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Aberrant RPG - Ancient Aberrant


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  • 2 months later...

Session 181 – "Hermes studies up on the Teragen while Dr Ballard arranges a meeting with Raoul Orzaiz. Travelling to Ibiza, Hermes meets with Orzaiz, and speaks with him alone, ultimately leading to his getting mind-screwed briefly. Shortly after, Hermes is sent along to Divis Mal, and they talk about many things. Ultimately, Divis Mal agrees to give Hermes his help in finding a way home."


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Session 182 – "Artemis follows the army, ultimately sneaking into its war tent when encamped. Listening to their arguments, she reveals herself to ask a question and offer help, which goes badly. Readying to leave the camp entirely, she spots a member of Kincaid family, and has a talk with a man himself out of time. . ."


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Session 183 – "The Oracle of Time continues her attempt to convince Amon to kill Quetzlcoatl. Amon refuses, and takes him back to Imhotep to work on a way to get him home, without any questions asked. Meanwhile, Hermes discusses time travel theory with Divis Mal, and they come to a plan. Mal has Scripture augment Hermes’ capability so that he can send a beacon back in time to Anubis. . . who will hopefully arrives before anyone else who notices."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Session 184 – "The beacon works, and Hermes jumps through a portal home before anybody can arrive through the other dozen portals so opened. After a brief discussion with Anubis, Hermes heads before Minos to be examined for mental and spiritual side-effects, before aiding in the effort to retrieve the rest of his friends. Meanwhile, Quetzcoatl and Imhotep narrow their plans down to two potential eras towards which Quetzcoatl could launch himself. . ."


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Session 185 – "After some additional preparation, Quetzlcoatl launches himself through time, to the end of the era of the Stygian Master. Sadly, he arrives literally right next to the Stygian Master, and is sent off to be “crucified on the Tree of Woe.” Meanwhile, Artemis continues talking with Francis Xavier Gordon."


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Session 187 – "Hermes returns to the task of rescuing his friends, and seeks information from both the Winter King and the Oracle of Samothrace, to little avail. Returning to Heliopolis, he aids in an attempt to create a broad spectrum temporal beacon, to hopefully draw a return message from Quetzlcoatl. This effort succeeds, and Quetzlcoatl replies with the last of his strength. Anubis opens a gateway, and Hermes frees Quetzlcoatl from the Tree of Woe. However, while the two return, another comes through with them: the Stygian Master himself."


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Session 188 – "Anubis and the Stygian Master battle, while Hermes evacuates first Quetzlcoatl, and then everyone else near the temple. The arrival of the Cult of Ra leads to the Stygian Master surrendering. After Quetzlcoatl recovers and Hermes cleans up some, Xenos debriefs the two, which ultimately leads to a plan to rescue the other lost team mates: kidnap Darius."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Session 189 – "After some time spent fixing Heliopolis, Xenos assembles Hermes and Quetzlcoatl again to initiate the plan. The two are smuggled into Heraclidae territory ( with covert backup ) and meet with Darius, much to his anger. They make an offer, thanks to the assistance of a mind riding in the back of Hermes’ brain: the Sword for their friends. Darius hatefully agrees, and retrieves Raijin. . . and then finds the Sword to be fake. . ."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Session 190 – "The backup emerges from literally inside Hermes, and Darius repeatedly nukes their entire surroundings. Despite everyone’s best efforts, Darius is still active, if badly wounded, when reinforcements from the nearby city set out, and so the leader of Xenos’ squad orders a retreat. Hermes, Quetzlcoatl, Raijin, and two of Xenos’ men escape back to Thera."

Comments: Worst. Dice. Luck. *Ever*. We would have probably taken Darius down if not for multiple botches, and more almost as crappy rolls. . .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Session 191 – "After pondering several insane methods of locating Artemis, Hermes and Quetzlcoatl speak again with the Oracle of Samothrace, and actually get useful information. With that, they head to Heliopolis and meet with Anubis, who successfully opens a portal into the past, where Artemis is lost. . ."

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Session 192 – "Quetzlcoatl makes telepathic contact with Artemis, and shortly thereafter, she returns via the gate, much to Hermes’ enjoyment. A short while later, they return to Thera and retell their stories, for each other and Xenos. Amidst deciding what to do next, however, the topic of Anahuac comes up, ultimately leading to a fight between Artemis and Quetzlcoatl, and the party going their separate ways. . ."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Session 194 – "Quetzlcoatl visits Hermes’ quarters, to find him preparing to leave. After a brief conversation, Hermes lays down terms, and Quetzlcoatl takes them both to Chengdu. Meanwhile, Artemis continues to be prepared by her retinue, before heading to court with White Crane. Hermes finds her there, and they speak briefly, Hermes asking for a chance to apologize later. Court continues, with Hermes later volunteering his services to the construction of an irrigation network."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Session 195 – "A representative of Marduk’s league arrives at court, and presents an alternate proposal for completing the irrigation project. Court clears, and White Crane chews Hermes out for not even attempting to defend his own offer. Hermes then goes to see Artemis. Abject apologies ensue."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Session 196 – "After concluding the apologies, Hermes and Artemis discuss a number of other topics, ultimately leading to Hermes acting as a go-between to Quetzlcoatl. Quetzlcoatl offers anything up to his life in exchange for Artemis’ aid in freeing his land, and Artemis accepts, much to Hermes’ dismay."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Session 198 – "Heading to Thera, Hermes and Quetzlcoatl meet with Xenos, who almost immediately susses out that something is up. Hermes admits everything, giving Xenos an incredible headache. Later, Hermes speaks with Ur-Nammu about the irrigation project and related dilemmas, and gets offered an alternative solution."


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