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Trinity Universe: Ethiopia Game


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*Voices in all different tongues scream across a marketplace, on the edge of the Ethiopian Lowlands and the Plateau.  The mild days of the Spring have led to the increased happiness in the atmosphere, or maybe it's denial of something afoot.  Yesterday, two Muslims were killed in a mostly Christian Neighborhood north of the Area.  This complicates things more considering Muslims, Christians and even the occasional animst or Jew trades in this marketplace.  Far off in a stall selling Fresh Fish, sits a man, dressed in a Vest, and black pants.  His looks is a bit above average. He odviously isn't Ethiopian, but looks African. Maybe Nigerian or some place farther inland.  He sits talking with the stand owner in Amharic with bits of English thrown in, it would seem they are making small talk but some words about Project Utopia and Ethiopain government seem to be thrown in.*


Okay everyone, have fun here.  Any cultural questions?  Don't be afraid to ask,  I am not an expert on this subject but I can say that it is like a typical market one would imagine in Egypt or India for example.

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*The man looks up from talking to the shop owner in the spice stand.  He frowns a bit, and mutters to himself*

Man.... call to prayer is gonna clear half these guys out....

*He lays back on his chair and sighs.  He takes out his palm pilot and jots some stuff down in it* I come to Ethiopia for like two days to experience Christianity in a pure form and all I get is Islam. *He mutters this off in pretty bad Amharic*


You guys are out their and want to join... no character sheets needed or anything.

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*An ethiopian woman walking through the market place overhears the man's comment and smiles slightly to herself as if at a private joke. The woman is bare foot, wearing a pastel short sleeved shirt and sarong-style skirt that goes to midway between her knees and ankles and a rough weave sachtel. The clothes make no attempt to cover the vast network of scars that criss-cross her body and face. The scars are obviously not for decoration, it is evident that whatever this woman's past was, it was filled with terror and pain. Despite this she walks with confidence and her eyes show that she has not forgot her past, merely accepted it. Her beauty is mared by the scars, but still shines through, after seeing her one can't help but wonder what she might look like without them.*

When she does speak it is in native Amharic, but with a voice that belies culture and education.

"If you want pure Christianity you should go to the Vatican or perhaps America, what you will find here is mix of many religions, Islam included."

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Aziz heard the call to prayer float up from the marketplace beneath his second-story window. The top floor of a squat building, the apartment was rented out to him by the man who used the ground floor as a newsstand. Finding a nearby mosque would be no problem, but Aziz was already running late for his orientation meeting at PU's headquarters, and he still hadn't finished unpacking.

He unbundled his prayer mat and unfurled it at the north window, across the room from the market street. Somewhere beyond that window lay Mecca, though it was not visible from the apartment. Not only was the holy city hundreds of miles away, but the Ethiopian highlands did a worthy job of obstructing one's view.

Addis Ababa, however, would be visible to a keen sense of sight -- especially that of a nova -- and an especially strong pair of eyes might even pick out the pristine glittering edifice where Project Utopia made its home. But Aziz could not see that, either.

He prayed.

[Playing a Muslim is gonna be a challenge, but it should also be educational. I know next to nothing about Islam, the Middle East, or Ethiopia, so please let me know when I get something wrong. I live to be corrected.

[And jump in, people! Aberrant is world-wide in scope! Don't be intimidated by the foreign and unfamiliar.]

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*The man looks at the girl, he sighs a bit. His Amharic being more clear this time.*

Yeah, I do come to expect alot.  I'm from Nigeria myself.  I'd think this place being the oldest Christian Empire would be a bit different thats all.  

*He tries to avoid looking at all the scars*

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*The man holds out his hand* The name is Mikhal, well thats my new name since I have come here.  I have recently converted to the Ethiopian Church.... not a citizen here though.  

*Across the market loses most of the people who speak Arabic by know, a great bit more Amharic and other native languages are heard*

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*nearby in the marketplace, a wave of commotion and agitated whispering spreads slowly, fading after a few moments, although many continue to stare.  A blonde haired man in plain fatigues is strolling through the marketplace, picking at a few fruits with eyes hidden behind wraparound mirror sunglasses.  There is a woman on his arm, darker than his mere newly acquired tan.  While very pretty, she is dwarfed by the force of his presence and the faint, golden halo that can just barely be seen around his too-perfect bronze skinned face. She says little, and he merely tugs her along as he goes, for is nothing but a pretty fixture on his arm. Disapproving whispers can her heard.  She has her hair loose, unhidden by any covering, only tied back by a simple band.  A scandalous thing to conservative muslims, but none dare say anything to her, because of who's arm she hangs on to.*

"That's one's good, ah, yeah, not rotten like the other ones. I'll take a basket of them.  That's right, I said a whole basket. Here," Gunther said, handing the merchant some money, far more than the fruit was actually worth.  He continues on now, a basket of fruits in one hand, a pretty baseline girl on the other, nearing the area where the other characters are talking.*

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*Mikhal notices the girl approching but turns back to the lady before him*

I was born a Christian, and to God I give thanks, but the Ethiopian Church is the only true African church.  I'm sure you can understand what importance that has to me.  I hope to get a government job here as well... I want to show my loyalty to the kingdom.  You keep close roots to your tribe?

*Across the Marketplace many Muslims began returning from prayer, many of the Christian buyers and sellers staying quiet and just watching them.  The tension is evident, and the fact that a white-woman with such a pretty face just appeared.... things are chaotic.*

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Amina notices the couple and snears so that only her companion can see her. She mutters something unintelligble under her breath and returns to the conversation, although never once takes her eyes off the couple.

My tribe? Yes, I do, although I tend to consider all of Ethiopia my tribe. As for religion, well, my views tend not to fit well here. Now, if you'll excuse me I have some business to attend to.

Quickly and with the grace of a cat Amina slips between two stalls, down a small alley, and out of site.

(I will be gone for about a week, I guess just assume my character stays out of site for a while)

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((I love it!  That is such a thing for me to do... assume I meant the couple))

*Mikhal looks at the stand owner again, in his slang filled Amharic*

Some nice tourist their.... only talk to them in English, Italian and Arabic... feel them out for any knowledge of Amharic, we used to do that in Nigeria.  Worked like a charm.

*Mikhal quickly starts to write down a sign with English and Arabic letters on it*

*Across the market people began to sell, and the chaos of the Afternoon begans anew*

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(Although... then again, a white *woman* Elite with a local girl on her arm adds even more shock value!  :Devil  Especially in a middle-eastern culture.   Okay, yeah, I think I'll do that, then.  I'll be Greta, now, instead of Gunther.   )

*Greta feels her companion tugging on her arm.  With a somewhat disinterested sigh, she lets the girl go on her way. Something  about having to be home in time for something...*

*Greta pushes her shades up onto her hair, revealing a bronze face like a goddess...and strange, shifting eyes with black and white geometric patterns that slowly fade and change.*

*She grins, saying to the characters in German: "Nice day, eh? I can tell you guys are important.  I'm Greta.  Would you like a peach?"

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((I'm assuming that meant Mikhal))

*Mikhal looks up at Greta, he adjust his small pair of glasses on his face, he begans to speak in really proper and 'hard' english*

Hmm....? I speak Europe English.

*He takes out some spices and shows them to Greta*

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((I'm assuming that meant Mikhal))

*Mikhal looks up at Greta, he adjust his small pair of glasses on his face, he begans to speak in really proper and 'hard' english*

Hmm....? I speak Europe English.

*He takes out some spices and shows them to Greta*

"English? Okay, I'm okay with English.  What are those? They smell quite good.  Are you selling them?"

*Greta smiles and edges uncomfortably close while peering and the spices, acting completely unconcerned for Mikhal's person space.  Her fractal-patterns eyes shift more quickly.*

"What's your name?"

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*Mikhal, looks back towards the shop keeper, muttering something to him in Amharic*

I am Mikhal. These be spices from... Arabe lands aand Hindu land.  I make you pay little money for spices. Like this hot sauce... good for food. What name is yours?

*He seems to have slight smile on his face, and he mutters something back to the shop keeper again in Amharic*

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"Greta.  Nice meeting, Mikhail.  I think I'll take some of your spices.  How much you want?" she replies, rather enthusiastically.  

"What'd you just say to him, if I you don't mind me asking?  I don't speak the local lingo, but I've got really good hearing."

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*Mikhal smiles a bit... He finishes his sign he was drawing. He looks at some spices and then says, something in Amharic.  He then begans to explain it in English*

I say... Watch out, white women... persons, trade for serious money.  All the other shop keepers are gonna fight for your attention.

*He starts to hang the sign he wrote in English, and Arabic up, below the huge one in Amharic. They all proclaim the same thing be they the English sign saying "Spices", the Arabic sign being very quickly written, or Amharic's odd... Rune's it would seem.*

Spices really cheap.  I can give you tea spices, really popular here. Ehh... whats word... Chai, they say that in country south of here and in umm... Hindi land. It taste good, lady-like to drink it. You should *He puts a strange stress on should* buy some.

*He holds a small pouch of it out to her in his thin hands.  Across the Marketplace... something can be heard.... In shouted Arabic and Amharic as it is odvious two men are arguing at a stall.  By the cross one holds, and the Arab look of the other it is odvious they are both of separate faiths.  People across the market place began to watch, knowing this will end up ugly*

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*Greta looks over at the commotion and gives a rather exasperated sigh that anyone would dare ruin her pleasant tourist afternoon by fighting.  She slides her mirror-shades back onto her face, and gently takes the pouch, laying several bills into his hand in exchange.  She doesn't bother to count them.*

"Can you wait Mikhail? I'll be right back."

*Greta throws her shoulders back and assumes a poise of confidence, and walks over to where the two men are argueing. Completely disregarding whatever they were fighting about, she starts examining the merchandise, and tugs at the nearer man's sleeve for some help in finding the right... whatever it is they're selling.*

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*The man rudely shoves her away.... while he continues to argue. He pauses for a second, and says in bad English*

F-you blondie!

*The Christian man looks appalled, and the fighting on seems to get worse, with Muslims and Christians all across the market fighting... Mikhal stays still though, ethnic violence ain't why he is here... he adjust his small pair of glasses a bit*

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*Greta's face suddenly goes from cheerful to mask of rage when the man shoves her.*

(Spending 2 Quantum.  Activating Enhanced Movement. Activating Multitasking.)

*Bounding back like a viper and grabbing his arm, she squeezes, shattering the bones.*

"F-YOU! Raghead! Nobody f-ing touches me without my permission!" she shrieks at him.

*With a hard shove, she sends him flying across the marketplace.*

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*Mikhal re-coils* Holy Lord in the heavens about!

*Mikhals camera is out in seconds snapping pictures of this female nova who brought the crowd to awe... realizing that these people don't know English is a problem though, he gets up still flashing pictures while screaming*

La! La al-mowt!  La! La!

*He begans pushing through the crowds hoping to soon end this terrible violence*


More people is always nice guys..... I know you hear me.

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A large and powerful looking man(not obviously Nova) walks into the market place and seems obviosly distressed at what has just happened.

(using two quantum and hitting greta with a hyperspeed strike with good old mega str 4)

"you dont use your powers on baselines, try using them on me instead"

OOC- ill stick with playing the preverbial good boy of the group!

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Casually observing the bustling market from the window of a small, yet expensive hotel overlooking the marketplace, a man of obvious European heritage sits reading a newspaper.  As the commotion arrises with the passing  of the elite he places the paper on the small table to the side of his seat and peers over the edge of the balcony to see what might transpire.

:cool  - Me join in.

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*Mikhal sighs, He takes out his cellphone and starts to dial some numbers, he speaks quickly in English*

Yes, you heard me.... this could be what sets things off in this area.... government would love this.

*He starts heading away from the crowd when a second nova enters the fray, at least this will decrease religious violence*

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A large and powerful looking man(not obviously Nova) walks into the market place and seems obviosly distressed at what has just happened.

(using two quantum and hitting greta with a hyperspeed strike with good old mega str 4)

\"you dont use your powers on baselines, try using them on me instead\"

OOC- ill stick with playing the preverbial good boy of the group!

*Greta, already tense, paranoid, and pissed, crouches when the threatening-looking man comes into view, and when he moves to strike, she vaults out of the way with a lightning-fast leap that takes her all the way to the other side of the marketplace.*

"What the f*** are you doing!?" she screams at him.  "He f-ing attacked me first! Can't I defend myself, prick!?"

*Still tense, her senses registering every single thing happening around her, she waits, ready to dodge or run.  She looks rather outraged that another Nova would dare interfere with her, a vien on her forehead pulsing in view, but she doesn't really want to fight.*

(Spending quantum to keep Enhanced Movement active for the rest of the scene, and to keep multitasking on. )

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"Thats no reason to attack him, and a shove when you are interfering in his buisness is no attack from where i stand. whats the matter kid scared of beating on someone other than a baseline? u cant outmove me forever, and you sure as heck cant outrun me, u gonna be good or do i have to actually hit u?"

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\"Thats no reason to attack him, and a shove when you are interfering in his buisness is no attack from where i stand. whats the matter kid scared of beating on someone other than a baseline? u cant outmove me forever, and you sure as heck cant outrun me, u gonna be good or do i have to actually hit u?\"

*Greta looks even more incensed, and the faint halo around her head shimmers and glows a little brighter.  She yells something very angry-sounding in German at the other Nova, spittle flying from her lips. *

*Simultaneously while she says this, she reaches to her DeVries cellphone and pushes the emergency rescue button repeatedly.*

*She swears in German at him again, and says something else that sounds less angry and more cold and threatening. The word "Totentanz" can be heard among this.*

(Note: if you characters understand German, I'll be happy to post what she actually said.)

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*Mikhal continues to watch all of this, speaking rapidly into his cell phone*

Girl's speaking Guttenswald to... could be bad press with that... I'll get the info to you for your meeting tommorow... Thats about it so I'll close this connection.

*He moves off through the crowd back to the stall... the violence being put to a blatant stop, and definitly is gonna be the gossip in Addis Ababa in less then a day*

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The nova on the balcony stares down at the events unfolding and decides to pull his laptop off the table on the other side of the balcony.

"Perhaps I can ID these troublemakers," he mumbles under his breath.

He accesses the Directive files on known Novas.  If he cannot find anthing he will document any information that he can on the two novas in the market.

OOC - My character speaks German.  How about you private message me what she said Manuel?  For the record, my character speaks English, German and Japanese.  Do you wanna character sheet Umoja?

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OOC: i aint got german so i dont understand it, also if your trying to find my boy on file i can private you his details.

*large man lifts the injured man, greta attacked up and then leaves the area*

"ill cya round kid, trust me youll definately see me again."

<2 more quantum and a hyperspeed move to the nearest medical attention facility and then to the authorities to expalin what happened>

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*Greta cringes as a sonic boom blasts through the marketplace, the pressure wave from Vindicator leaving flattening every market-stand in a hundred feet.   She's knocked a dozen feet back from it.  Sitting up, she can see nearly everyone in the market on the ground, clutching thier ears, many  of them bleeding from the ears and nose.  She knows that many of them have likely suffered permanent hearing loss.*

"F-ing hypocrite," she says softly. "Telling me not to use my power on baselines and then pulling that..."

Dusting herself off, she stands up and begins looking for Mikhail among the injured.

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OOC: actually to reach the speed required to cause that would take me a few seconds on flight, trust me ive had the issue raised enough. also i use precision as a method of wavign that and judging a good speed. vindicator aint bright, he aint no idiot though. and according to the book i need hypermove 3 to do hat and i only got 2

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