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Trinity RPG - The invasion of Earth

Nero's Boot

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Ok, this may appear off topic, but the intention isn't.

The invasion is meant to happen sometime after the Chambers all get opened up so that a latent goes straight to having access to whatever Aptitudes he can handle, and this is meant to occur sometime after the New Order intended for Bright Continent starts up/goes public/whatever in late 2123?

My question is twofold: 1. does anyone else bother looking at or consider discussing items around BC, and 2. does anyone know what happend to Blue Thunder and if he is ever likely to be back or at least pass on what he had already got laid out so that others could go with it?

I had some comments to make about the invasion etc, but they might mean that you'd need to know what the BC was intended to be and since it was a closed forum I don't feel it's my place to comment on it too much.

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  • 5 weeks later...
60-70 Freighters, close to 30 Frigates, about 200 hybrid class fighters.

Unfortunately it also makes little sense when combined with the estimate of the whole Upeo Order (including neutrals) of being only about 1,000 strong. Freighters typically have a crew of about 30, and Frigates about 100 for efficient/effective use, so that requires about 5,000 people already!

I think you're overthinking this a bit. Sure, a freighter needs a crew of 30 people, ok. Only one of them has to be an Upeo member - the other 29 can all be standard nulls/baselines. On your frigate with a crew of a hundred or so - again, you only need one Upeo member to be the transportation, the entire rest of the crew would either be different orders, or (more likely) nulls. That means you've only got about 100 Upeo members out on the ships (10% of the order, not too unlikely) who drag along a lot more people to help support the order in their exile.
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As far as the ships are concerned then a lot of the time there is no need for any of the crew on board to be a teleporter at all. However, it is likely that most of the crew will be neutral members of the order. It doesn't make much since for ships that the order has/controls and takes into Exile would be crewed by people who don't agree with the orders goals enough to be considered members of the order.

On the other hand the population of Ruan's World is listed as 6,000 and that must be largely friends and family of the members who agreed to colonise a new world with/for the order (even if they may not have known the details of why they were doing it at that time).

It's probably more likely that most of the ships aren't in use at any one time, after all they have a limited number of WEAR suits for Transportals of the bigger ships and that would limit how much exploration they can do at one time if their access to sufficiently skilled Clears with MARS/ARES doesn't.

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  • 2 months later...

Assume two or more types of "drives". One for between stars (low energy, can be used for a long time, slow to bring up and down), and something else for inter-system (high energy, short bursts)... like Warp for example.

That doesn't follow Alex, it seemd to be travelling/deccelerating for ~2 years before it hit Eridani, and yet at the end of the scenario when the players are leaving it rapidly accelerates and goes FTL as it slingshots around Eridani towards Earth, all in a matter of hours (at most) while the players ship is still moving away and before they are picked up.

Ok, some dodgy winged maths coming up...

Assume Eridani planet is about the same distance from its star as Earth is, ~500LS, and the Ark travelled a bit more than that before it hit FTL, say a total of 600LS. It started effectively at rest, in orbit about the planet and ended up at C. Use unit of seconds for time, LS for distance and LS/s for speed.

V=at => a= V/t = 1LS/s /t

S=0.5 at^2 => a=2S/t^2

Combine equations - 1200LS/t^2 = 1LS/s /t

1200LS/t = 1LS/s

t = 1200s = 20 minutes!

Perhaps they used their pet blackhole to charge a capacitor during the long, slow decceleration into the system to give the power needed for such a high acceleration out of the system, not unreasonable in case they find there is something nasty in the system they didn't detect beforehand and they need a fast get away. Or given that they don't really know how to work/repair all the systems on the Ark they simpply don't have access to a fast decceleration anymore, but do still have access to a fast acceleration?

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What I mean is as soon as it gets in system humanity might have *serious* problems. Warp is probably the best example, it gets close enough and all of a sudden hoards of monsters are being dropped off behind your lines. It even has an abby *caste* so it's not totally unreasonable.

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On the Hardtech side there is no evidence for them having teleportation/warp technology, in all canon encounters they accessed the Earth ships through forcing the doors etc rather than 'porting/warping aboard.

Now they have the Furies I agree it is an open question as to whether they will gain some that have Warp. To a large degree that is up to individual ST's and their decision as to what happens in the fight between the pure breeders and the tainted ones during the years (5 or so at my guess) that the Ark will take to arrive in the Earth system. There are a number of options:-

1. The pure Breeders win against both the tainted Breeders and the Aberrants and they shelve the tainted genes as being too dangerous to work with. They continue working with whatever psion material they may have but are unsuccessful in breeding a psionic line.

2. As above but they do manage to breed a weakly psionic line (to much other capacity is used in the pheromone controls etc to allow the beings to gain above 3 dots). Perhaps multiple lines, one for each of the basic Aptitudes?

3. The Aberrants and Tainted Breeders win, and take over/kill the other Breeders. Due to the Taint the Breeders are eventually unable to produce anything other than Furies - Tainted versions of the original Phyles with random powers for each individua - I'd treat them as weak Aberrants - 15NP as suggested for Sub-Aberant humans in the Trinity STH (or was it somewhere else?). Earth is facing a huge number of Furies, but a relatively small number of true Aberrants. However they do have some access to the hightech equipment/weapons of the Ark.

4. It is a stalemate aboard teh Ark when it arrives - teh Pure Breeders have suceeded in destroying the tainted ones, but the Aberrants managed to create a small army of Furies first and have moved into one of the abandoned areas of the Ark away from the areas used by the rest of the Coalition. Toss a coin to se what happens when they reach Earth.

I agree that there will be problems when they get into the system, but if they have to slow down for a year or two like they did before hitting Eridani then the Teleporters and Jumpships could be sending out raiding parties or even fleets before that occurs.

Any way just some ideas, but what do you guys/girls think?

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  • 1 year later...

I think this question fits in the topic ...

So I was thinking about the Allies and Assets Humanity might have when the Ark hits the our System. And I came up with two thing I didn't read anything about which might be relevant and want to know you're opinion.

1. Nova supertech

Might the Trinity store big quantities of powerfull asskicking tech from the Nova-era? Originally just to have it when it was needed or perhaps becaus Max Mercer told them to do so because he feared/knew that something like the Invasion would happen?

And the Nova-tech found and confiscated after the Exodus must go anywhere and I imagine the Trinity being the institution to got to if you have some Abby-tech that should be stored or destroyed.

2. Independent Novas/Abberants

I imagine that most Novas either went with the Colony or Eden. But I like the idea of more or less widespread, small colonies of Novas living somewhere in Space who want nothing to do with the maniac Colony but are still to bitter about the Exodus to be in leage with the Edenites.

But when they get knowledge, that some horrid Alienrace is on their way to rape Humanity (whom they might still se as their cousins oder unbeloved brother) and Terra (which they might have some spirituell bond with, even in the 2nd or 3rd generation away) they might be bothered. And when they see the Colony forming an Alliance with this threat, many could well decide to side with Humanity.

While the Edenites are very powerfull, I would devise this group as fairly low-powered Novas with larger numbers than the Edenites, with a handfull of leaders who are more powerfull but are chosen only for the time until the fight is over.

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1. Nova supertech

Might the Trinity store big quantities of powerfull asskicking tech from the Nova-era?

Probably not. Cannon says it was destroyed because it's a bad thing to have powerful asskicking tech around which you don't understand, can't control, and which was created by insane novas.

Basically after enough people (cities?) die from this stuff accidentally getting loose or out of control, you see the wisdom in just destroying the lot of it. The obvious exception being Japan (which kept it's novas) but it's important to note that Japan is losing against the Colony and has lost it's tech-supporting novas.

2. Independent Novas/Abberants

I imagine that most Novas either went with the Colony or Eden. But I like the idea of more or less widespread, small colonies of Novas living somewhere in Space who want nothing to do with the maniac Colony but are still to bitter about the Exodus to be in leage with the Edenites.

It's easier than that, there's no reason that the various colonies of novas even need to know about Eden. There could easily be a Eden 2 or Eden 3.
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2. Independent Novas/Aberrants

I imagine that most Novas either went with the Colony or Eden. But I like the idea of more or less widespread, small colonies of Novas living somewhere in Space who want nothing to do with the maniac Colony but are still to bitter about the Exodus to be in league with the Edenites.

It's easier than that, there's no reason that the various colonies of novas even need to know about Eden. There could easily be a Eden 2 or Eden 3.

This has bugged me ever since I've read "The Story So Far": Trinity STs (and peeking players) tend to be severely myopic on the possibility of nova colony worlds (as opposed to worlds infested w/ Taint-monkeys) other than Eden. Does it need to be presented on a platter to them before they'll entertain the concept?
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Personally I *like* the idea of three different nova colony worlds, each of which decided to call itself "Eden" and none of which having any contact or knowledge of any of the others.

Hah, that would be fun. Well, depending on how paradisiacal they each are. Maximum fun if one of the Edens were founded by relatively sane Teragen, as a paradise for *them*, but not for baselines.

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