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Aberrant: In the Beginning - Painted Clues


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Rich came out of light speed and tried to get his bearings. Water... hopefully the Atlantic ocean. Land... more land... AH! After several moments he realized he'd missed Peter Bell's place by roughly 40 miles.

Briefly Rich wondered if 750 miles in an instant was a new world record... then realized it couldn't be. Light did this all the time. Rich was deeply relieved he hadn't ended out in space or something. Light speed wasn't a toy. If he weren't running against the clock he could have just flown.

Rich adjusted his flight path and 8 minutes later a 'being of light' landed on Peter's building. Rich walked to the door...

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On the roof was a sign that said, "Come on in." The door was unlocked and the stairway led down into the somewhat darkened buidling. On the first door he came to was another sign, this one reading "Artist is At Work". The 'At Work' could be replaced with other actions, no doubt.

Richard knocked and he heard a voice from within go, "Come on in Richard". The Radioactive Nova walked in and found much of the loft as he envisioned it. Many paintings lay around the wall, some mere sketches while others were almost complete. None of these works compared to what he was working on now. Richard recognized the nova in the picture. It was ...

"How did you know it was me?" Richard asked. "Are you that good at predicting the future?," he joked, "or am I the only one you have coming over today?"

"Nope," Peter responded with a lopsided grin. The height of the knock on the door."

Richard looked confused.

"The knock came from a man over six feet tall. My manager is five-four. The package delivery guy is five-eight. Since the only other person I'm expecting who is over six feet arrives in a thunder clap and the song of a thousand trumpets - Titan Omega - I deduced it had to be you. See, no magic sight."

Peter walked over to the small mural he had described over the phone and pulled off the sheet covering it.

"I don't want people across the street to take pictures of my nova-centric art. It could be bad having thousand of people trying to figure out what each picture means, and taking actions based on wrong conclusions."

He picked it up and handed it two him. It was three feet by five feet and surprising light. Peter worked in a fragile medium.

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A man strapped to a bed, and from his fingertips dangled strings. From the strings dangled more people, all with bloody hands. A bearded man with two faces shoved money into his pockets, not seeing that they had no bottoms and the money just poured out again, nor the shadow creatures that surrounded him. Slashed across the canvas, thousands of wasps were flying. When Peter looked closely, he could see many of the people in the painting being stung by individual wasps. In the bottom, a war. Above the battle, swinging on the moon, a woman laughed. And at the top of the painting, and splitting it into two sides, a being of light screamed to the heavens.

I think you are the being screaming to heaven. The wasps have something to do with what went down in Egypt. I'm not sure about the rest."
The words over the phone didn't do the painting justice. It was breath taking. Rich took the painting up close to his eye... the wasps weren't blobs of paint. They had wings, probably even eyes. Could a master have done this in a year? In ten years?

Awestruck and temporarily diverted from his task, Rich said in a strangled tone, "And you did this... in a couple of hours?"
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"I think three. When I paint these my mind goes somewhere else. It feels like only a fraction of a second has gone by, except my hands and back are a bit sore. Sometimes I can do them in five or ten minutes, like some of the sketches I made on my way to London."

Peter shudders to think how close the world had come to nuclear fire - at least the nova world.

"Right now I'm attempting to do a similar thing with portraits for each and every nova, starting with the ones who were at the Aeon conference. I'm also working with the local PD and have a contract with a major corporation - a huge mural."

"Does this help you at all, seeing it? Does anything change now that you can put pictures to ideas? This is the worst part of what I do - no instruction manual."

Another grin comes to his face at that, though his eyes are weary.

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Rich glanced at Peter with considerable respect and said, "Whatever they're paying you, it won't be enough." *This is art worth more than anything else I own. Probably more than everything else combined except for the children.*

*Oh! Children! Right!*

Jolted back into what he was there for, Rich took another look at the painting and said, "He's black. I'd expected that. Those strings ending in bloody hands, that's not a shock either. It's what he does. From what little I know of the breed I gather he's a stereotypical serial killer. Now instead of doing it himself he makes other people kill."

Rich pointed towards the bearded man pouring money and added, "Or steal. That war at the bottom, I wouldn't be shocked if he's taking a page from the Princess Bride and using his powers to start wars, or at least trying to."

Rich looked at the image tied to the bed carefully and said, "I don't recognize the face... any chance that's a good likeness? And hey, do you have a magnifying glass around?"

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"I have a reading lamp magnifier."

He pointed over to a table burried in paint tubes, books and a half dozen stacked paintings.

"Just clear off the table. It's old stuff I'm not sure I'll get back to."

As for the likeness, I'm not sure. I'm still too new at this, though my portraits have been described as more real than real. That is why I want to frame my visions around them."

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Rich sorted through the table, looked at stacked paintings in passing and decided not to comment. It was clearly pre-eruption work. Better than anything Rich himself could do but still blobs of paint made by mortal hands. Rich wondered if it'd be depressing to look at your old work and notice every flaw... if he were Peter he'd probably burn all this.

After some work Rich located the magnifier, cleared a spot for his 'painting'... if "painting" was even the right word for this, lay it down and started examining it through the magnifier. Rich couldn't resist taking a closer look at a wasp. He exclaimed,

"This is amazing! I can see the folds in the wings, and the eyes are multi-focused. Peter... I'm impressed." Rich glanced at "Mr. Bang" again, then looked a bit lower.

"That's not a bed, I was in the navy, I know a bunk when I see one. Not a navy uniform. Tied down? Paralyzed? No, that's not a hospital gown he's wearing."

Rich hissed, straitened, and said, "He's institutionalized."

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Still painting, Peter asked,

"What does this Mr. Bang do? What are his power manifestations and what seem to be his goals? If you find something of him, or find the man himself, I might be able to paint you something clearer. Otherwise, I'm fishing in the ether."

He stops and re-directs the flow of what he's working on.

"Maybe I could entice him with the offer of making a painting for him ... I do want to see each and every one of us. I want to give them a painting that will have meaning in their lives."

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Rich hissed in frustration and said, "I left the letter he sent me in my sock drawer. The letter's exact words had been ringing in Rich's ears for hours. Rich said, "The letter said:"

Richard Stevenson.

So nice to put a name to the face after seeing you so briefly the other day. I thought it would take ages to track you down, but then you went and made my life so much easier by plastering your face all over yesterday's news. You have a lovely family. Especially that youngest one that was in the coma. I'm looking forward to getting to know your family better, especially the young one.

PS. You really shouldn't have pissed me off and ruined my plans.

Rich continued, "And as for his power set and agenda?" Peter clearly still doesn't have a good idea of what we're dealing with here. "He's a telepath and he can make people *do* things... specifically commit murder. Probably torture too."

"Peter, this isn't my field, but I think Serial Killers are all about power and ego. I proved that I could throw him out of my head when I stopped him from making me commit murder. Ergo he needs to prove he's more powerful than I am by killing my family."

Rich pointed to the painting and said, "The blood on those people's hands? That's not figurative, that's literal. He made this guy's secretary put a letter opener through his neck while I was in the room. When I undid his work he went after me."

"This is a very bad man. You don't want to talk with him, or offer to make him anything. Actually you don't want him to even know you exist, and don't worry about that, I'll see that he doesn't."

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"Get me the letter. Let me see the structure and fluidity of his writing. I'll see what I can do with that. It is a link to him, something he has touched. It should have the residual aspect of his power to it, even if he had a proxy write the words."

Peter looks a bit saddened, but continues,

"I'm not going to hide. I couldn't if I wanted to live the life I've chosen for myself. I need to be out there so I can help other novas get a handle on themselves, and their futures. Thanks for the offer though."

An idea can be seen lighting a fire within his eyes and spreading to his face.

"I could attempt your protrait, right now. I don't know how long it will take, but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."

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Originally Posted By: Adrian Moss
"Get me the letter. Let me see the structure and fluidity of his writing. I'll see what I can do with that. It is a link to him, something he has touched. It should have the residual aspect of his power to it, even if he had a proxy write the words."
Rich nodded in agreement.

Peter looks a bit saddened, but continues,
"I'm not going to hide. I couldn't if I wanted to live the life I've chosen for myself. I need to be out there so I can help other novas get a handle on themselves, and their futures. Thanks for the offer though."
Rich replied, "I'm not asking you to hide. I'm saying I'm not going to announce to Mr. Bang you're helping me and neither should you."

An idea can be seen lighting a fire within his eyes and spreading to his face.

"I could attempt your portrait, right now. I don't know how long it will take, but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."
Rich replied with interest, "I'm yours till a quarter to two. What do you want me to do?" I'd love to see your power in action.
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At his main easel, Peter switches out the current he is currently working on for a fresh canvas. He arrays a series of paint tubes on the paint-stained table beside him.

"Stand about there. Pull a bench along with you. This may take a while."

When Richard takes his position, Peter gazes at him with studious eyes. A spark glimmers in his eyes, rapidly growing to a full grown flame. He starts working his paints and his brush starts making strokes upon the canvas. He becames man possessed, caught up in a moment that only he can see.

Click to reveal..

Spending 3q on Vision, 1q on Artistic Genius, and 1 Wp on the vision

Quantum Pool 30/6 Willpower 7/6

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Richard stood there for many minutes as Peter worked in a fervant trance. The Artist's precise hands working in perfect concert with his gaze, stopping only to mix the new colors necessary for another masterwork.

As time ticked by, Rich's thoughts dwelled on the many matters which weighed heavily on his mind. He worried about his youngest and the shocks she was going through. The very real threat that his ellusive tormentor presented. How so very easy it would be to possess almost anyone. How close he could get and the near infinite ways he could exact his petty revenge. Almost no one was safe which meant that almost no one could be trusted around his family.

Beyond the immediate threats, there was the matter of national security and the President's job offer. Rich knew there was no going back. The world was reeling and it had not yet even begun to feel the full effect from the rippling blast waves of change exploding outward from each newly erupted Novus.

Entranced as he was in his own way, Rich was brought back to his surroundings by the rumbling of a sonic boom and of wind buffeting the roof of the building above. A moment later the door opened and in ducked the largest man Rich had ever seen. Once he had squeezed his massive frame through the door the Titan floated lightly down the stairs and into the main studio.

Though not physically luminescing, something about the mighty man before him gleamed. He was perfect, more perfect than any human could ever be and it lent a slightly alien air to his imposing presence.

Titan Omega surveyed the scene in progress with a curious and approving eye. The man who had called him engaged at the easel and the curious other. After a moment Adam recognized him from the Aeon lawn in London.

"Greetings." His voice was very deep, born from lungs of cavernous power, yet not without a melodic warmth and softened projection that eased it into the room.

"You are the man who healed Pax. Thank you for that."

Rich was about to reply when Peter suddenly stopped his work, blinking back into his normal senses with the slight disorientation of rapidly shifting brainwave frequency. His work laid bare, complete and yet totally new to his conscious eyes. Above his easel he saw that he had a new visitor...

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Rich watched Peter work with interest and anticipation.

Let's see... probable menu options:

1) Me weeping over the kids' graves.

2) Me behind bars, the kids looking at me.

3) Me walking on water that's really a swimming pool of gold coins in front of the White House. Dispensing healing of the sick with one hand and dispelling the darkness by flipping a light switch with another hand.

Please, please, please be number 3.

Originally Posted By: Titan Omega
"Greetings." His voice was very deep, born from lungs of cavernous power, yet not without a melodic warmth and softened projection that eased it into the room.

"You are the man who healed Pax. Thank you for that."

Rich said, "Titan Omega! And yes, that was me, glad to do it too. We're all better off with Pax around." Titan Omega... I can't think of anyone who'd look better in a black suit.

Rich continued, "So what can I do for you? Oh, and while you're here, please take a look at the painting on the table there and tell me if you know the puppeteer."

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The Titan floats a few inches from the ground, legs together and feet pointed toward the floor. Lifting the canvas delicately, he regards it for a moment before turning with a smile at Rich.

"Actually it was Peter who called for me."

He turns then to Peter, now recovered from his preescient artistry, and nods approvingly.

"You are quite talented Mr. Bell."

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Rich replied in agreement, "Absurdly talented. Best the world has seen, and that's even before knowing the art has an underlying reality."

Rich nods back to the painting lying on the table, "The wings on the hornets have veins... and the current and/or future victims of the novus serial killer have blood on their hands while he has puppet strings coming from his."

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Richard, Peter and Titan Omega see an image on the canvas that looks eerily photorealistic...the details and colors so delicately applied that the brushstrokes can't be seen with the naked eye. The subject matter of the painting is surreal in a way that fever dreams aspire to however.

There is a central figure, standing on one leg on what looks like a large open flower floating on calm water. Clad in a sort of layered loincloth, this figure is male and has Richard's face. Curiously, it has someone else's face too. The head of the figure seems to be facing directly out, but two faces appear on it, each at an angle facing away from each other...sharing the same head. One of the faces is clearly Richard's. The other looks like a woman's face.

Richard, if that's who or what it is, has four arms as well, splayed out in a symmetric pattern like some Hindu god. In the bottom two hands is long stemmed flower...perhaps a lily...and a sword that glows with unearthly green light. In the upper left hand is the universal symbol of an atom...rings around a nucleus...and in the right upper hand is, of all things, a pair of dark sunglasses.

Behind this strange and unsettling image are arrayed figures. To his left are familiar faces. Titan Omega is there, though distorted...as if a wax figure just starting to melt. Juno is recognizable, standing with her shoulders thrust defiantly back though her body is gaping with wounds. Others are less familiar, like the pretty redhead stepping out of a hole in the air, or the strange green giant that towers over all of them from behind. To Richard's right is a flaming, almost demonic looking woman, flanked by the horrifying image of a man with no eyes, his head ringed with what look like tiny glowing numbers, and another man...this one perfectly normal looking if uncommonly handsome, save only for the halo over his head...and the devilish horns sticking out of his forehead. They two have more behind them, though the ones in that group are often possessing peculiar and sometimes frightening forms and faces.

Worst by far though is the form rising up from behind Richard. A man with hands held out, fingers splayed. Strings hang from those fingers, each connected to a dangling human figure with bloody hands. The details are so precise that even the features on those tiny puppets can be made out. Unfortunately, the face of the puppeteer is hidden under a mask of blood and stone and metal. Only his eyes can be seen through the holes in it...and it's clear from their shape that the face underneath is grinning a jester's grin.

There is more though...new details. Strings rise up FROM the puppeteer too, to an even larger human silhouette that looms from behind him. No details can be seen at all of this figure, save that the strings from the puppeteer connect not to his hands, but to something on his chest, offset to one side. Heart maybe? The strings look a little funny too, though are too small to see easily why. They're a bit greenish in color.

In the end though, the impact of the painting is not in its individual elements, but in the design itself. It creates a deep emotional resonance of breathtaking danger held in abeyance only by an act of skill, or will. Looking at the painting is a little like watching an acrobat backflip on a tightrope, in terms of its emotional impact. As for why that is...it's hard to justify it rationally.

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Peter steps back and takes a deep breath.

"Oh man ... oh man, I hate this. Richard, does any of this help you."

He studies the picture,

"Wait, I recognize Sacha she's" and he points at a figure, the red one to the right. "The flames."

I need to get better at this. I feel like Nostradomus, not knowing what my prophecies mean until after they happen.

"Tell me this makes sense ... Oh, hi Titan Omega. When did you get here? I have your painting right over here," he points.

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"I just arrived," Titan answered. He set down the painting he had been holding and shook his head slightly at Rich.

"I'm sorry, I've never seen this man."

He walked over to another table where several more canvases beckoned.

"You made a painting for me?" he asked with genuine surprise. "I heard you say you had a warning for me..."

Just then his eyes fell on what the Artist had wrought, a vision that sent cold numbing panic down into the youthful core of the immense novus...

Originally Posted By: Titan
He looked at his canvas. The Titan Omega looked back, anguish on his face. He seemed ready to burst with despair. Facing the Titan, an intricately painted robotic contraption held an unconscious (dead?) young girl, perhaps 12 or 13 years old.

The multi armed machine had a scalpel-tipped waldo poised above her sternum. Lines had been drawn on her belly, indicating various organ locations. The robot had a face, of sorts. It stared blankly at the Titan.

" Dear God no..." he whispered with true terror.

The Titan turned towards Peter and his face mirrored the despair in the painting. To see a face so perfect and wholseome expressing such pain was painful in turn to witness.

"Are you saying this is what will come to pass?" he asked, seeking answers from The Artist.

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The emotional impact of the painting was overwhelming, it was like holding a mirror to his soul. For a long moment Rich stared dumbstruck, then after a time he whispered, "This is my life." *That's Cheryl Wilson's untainted face. So it was her and not one of the others. That sword is unsheathed and the light is the popularized green of radiation. I didn't really need to know that.*

Rich said, "I'm not kneeling on my childrens' grave stones. One hopes that flower is a symbol of healing. Although Lilies symbolize death, and innocence. Nuclear power is obvious..." Rich pointed to one hand, "MiB glasses. I'm going to be re-organizing the Secret Service."

(To Titan Omega) "You'd be a good choice for a member".

Rich studied the groups and said, "I see two sets of groups here and here. Allies and enemies? Different agendas? Different schools of thought? If this ties into the MiB then it's criminals and law enforcement. It's a little disturbing that this group looks... alien. There's a lot of people I don't know on both sides."

Rich had been saving the best for last, "And then we have Mr. Bang. Notice how he's hiding his face behind blood and stone and metal, and that he's having a grand old time. If this were 50 years ago he might be in a nut house, instead I think he's probably enjoying himself in jail or prison. How many 20 to 25 year old black serial killers are there in prison?" *If that's what he's in jail for. If he's in jail for something else then I'm pretty screwed.*

"It's disturbing that there's another figure pulling his strings." Rich frowned and took a close look at one of the puppets and said, "Son of a gun. That's the secretary that he tried to make kill... her boss."

Rich took the magnifying glass and tried to get a closer look at the madman's strings to his boss.

Originally Posted By: Titan Omega
" Dear God no..." he whispered with true terror.

The Titan turned towards Peter and his face mirrored the despair in the painting. To see a face so perfect and wholesome expressing such pain was painful in turn to witness.

"Are you saying this is what will come to pass?" he asked, seeking answers from The Artist.

Rich asked, "Do you know the girl? And if she's not dead..." *If she's not dead then I could save her. If I'm there or if you know where I'm at.*
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"No. I mean, I don't think so. I think it is what happens if we don't stop it. If this helps you, I think you can change the fate in these pictures and save lives. That is what I chose to believe."

Peter visiably sagged and looked worn. He rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead.

"Sorry, I've been at this all day. Working on another project for a client. It's what pays the bills and allows me to do what really needs doing."

"Both of you, if you give me more lclues and things associated with your problems, I may get closer to the source of your troubles, but this is a trying process. The more I look, the harder it is for me to be certain of what my Mind's Eye sees. I only get so many shots at this and I don't know the number."

I can see through time he told himself, but it's through this fucked up lense.

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(To Titan Omega) "You'd be a good choice for a member".

Titan gives Rich a wry smile. "Thank you, that's very flattering. However I'm not really one for background checks if you know what I mean. A secret ID doesn't work very well if you don't, well...keep it a secret."

Rich asked, "Do you know the girl? And if she's not dead..."

The giant nods his head, forlorn. "She is...family."

"No. I mean, I don't think so. I think it is what happens if we don't stop it. If this helps you, I think you can change the fate in these pictures and save lives. That is what I chose to believe."

Peter visiably sagged and looked worn. He rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead.

"Sorry, I've been at this all day. Working on another project for a client. It's what pays the bills and allows me to do what really needs doing."

"Both of you, if you give me more lclues and things associated with your problems, I may get closer to the source of your troubles, but this is a trying process. The more I look, the harder it is for me to be certain of what my Mind's Eye sees. I only get so many shots at this and I don't know the number."

The Titan studies his painting intensely.

"Yesterday I was called to San Francisco in response to a suspected Novus conducting a bank robbery. Well, it wasn't a novus. It was several remotely operated robot drones. They were all kitbashed, very much like the one in this painting."

He grimaced.

"When I tracked the signal source I was attacked by what I can only describe as a crazy old man. He had more attack drones at his dwelling and fired a plasma weapon at me. I...I've never seen him before but he seemed to have a very personal interest in hurting me. Or it could have just been the rantings of a depraved nova genius. I wasn't sure. I'm trusting you both with that last bit. I didn't tell the police about it and I'm glad now. The stakes just got alot higher..."

After a moment he turns to Rich.

"It would seem both our families are in danger. How would you feel about an alliance?"
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Originally Posted By: Adrian Moss
"No. I mean, I don't think so. I think it is what happens if we don't stop it. If this helps you, I think you can change the fate in these pictures and save lives. That is what I chose to believe."
Rich nodded... mostly he liked where his future was going. Rich glanced at the radiation green sword and then the jester in the blood mask. With perhaps two exceptions.

Peter visibly sagged and looked worn. He rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead. ... "Both of you, if you give me more clues and things associated with your problems, I may get closer to the source of your troubles, but this is a trying process. The more I look, the harder it is for me to be certain of what my Mind's Eye sees. I only get so many shots at this and I don't know the number."
Rich said, "Peter, I seriously owe you. Keep my number handy, if you need someone brought back from near death I'm your guy." *And good to know you're working with Law Enforcement...*

Originally Posted By: Titan Omega
Titan gives Rich a wry smile. "Thank you, that's very flattering. However I'm not really one for background checks if you know what I mean. A secret ID doesn't work very well if you don't, well...keep it a secret."
Rich glanced at the inhumanly massive and inhumanly attractive Titan... *Secret Identity? You? The first question is 'Why' and the next question is 'How'?*

Rich nodded and said, "Consider it a standing offer then. Law enforcement is becoming more and more necessary."

The giant nods his head, forlorn. "She is...family."
*Not wife. Daughter? Sister? ...Creator? Could she actually be Titan Omega? He's dealing with robots... could Titan be some kind of Waldo or robot? Or maybe you don't want to know... whatever else he is he'd be useful.*

"It would seem both our families are in danger. How would you feel about an alliance?"
Rich said, "I like the idea very much. If I want to contact you I should just say your name, right? Do you know how to contact me? Cell phone, home phone, address?"
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Peter nodded. Keeping in touch with people and getting the novus to work together was what he was all about. It was his mission. He may not see eye to eye with Sascha, but he wanted his people to not be swallowed up in the sea of normal humanity - or at war with it.

"I'll keep in touch. If somthing comes up, I'll give you both a ring. I open myself to visions every day or so. Less often if I work with the police. It's draining work."

"Still, I'll keep looking for answers. If I find someone else in trouble can I contact either one of you if I think you can help?"

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"Peter, I seriously owe you. Keep my number handy, if you need someone brought back from near death I'm your guy."

Titan nods. "That goes double for me. Thank you for the warning. It would appear I have a nemisis."

Rich said, "I like the idea very much. If I want to contact you I should just say your name, right? Do you know how to contact me? Cell phone, home phone, address?"

"That is correct. Even I'm not sure how it works, exactly." He regards his tree-trunk arms with curiosity. "I've been through a few changes lately as you can see, and I'm still coming to terms with them. Do you have a card?" he aks.

"I'll keep in touch. If somthing comes up, I'll give you both a ring. I open myself to visions every day or so. Less often if I work with the police. It's draining work."

"Still, I'll keep looking for answers. If I find someone else in trouble can I contact either one of you if I think you can help?"

"Of course Peter. As you have seen today however, I cannot be everywhere at once. I had a life before I became superman and I still do. I will do the best I can but I may not always be available at the drop of a hat. Life isn't a comic book...or at least it didn't used to be."

The statement seems ironic given the one making it.
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Originally Posted By: Adrian Moss
"Still, I'll keep looking for answers. If I find someone else in trouble can I contact either one of you if I think you can help?"
Rich nodded and said, "Big time."

Rich said to Titan Omega, "That girl there, from the injuries she's got so far in the painting, if she's not dead I think I could heal her. If she's dead, maybe I could bring her back and maybe not. I have limits, but I'm not sure what they are. If and when these events happen, find me and I'll do my best."

Rich reached for his wallet but remembered he hadn't brought it to save on weight. Spying a scrap of paper on the floor Rich picked it up and wrote down his contact information.
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Peter stooped over and picked up a painting and looked at it. He shook his head to clear some fatigue cobwebs.

"Okay guys, I will help you as I can, but I need to get back to work."

He grins wearily.

"Sorry to kick you out, but don't both of you have more important places to be?"

He hands them two painting carrying cases.

"The art is a gift. Don't burn them, they may be valuable one day," he joked. "Besides, the more you look at them, the more sense they may make to you."

"Maybe in a few months I'll be able to do a portrait for again and they will be bright and sunshiney."

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"That girl there, from the injuries she's got so far, if she's not dead I think I could heal her. If she's dead, maybe I could bring her back and maybe not. If and when these events happen, find me and I'll do my best."

Titan examines the pic more closely. "She only appears bruised here...unconscious but not dead. I hope it doesn't come to that...still, thank you. I accept your offer." He wasn't taking the pic very well at all.

"Still...that says something. If you truly painted the future you would show her dead if she was to be...that it shows the deed not yet done says that the outcome is not yet decided. It is painted as a warning," he said confidently, although he looked to Peter as if for confirmation of his hopeful theory.

He takes the scrap of paper from Rich, looking him directly in the eyes. Rich can see a wisdom and perhaps a weariness, certainly dread. He felt heavier for the revelation yet there was still the spark of determination...to save his family at any cost.

He nodded at Rich and held out a humongous hand. "Let's be in touch...soon."
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Rich responded to Peter, "They're immensely valuable right now. You've opened up a world of information for me Peter, again, I seriously owe you. Get some sleep... and with one or two exceptions I love my future."

Rich picked up the paintings and carefully attuned them, then made sure they were fully attuned. Even with traveling naked except for the eufiber this wasn't a sure thing.

Originally Posted By: Titan Omega
He takes the scrap of paper from Rich, looking him directly in the eyes. Rich can see a wisdom and perhaps a weariness, certainly dread. He felt heavier for the revelation yet there was still the spark of determination...to save his family at any cost.

He nodded at Rich and held out a humongous hand. "Let's be in touch...soon."

Rich shook the Titan's hand and said, "Agreed. Any particular times good for you?"

Rich followed Titan Omega to the roof, reached out and transformed into the same energy he had earlier, sped into sky, then attempted to Light-Speed back to Chicago... not home, but to the shore of Lake Michigan where Zion was.

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Originally Posted By: Courier
Rich responded to Peter, "They're immensely valuable right now. You've opened up a world of information for me Peter, again, I seriously owe you. Get some sleep... and with one or two exceptions I love my future."

Rich picked up the paintings and carefully attuned them, then made sure they were fully attuned. Even with traveling naked except for the eufiber this wasn't a sure thing.

Originally Posted By: Titan Omega
He takes the scrap of paper from Rich, looking him directly in the eyes. Rich can see a wisdom and perhaps a weariness, certainly dread. He felt heavier for the revelation yet there was still the spark of determination...to save his family at any cost.

He nodded at Rich and held out a humongous hand. "Let's be in touch...soon."
Rich shook the Titan's hand and said, "Agreed. Any particular times good for you?"

Titan shrugged his Atlas-shoulders. "It's difficult to say. Life is...complicated these days. I'll work on finding a way to be more accesible but for now I need to address this" he taps the painting case.

"Tell you what. If you don't reach me before hand I'll call in 24 hours to check in. If I don't it's because an emergency came up and we play phone tag." He gave Rich a wink. "We'll figure out a better way, soon."

"Okay guys, I will help you as I can, but I need to get back to work."

He grins wearily.

"Sorry to kick you out, but don't both of you have more important places to be?"

He hands them two painting carrying cases.

"The art is a gift. Don't burn them, they may be valuable one day," he joked. "Besides, the more you look at them, the more sense they may make to you."

"Maybe in a few months I'll be able to do a portrait for again and they will be bright and sunshiney."

"Of course Peter." Titan said, accepting the protective case and slipping his painting inside. "Your work is very important...perhaps the most. Be seeing you."

Floating back up the stairs without touching them, Titan squeezed himself back through the door frame and disappeared in a gale of wind.


Rich followed Titan Omega to the roof, reached out and transformed into the same energy he had earlier, sped into sky, then attempted to Light-Speed back to Chicago... not home, but to the shore of Lake Michigan where Zion was.
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