe she'd done well, especially considering how she didn't prefer crowds, but she was not someone who'd abandon people in need of aid over a minor inconvenience to herself.

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Wyrd examined the man, being very careful to do nothing to upset the spirit watching over him. Risking just a little magic, she opened up her life senses, again, so she could see if there was any internal damage she needed to worry about. Finding nothing substantively wrong, she decided that the best thing she could do for him was to move him to a bed, if his guardian would permit it. Ideally, she would have given him a nutrient drip as well, but that would only speed his healing, not be necessary for it, and would probably be pushing things a bit too far.

"Excuse me," she called, "but I would like to get him on a proper bed so he can rest better. Is it alright if I get someone to help me move him to a bed? We'll leave him alone except to keep an eye on him for emergencies until he wakes up after that." She waited a moment for a response.

Click to reveal..
If no response is forthcoming, I'll accept silence as probable agreement, and get him moved. If there is more wrong with him, or you want me to make rolls for those actions, tell me and I can edit this post.
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Tejah tasted blood in her mouth; in shock, for a second, she thought the child had done something to her. Then her tongue found the bite she’d given herself when she had sat down so hard with her lip between her teeth. For a long second, the pink-haired woman stared at him. Slowly, a shaking hand rose and moved to her keypad; then without her lips moving a vaguely tinny voice said, “Very bad, I guess.”

There was a pause that even young Grimm knew was awkward, as Tejah fought conflicting instincts to run and mother. The latter won out and she managed a smile. “You shouldn’t sit here,” she typed. “You’ll be underfoot. Come on, let’s find your parents.” The second AVIS said that for her, she knew she’d said the wrong thing. Quickly, she backtracked, “Or at least get you cleaned up. And some food.” She rose and offered him a hand, quickly typing with the other. “Come on, you can’t say no. I have a son and we mothers always get our way.”

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The last of the fighters noticed the strange ship turning slowly towards them, only half of it's maneuvering jets working, just before they took the second gate to their destination. As they winked out of relative space the residual glow of the gate they traveled through showed the alien pilot a technology unlike anything he had ever seen before.


Dove and those with her entered C&C a few minutes after Miu joined them. The toddler in her arms seemed instantly fascinated by the various lighted displays and squirmed to get down. Bradan settled as Dove shushed him and moved him to her other, virtually non-existent, hip. "Put the readings from the strange ship on main screen for me. Are the second wave of ships launched yet, if not, how close are they?"


The dragon stays silent and invisible as the man he was guarding is moved to a bed. From all Wyrd can tell, the man is dehydrated, exhausted, drained of energies, has a bit of smoke inhalation and second degree burns to his hands. It is obvious to the Doctor that this man is a mage who used up all his energies, and unlike the others, has no paradox spirits surrounding him.

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What could be going on? Such a cacophony of noise...Weneg raises his head from the microscope and slides back from the counter. Now that he is not absorbed in his work he can feel the waves of changes that ripple through the patterns of reality. With a slight purrr and crack of his neck and back he stands and moves to follow the call of his innate curiosity.

He had pretty much stayed to himself since he had arrived, so he let's the blood of his mother lead him and eventually runs into the gathering people. In silence he stands and watches.

He is a very nice specimen of the male body, 165lbs. of toned muscles spread across a lithe, almost feline frame. His bearings only added to the physical attributes, for he stands with perfect posture, making him to appear to be around 6’1”, when in actuality he is only 5’10”. This is only the beginning for upon this body is attached a face that blends the qualities of several exotic cultures: the slanting feral green eyes and pure skin of the Chinese and complexion and hard angular features of the True Egyptians.

As for his apparel, they show a distinct sense of style. He wears a pair Patchwork Leather Armani Slacks the patches are an assortment of shades of blues. His Dark Blue cashmere mock neck sweater matching his leather Armani boots to the T. Even though the belt is not visible it is assured that matches them both. Due to the situation his locs are pulled back into a pony tail and he wears a full length flared bottom leather trench coat that is the same design as the pants.

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Originally Posted By: LydaLynn
Dove and those with her entered C&C a few minutes after Miu joined them. The toddler in her arms seemed instantly fascinated by the various lighted displays and squirmed to get down. Bradan settled as Dove shushed him and moved him to her other, virtually non-existent, hip. "Put the readings from the strange ship on main screen for me. Are the second wave of ships launched yet, if not, how close are they?"

"Gamma Squadron and Transport Epsilon are launched, Commander." Glitch explained as soon as he saw here... though he swore that it was Chickadee he was looking at- but namewise it made sense. He tapped a few keys and brought up the translator program trying to decipher the signals and language. "Here it is, we're trying to figure it out right now."
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Weneg wanders into the medbay to ogle at the chaos. Watching a doctor and a couple nurses move an unconscious man, Weneg catches a glimpse of a white dragon watching the proceedings. He had been engrossed in his own research and hadn't gotten out to meet the others in the med/sci dome, but he was fairly certain there were entirely too many injured here with the base not yet in full operation.


Dove turned to the screen. Her brow furrowed slightly as she heard the message. More of a linguist than most of the staff hired as translators, Dove was at a loss listening to the messages. She was able catch the repetition and tone of the broadcast, but not able to pick out individual words. "Interesting." Was all she said as she glanced at the computer clock running the time on the squadron's eta.

"Are we getting anything back on the ship's configuration? I don't recognize it either."

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As he moved closer to them it seemed that his very presence reached out and touched them, pure life force seemed to overflow from him uplifting and energizing them with vital energy. He looked for who was in charge of the medical procedures and if any supplies such as nutri-pack or IV's were running low.

His enchanting emerald eyes almost seemed to be looking in more than one place at the same time. But he did pause to wait instructions, unwilling to overstep his rights in the domain of someoneelse.

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Behind the fatigued, tear-stained eyes a flicker of strong pain and equally powerful pride surfaced at Tejah's well-intentioned words. The boy's jaw took on a stubborn outthrust that Tejah knew all-too-well from Bradan's expressions, and for a moment she thought that the eerie child would say no. Then either bone-deep weariness, common sense or some alchemy of the two caused his features to untighten and he nodded limply, reaching up to clasp her hand. Tejah pulled him up, all too aware that his fingers were a little tacky with mostly-dry blood as well as how easy it was to lift him, as though he weighed next to nothing. The tousle-headed boy tilted his head up a little and smiled wanly at her.

"Mothers always get their way." he repeated with a wry, tired smile that belonged on a much older face, though his eyes blinked rapidly to chase away the moisture gathering there. Taking his hand from hers he almost angrily dashed it across his face, heedless of the streaks of blood that were left in it's passing as it wiped away nascent tears. With strange self-possession, he straightened up and bowed his head to her. "I'm sorry, I'm very tired: It's a kind offer. And I would be foolish to refuse." His eyes met hers. "I am called Grimm, and I thank you."

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Main Concourse Dome: Auxiliary Hangar

Mik finished the repairs and clean up needed in the hangar, moving to the control console he tested his fix. Noting that the atmosphere now stayed level, the doors would close completely and seal, and that the forcefield held even if the outer doors were to open accidentally. He nodded to himself with a satisfactory "Hmmph." Pushing the comm on his collar device, Mik opens communication to Dove.

"I have tha Auxiliary Hangar repaired an ready ta go lass. I was figurin ye might need it with tha ship oot yunder. In casn' ye were want'n ta bring it in."

Mik waited on the reply, there was much more that needed work, though knowing Dove might have need for him he waited to see what she had to say. He took note of the new one walking around, an odd sort, but this station seemed full of those to the brim. He shrugged to himself and watched as the station bustle moved too and fro.

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Dove responded to Mik without taking her eyes from the displays, "Good job. If we can get it towed in, that will be a great place for it. I don't recognize anything about the ship, so if you could make sure the bay can work as a quarantine as well, I'd appreciate it."

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"I ken handle that, it shall nea take long. An tech is tech lass, if it be tech on a hangar door, a space station, er a ship. If'n it needs ta be fixed I may ken help ye."

While waiting on the response Mik sees to expanding the forcefield on the inside of the bay. While pumping up the shield on the door to the bay then being able to create a buffer zone. It didn't take it long but power needed re-routed and Mik had to make a mental note to get to the power coupling and up the supply.

Click to reveal..
Roll#1: 7d10 → [4,8,3,2,4,7,2] = (30); Roll#2: 7d10 → [3,9,2,4,3,3,4] = (28);Roll#3: 7d10 → [10,5,1,9,9,3,6] = (43) Total of an hour and 1/2.




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Dove laughs slightly, "I'll keep that in mind Mik. Once you've got that, why don't you take a break for a bit. Your staff too, after the emergency rush earlier I'm sure you all need it. Stuff can wait until tomorrow if needed, I'd rather have you all sharp if there's another emergency. As soon as I'm done with this ship business I'll be taking a break too. Oh, and if you spot Grimm, the haunted looking young man who made the run for the beacons, please make sure he's fed and got a place to stay. I need to make sure to reward him for his help earlier. Thanks again Mik, you're a gem." And with that, her attention went securely back to the matter at hand.

Click to reveal..
Mik, give me an int+crafts roll to get the changes on the hangar made - you need 5 total successes, each roll takes 1/2 an hour - a botch sets you back to 0]
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“Tejah,” the pink-haired woman told him with that smile, waving for him to walk a certain direction. The boy followed after her as she wound her way through the station, winding up in the Central Dome. Tejah quickly let Mik know she was having the lunch that had gotten interrupted, typing a message to him. Then she steered the boy over to Bradan’s favorite spot to eat, Fast Fuud. It was a restaurant that featured so-called fast food from all over, from American hamburgers to Zyyyrdit lamilahans.

Taking a seat, Tejah told the boy, “Order whatever you want. I’m starving – I had to skip lunch. My son loves the hamburgers and onion rings.”

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Glitch looked closer at the separate window of the hailing ship, running the observed schematics through all the proper programs... no. This wasn't possible. He'd never seen anything like this before. "Commander," his voice holding a gasping quality of shock, "I don't believe this. This ship cannot be able to access the gates, much less fly."

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Dove nodded slightly as Glitch spoke, "I was wondering. I don't know much about the mechanics of ships but it sure doesn't look right to me. Any indication where it came from?" She glanced at the running clock again, only five minutes until the second wave of rescue ships reached the end of the first jump gate.

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"Hmm, well..." Glitch tapped keys and was looking for an energy trail, and muttering under his breath as he looked- there was no apparent sign of such a propulsion, but how else could a ship- wait. It occurred to Glitch to check the space around the ship... and then he saw it. "Holy shit!"

He sighed, and then scanned in further of the space- or if one could call that space. "Sorry, but the space around that ship- it's.... 'soft' if only one could use that word. It's clearly unstable... could that ship be moving by manipulating space? Either way, I think the best bet is to wait for the second support team to reach that ship. I can piggy back off those sensors and use Correspondence to observe the distortions in detail."

Click to reveal..

Jeremy *rolls* 7d10: 9+2+9+8+2+9+9

5 sux.

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Dove muttered some rather choice profanity under her breath in a few obscure languages. Turning to Ebonardo and Miu, "I'm going to need Sam. I know he's got to be drained from what he just did, but . . . He's going to understand this better than I do.

"Miu, could you escort the Professor to medbay, make sure no one stops him from talking with Sam. That might mean intervening with Calcrix, but he likes shifters, so he might be nicer to you than anyone else.

"Ebonardo, I know you've met Sam, and you should be able to find him in medbay. See if you can't wake him up and bring him here, or at least get communications up to whatever bed he's in. I don't want him exerting himself or using magic, I just need his knowledge.

"I hate to ask this of the two of you, but I don't know that we have much time. If space is soft, I'm afraid to send any of our ships in to rescue and put them at risk without knowing more. And I don't know anyone who knows as much about correspondence as Sam.

"No offense Glitch, I'm really impressed you were able to pick that up. And right now, with Sam drained by the forces he just used to help pull everyone here, you're going to have to do all the sensing for us. I hope you're up to it. But I don't want you burning yourself out, we have enough mages down at the moment, don't hesitate to let me know when we're reaching your limits."

At that point the first squadrons were arriving on the other side of the second gate. After a moment, Alpha Squadron Commander radioed back to C&C, "Alpha leader to Base, we have nothing but empty space here. No ships, no debris, nothing. Please advise."

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Miu nodded. Her cover blown she sihghed inwardly. "It's that obvious isn't it? I was trying to keep things under control." She waved it off as well as anything more. "I don't mind helping however I am able."

She looked to Ebonardo and nodded. "Let's get going then, time definitely seems to be of the essence."

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"The limits of youth." The commander of C&C pointed out, without much evident offense taken from Dove. "Well, with the Head Researcher's help, I probably can-" The frantic expression and call of "Sir!" from Carpenter broke into Glitch's assurance and he muttered what sounded like an under the breath curse before moving over to Carpenter's station.

"What is it?"

"Alpha Leader's reporting nothing but empty space from where they are. No ships whatsoever." The confused and tense man took a breath before continuing, his words clearly heard by everyone else. "They're awaiting orders."

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Central Dome: Grimm and Tejah

Pride was swallowed, and the boy, after a quick glance at Tejah to ensure that she meant what she said, ordered enough for three grown men, his pale features tense with anticipation as he waited for it to arrive, though that was the only telltale. He didn't fidget, or drum his hands, or kick his feet impatiently - his only activity whilst waiting was to grab a double handful of wet-wipe sachets and begin to clean his blood-stained hands off methodically. Then he unwrapped the dirty bandage, tossed that in the growing pile of used wipes, and cleaned the cut on his palm with equal clinical attentiveness before rewrapping it with some bandage he withdrew from a pouch at his belt.

"Are you alright?" Tejah typed, watching with horrified fascination mingled with concern. Grimm looked up from trying to tie the knot and nodded, finally gripping one end of bandaged between his teeth to hold it fast while he tied it off.

"I'm fine. It's other people's blood, mostly." he told her calmly as he scooped up the pile of trash and dumped it in the nearby bin. "Those who can heal should not withhold their gift from ones who have sore need." he added, in a tone similar to recitation, then smiled a little. "I learned that when I was three from my mother." he finished, looking down at the table solemnly, his smile turning sad for a second as he looked at his hands. Tejah noticed, now that they were clean, that the slender hands and fingers had dozens of thin scars criss-crossing their backs, as though made by razor-sharp blades. Some were old and faded, others newer. But there were a lot of them, that was for certain.

Both were distracted by the arrival of the food, and Tejah had a front row seat for possibly the fastest disintegration of junk food she had ever seen. Grimm tore through the nuggets like a tornado, wolfed a jumbo klixix burger in six bites, and had finished off one milkshake and was halfway down the second before he slowed down, attacking the second burger at a more sedate pace. He looked up to see Tejah staring at him.

"Mmfanks!" he said with a smile, looking every micron the boy with his cheeks stuffed with food and his eyes sparkling as he swallowed. "Thank you very much." he said more couthly. "I'm in your debt, Tejah." Smiling still, he set down his burger and reached for the fries, in his haste knocking the cardboard packet over. "Tsk." he muttered, moving to scoop up the handful that had fallen out, when suddenly he froze, his mismatched eyes fixed on the fallen fries on the table's surface.

"Patterns seen in the falling of straws / The runes speak true / Darkness hungers / Old dark draws near / It starves and it yearns / Full of love and hatred it is / For what it wants, it cannot have!"

The voice was his, but not his, as though something was speaking through him, something older than the slender boy and somehow still indefinably him in a way that was disturbing to contemplate. He looked from the straws up at Tejah once more, the gaze ancient and knowing, yet still Grimm's gaze.

"We need to tell Dove, Tejah. Something horrible is about to happen. She needs to know now." he said with quiet authority, as though him suddenly speaking in a voice that could carve itself on stone tablets was a normal occurence. "And I was enjoying my meal, too." he added mournfully, scooping up the food and placing it into a paper sack to bring along.

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He continued to watch as the people moved around, a smile and slight nod at the dragon.

However, he still just stood there and waited for a little time longer. When it became clear his assistance was not needed. He turned and departed...heading back to his lab.

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Tejah’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Mage, she thought in surprise. But Grimm was already in motion and Tejah had to move. Grabbing her food, she caught the waitress’s eye and pointed to herself. A moment later, AVIS said, “Charge this to Tejah Ebadi’s account. I’ll settle late.” She made an annoyed grunt and corrected, “Later.”

A few more taps of her fingers brought up the current location of Dove – C&C. Turning to Grimm, she quickly typed, “I know where she is. Fallow me. Follow.” Tejah silently cursed her fumbling fingers and led the boy where he was going. Normally, she wouldn’t be jumping into motion over the words of a child, but his conviction had been compelling. Like most normals, she was a little in awe of the supernatural creatures – which was going to make it hard if her son turned out to be one.

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Dove's brow furrowed. "No ships, nothing? That seems unlikely. Have them spread out in a search and see if they can come up with anything. That ship shouldn't have been in any condition to move in the next couple days, let alone so soon. And I know there should be debris from the attacking pirate ships in the space there."

As she waited for the orders to be relayed and the search started, Dove heard the door open behind her. Turning, Bradan still on her hip, she saw Tejah and Grimm enter. Well this could be interesting.

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With Ebonardo in tow, Miu made her way to the medbay, sheperding the elder man and keeping the two of them moving. One look from her was enough for most to leave them be.

She arrived at the medical bay, hoping that Ebonardo would be able to find the man they'd been sent to find. "Okay, Let's find Sam and bring him to Dove."

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not being able to get his current location for the ships nava computer, he starts the nava computer to ma the area hoping he will get lucky and the computer will actualy locate a planet where he land and shut down and start repairs.

now where did all the small ships come from? Maybe sensors will get lucky and find the ship or base they came from.

Click to reveal.. (ST eyes only)
I caught you if your reading this
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Grimm had followed Tejah into the C&C, but as soon as he'd spotted Dove he moved in front of the pink-haired woman and started across the bustling floor towards her at a fast walk. A couple of guards with nothing better to do moved to intercept him, but somehow found other people moving into their path at the most innopportune moments, causing a degree of chaos, before Dove spoke a short command and they relented, looking askance at the cloaked boy and the technician accompanying him.

Grimm came up beside Dove, looking at the screens and hearing the chatter, then looking straight into her eyes.

"Something terrible is about to happen. I'm not sure what, but something bad is afoot." he said straightforwardly. "Old dark. Old and hungry. Something evil, Dove, and it's aware enough to be jealous too." In response to her questioning look, he shrugged his thin shoulders. "I get visions." he explained, in much the same way as others might say 'hives'.

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As Glitch relayed her earlier orders, Dove listened to Grimm's warning. Dove nodded a terse thanks at Grimm and turned to Glitch, "Get them out of there, get them out now!"

As the command went out to the fighters, Dove watched the screen as glowing dots representing the ships slowly faded and went dark. The sight didn't seem to bother anyone. A few minutes later one of the communications officers turned, "All ships in N-space Commander."

Dove nodded, "Give me a tally please lieutenant."

"Yes ma'am. Alpha Squadron; Evans, Lund, Butcher, Briggs, Haydon, and Dixon. Delta Squadron; Smith, Grayson, Jones, Lewis, Foster, Burst, Cagle, Decker, Quick, Wyatt, Redman, Wilks, Wood, Dorries, Murin, Slavichsek, Delong, and Valterra. All ships accounted for and in jump gate Epsilon."

Dove nodded, then stopped, brows furrowing and looked ready to curse when she remembered the toddler in her arms. Taking a deep breath, "Lieutenant, there are twenty-four ships in a squadron. You've just given me twenty-two names for two squadrons. Would you care to explain that?"

The poor woman's eyes went wide and she turned back to the computer. "Ah, yes sir, um . . . ma'am. Regulations state twenty-four ships in a squadron, but . . . records indicate Alpha squadron is only six ships and pilots and Delta has nineteen, Hobbs is still on medical rotation with a broken wrist. I . . . I don't know why . . . ah . . ."

Dove sighs and nods sadly. "It's okay lieutenant, I think I know what happened. You don't need to worry about it." Turning to Grimm, "I'll need to talk to you in a bit about this vision. If what I suspect is happening, we'll need all the information we can get."

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Turning to Grimm, "I'll need to talk to you in a bit about this vision. If what I suspect is happening, we'll need all the information we can get."

"Of course." Grimm sighed, leaning against a railing and rummaging in his paper sack before pulling out the remains of a half-eaten burger and tucking into it. "I'll tell you what I can, which I warn you won't be much. These things don't come with a manual." He bit into the burger and cast a glance Tejah's way, smiling a little at her as he swallowed. He noticed Bradan looking at him with large eyes and smiled at him, too, then offered the toddler a chicken nugget.

There wasn't much to do now except wait.
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Professor V looked at the clock and sighed. Time to go to work again and he was so close to finishing his latest project, a devise that allowed you to warp space around you instead of light to provide the ultimate stealth. It was almost undetectable unlike conventional stealth which had so many weaknesses. As he straightened and stretched, Greg popped up on his goggle monitor. "Professor, you have not eaten in 14 hours and 32 minutes. I suggest you eat before going as you will need your strength." "Very well" Prof. V replied "I shall get something at the Mess Hall before work."


After a brief stop at the Mess, Prof. V walked into Command, food still in hand. Apparently something was happening because everyone looked tense, especially the Commander. Turning to a woman with pink hair and goggles he asked "Could you tell me what's happening? I'm late for my shift and everyone seems tense."

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it apperars to be that the ship's system engines are not online, the ship's shuttel bay door can't be opened for some reason.

seeing all of this he starts a system diagnostic, starting with comunications and sensors. with all the hails he has sent out and still not a single responce

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The small fighters move towards the distressed ship as more fighters return from their trip through another gate. A hail is broadcast, "Unidentified vessel, please respond. We are receiving strange transmissions and are unable to translate them. We are here to assist you." The message was sent in a loop of fifteen standard languages, none of them known by the computer on the disabled ship.

The computer on board is sufficiently functioning to be able to spit out this translation, "Ship . . . communicate . . . transmission . . . help here."

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using the computer:(sending a message to the ship who sent the transmission)


Click to reveal.. (LaydaLynn is the greatest)
Ship approching, have repair ship come to starbord side to dock for comunication.

as he turns to the ship systems and shuts down all the light on the exterior of the ship except the starbord docking port.....

Click to reveal.. (LadyLynn you will have to do this one)
I need a Precongnition roll here and a Telepathy to see the surface thoughts of the fighter pilots
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Miu escorted Ebonardo to Medbay but the instant the man walked through the door a rather large and unhappy looking white dragon was there, barring his path. "You can not be here. You are not whole, not balanced. You have not been for too long. Your soul is damaged from the isolation you inflicted upon yourself. She has cried out across the centuries for you and you did not answer. I will not allow such a coward to be in my presence. Go, find her and make it right, if you ever can." The snort with which the dragon ended was full of heat and smoke.

Everyone in Medbay saw the confrontation, those who are supernatural could clearly hear what was said. The language was not something anyone could specifically recognize, but it was understood by all supernaturals.


In the ship the alien mind reaches out for understanding. Seeing nothing untoward in the near future, he touches the minds of those around him. They seem confused, upset about something unrelated to him, and worried about the ship, that it might cause problems and something about the space around it seemed to upset them as well. But they all seemed determined to complete their mission and render what aid and rescue they can.

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Feeling the minds around him and seeing that they are moving to the starbord docking port. he gose into the crago bay and retrives a small case, after verifing the statis feild is working heads to the docking port, once he arrives he places the case in it and sets the security sheild so that it is on the same side as the outerdoor. then waits for the ship to dock.

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