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Trinity RPG - Rolling fiction.

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I've had a short story idea in mind for a while now and decided to get working on it in here, when I feel it's ready I'll move it to the fictions section on the main part of the site. Anyway here's the first part.

* * *

Sirens, hover engines, radio signals, they’re almost here! They’re finally coming to free us from it. Careful! Can’t let it know they’re coming or else it will try to get away, they have to kill it or it won’t stop.

It’s resting now, it always rests after it kills, but only rests never sleeps. The others in the corner all whimpering, terrified, all looking at the blood drenched thing, praying they won’t be next. They don’t dare try to escape, others tried when they thought it was asleep they were torn apart by the beast.

A little boy, Adrian the others called him, was starring at the window to his left, he knows they’ve arrived, you can tell by the look of hope across his face. He can’t let the others know, they’ll just alert it.

“Adrian, careful, don’t let it know, it will be over soon”, There it couldn’t have heard that, it’s still in its slumbering state. Ah Adrian’s nodding, such a good boy, I hope he makes it through this, I hope they all do.

Vehicle hatches opening, they’re here! Please don’t wake up, please. Rock a by monster on the tile floor… It twitched! No, rest some more, you’ve worked hard today, so many dead, you’re tired. Thank goodness, he’s relaxing again, but the others have begun to stir, they all know the police, or even the military, are here to save us or get us killed. They have to keep quiet!

* * *

“We’re three kilometres from our destination, ma’am”. The young officer, Banegri, said to his passenger, uncertainly.


She couldn’t blame him, she’d entered a trance a moment earlier to extend her sight, though she was well aware of her surroundings.

“Shut the siren off, Mr Banegri, and order the others to do the same” she told him still focussing her attention in the distance ahead of them. She suddenly straightened, startling the driver, she wiped the newly formed layer of sweat from her brow and leaned over the data terminal in front of her and began typing.

* * *

“Incoming data message from Eyus Miller” The voice of the military client Nomad, chimed through Levin Blyth’s ear piece. He touched the pad to activate its holo display, risking the projections light giving away his position, Eyus must think it’s safe enough to send data rather than just audio.

The data was a message and attached were updated schematics and markers signifying possible entry and exit points of the very building he was under and a rough location as to where the target was. We’ve got him now.

* * *

It smells something, it’s sniffing at the air towards what was a data terminal, it destroyed the moment it entered the room, along with anything else that required power to function.

It hated electricity that was obvious, when each time it would rouse from its cat naps and would habitually strike at a terminal or a wall socket as it stalked by. But now it was studying the wreckage, as though it could see beyond it, wrinkling its nose and sneering with contempt.

Ha! It’s actually annoyed. It’s leaving, and fast, to deal with something, more likely someone. It’s content to leave these people unguarded, no one will try to escape, it saw to that earlier, displaying the mangled corpses of the all those who attempted to flee when it left the room earlier.

* * *

“Levin, he’s pissed and he knows you’re there!” Eyus’ said urgently into the com, forgoing any security.

“How long to go until the cops are in position?” The big man asked working on a spherical device the size of a melon as best he could in the dark sub-basement.

“The assault teams are setting up here, they’ve sent two to meet you, should be there any second now. The actual cops are busy clearing the locals out”. She focussed again, and the sickening feeling struck again. “Three floors until he’s on you!”

“Right! They’re here, deploying countermeasures and moving to position c. I hate this part”. He removed the cable connecting the melon device to Nomad and keyed in the activation code on the unit itself.

The two officers waited for him to finish, they were wearing full assault garb and each with laser carbines at the ready, Levin motioned for them to gut the power to their goggles.

“It’s set, keep the lights off, he’s attracted to it. Let’s go.”

Thirty seconds later the entire floor was engulfed in white light.

* * *

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Sorry phoenix.

The next chapter will be mostly backstory, which is why it's taking me a little while to sort it out in my head before I begin typing it up, I usually over embelish on back story and I really don't want that feel for this story...

This will be the first thing I've tried to write In three years, so bear with me, thanks guys. ::wink

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This part has more to come, I'm running late so I'll finish it up when I return.

Part 2:

* * *


Ozone. The mountain of a man called Slim sniffed at the sky above hoping it was coming from the clouds above.

"Shade, you smell that?" he whispered just loud enough so that his team mate could hear him from across the street. Slim liked having another member in their group whose senses where almost as sharp as his own.

"I tasted it in a moment ago, the air is too calm to tell its direction" It came out barely as a breath, Norman 'Shade' Davies, knew how sharp the other nova's ears were but would have preferred forgoing the risk of being overheard.

Following the strongest smell until he could begin to see the traces of ionised air, finding the greatest concentration Slim whispers.

"Southwest, I’m moving to investigate".

"It could be nothing, Slim, the others need us in position". Slim could sense the frustration in his subordinates’ voice, he couldn't blame him, the kid had his orders after all.

"No it's something, I'll report in shortly" Slim began to move, impossibly stealthily for a man almost seven feet tall and as broad as Pax himself. The handsome young man shook his head and let out another breath.

"Wait a moment, I’ll cover you, going silent. Have I permission to connect, sir?” Shade hated having to ask to use his telepathy, but he would play by the rules set by his superiors, he'd always dreamed of joining such a renowned organisation and he’ll do his utmost to keep his new ‘job’.

"Granted" Are you there?

I am, no contacts detected southwest of us. Shade checked a second time again failed to reveal anyone approaching.

The density of the charged particles was increasing, he could see them riding the lightly swirling air currents.

No. Someone's there, it's Arc.

It could be any of the battery powered Nova's, what makes you think it's Arc? Shade’s uncertainty was felt, through their communication, the last thing they needed was such a powerful Terrat interfering with their operation. Worse still, having him directly oppose them, risking such a vital mission.

You can't tell someone's mind is there, both our noses say different, it's Arc. We're going to need backup. Slim’s logic hit home.

I’ll contact Ja…

Just at that moment explosions and gunfire erupted at the warehouse their team was preparing to raid. A blue/white flash returned their attention to the south.

Slim, he's closing fast, I'll intercept him and... Shade manages to push his fear aside for the time being.

You'll head back and help them, now! I'll stall Arc. Slim's order left no room in Shades mind to argue. His form shifted, becoming semi-transparent and seemingly drifted away.

A large mass of sparks stormed across the street, suddenly going out, it's now dark form colliding with the nearby wall of a factory wall. Slim's tackle taking them both through bringing down much of the building in their wake.

A two man team manned a ludicrously large gun firring into a fellow team mates force field, Javelin was pinned despite appearing uninjured from the barrage, it was only a matter of time before the field drops and she's riddled with the high calibre weapon.

The other members were faring no better, Kalvin was fighting off three hulking men, mitoids by their appearance, Kalvin looked like a child being harassed by the schoolyard bullies. There was also a smaller woman armed with a submachine gun, she would fire whenever one of her comrades would be knocked back granting her a clear shot.

Not seeing the other two Nova's in his team, he headed for the Gun team, his insubstantial form allowing him to pass without a sound. Standing above the man pulling the trigger, Shade put his arm through the mans back, his hand finding the gunners heart. His hand became solid for a moment, all the time he needed to squeeze the organ into an unrecognisable mass. Focussing his thoughts on the other target, the man clutched at his head, screaming, for a moment Shade felt pity on the baseline, his friend suffering a quick and relatively painless death. Even though he'd live, the victim of Shade's mental attack would probably need therapy to recover from the trauma this kind of experience can have.

Javelin was off like a shot, flicking a quick salute in his general direction, she, like his targets couldn't see him but was aware of what had just occurred. Her beauty still causes him to pause, even after months of training with the dark skinned woman.

Maybe someday he thought, and glided towards those attacking Kalvin. Even as he began to move one of the mitoids was sent spiralling off silently into the distance, Javelin's running charge no doubt killed him instantly. Kelvin was using another as a human shield against the armed woman and the third was limping over to a nearby pile of rubble, he could smell blood but couldn't see the wound.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 years later...

Holy post resurrection. :D


Things are in different places than when you wrote that 7 years ago, but it is all here.


There aren't many vocal old timers around these days so it is nice when someone drops in to say hi.

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