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WEIRDER STUFF - Over The Rainbow


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Lona quirked an eyebrow. “I’ll be in trouble for your idea to use our house for a party?”
“It’s your friends and your party,” Clara replied sharply to the other teen.
“Well, calling Bannon anyone’s friend is a bit of stretch,” Lona said, giving the teen boy a teasing grin to show him that she didn’t really mean it. “But I’m not offering up our house for the party, so if Gerault asks, I’m telling him that they were my friends, but it was your idea.” Clara just shrugged and rolled her eyes, but she didn't rescind her offer, either.

"Now, it is trespassing  and underage drinking. Hmmm... You know. It might not be underage drinking on the reservation. You know, the whole 'sovereign nation within our nation' thing with the reservations. I dunno. Something to look into." commented with a shrug.

"But Sara's right, Sheriff Allister won't be looking there and wouldn't find it unless somebody narc'ed to him, and there would not be any worries about A) getting adults in trouble for underage drinking on their property, and B). no worries about 'labs' or whatever, much less drunk idiots falling into a pool." she added.
"I'm not saying I condone this idea of a party though. Just pointing out some things is all." she shrugged.

Lona frowned as Lilly spoke and the expression deepened at her last statement. “If you aren’t condoning the party, then why do you care?” Lona asked, pushing her empty plate away from her. “I’m not saying that I disagree, though I don’t think that underage drinking matters whether on the Rez or not. What matters is that I think that an abandoned logging camp and a ‘Slasher in the Woods’ theme sounds way more awesome than Lona and Clara’s place. 
“Also,” she finished as she locked eyes with Bannon, “shying away trouble isn’t the point of the party, is it? If we’re going to buy beer and get fucked up on weed and pharms, let’s do it at full throttle, one-hundred percent. Don’t go safe, go awesome.”
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"I said that I was not saying I condone it. I also didn't say that I didn't condone it either." Lilly replied with a shrug, confusing the situation even more.

"And I never said I cared, but my friends seem to, so I am there for my friends. But if the goal is for people to be getting totally messed upon weed and beer," she said, noticeably substituting 'messed up' for 'fucked up' as she rarely cursed, with the outburst at Bunnee's being a rare and notable exception, "then it sounds like a place I do not particularly want to be. It's not cool being the totally sober one when everybody is getting totally wasted." Lilly sighed, as anybody that knew her for any length of time would eventually discover that she did not drink or get high, though she did not generally care if others did.

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Location Unknown

The atmosphere in the room grew tenses as the faces on the six screens flashed then one by one matches were found.

“This is Open-eye, we are showing four subject IDs, three are on the list, the fourth is a subject of interest. The other two subjects are unidentified. None are the primary target.”

There is a shifting of bodies at the back of the room. At the front the two helmeted pilots look at each other.

The clump of men at the back in the shadows confer in hushed whispers. “Open-eye, this is Reaper-control, what level are the three on the list, Over”

“Reaper-control, this is Open-eye. The three listed subjects are tier two. Over”

One of the men in the back leans close to the one who has been speaking as Reaper-control, “The intels good, Col. We have him entering the compound less than 18 hours ago and no one has exited during that time.”

“And we don’t know positively that he is still there now do we? Can say with 100% confidence that Amur is in there right now?” Reaper-control, a full bird Colonel in the USAF shot back at the Army major.

“No sir not 100% but enough that with those three there that this is actionable. I recommend proceeding with the attack.”

Reaper-control stares at the major who does not flinch away from the look, finally he faces forward again. “Alright let’s do this.”

“Open-eye, Reaper-control, maintain position and paint the targets. Copy, over.”

“Reaper-control, this is Open-eye, copy that. Targets are painted. Over”

“Reaper 1-6, this is Reaper-control. You are active. Descend to one eight zero zero zero feet and acquire guidance. Once acquired commence attack run. You are weapons free.”

“Copy Reaper-control, Reaper 1-6 executing.”

At the front of the room the main screen shifts to a new view, the bottom right hand corner identifies it as Reaper 1-6. The two helmeted plots now in complete control of their remotely piloted vehicle shift in the seats.

Female voice- “Guidance acquired, good read.”

Male voice – “18’000 course 170, speed 240kn. Weapons are hot. 30 seconds until release.”

Female voice –“Guidance good, target allocation….”

There is a burst of static over the speakers but the woman’s voice can still be heard locally but muffled by the helmet. The view screens and computer screens all blink and show static or just a blue field for a second or two.

“What the hell.” The Colonel asked sharply.

“Signal disruption sir but it’s back” says a technician

Male voice- “Weapons away”




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"What I want to know is," Cassandra said, leaning forward a little, "who's invited to this as-yet hypothetical party?"

"Blanket invitations over social media? Or a carefully curated who's who of school VIPs? I mean, you guys are a pretty diverse bunch. 'Jocks' and 'nerds' all sitting around one table. Is that how you're going to handle the party too?"

She gives Bannon a grin. "Or is this for fellow devil-worshippers only?"

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"Up to him. His idea, his party. I'll be there with a first aid kit in case anyone gets too stupid," Coraline ventured with a soft smile. Cade would be there, so there was no chance in hell she'd leave him out to hang alone if it went south. And at least one of her parents would be up to meet her at the door, likely as not, not something she wanted to risk running into under the influence… They may of been making light of it, but Devin had sent Chet to the hospital. Someone else could get hurt. And... could be fun, maybe.

Or so the tall brunette hoped.


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Bannon gave Cass a sly smile in return.  "Only fellow Luciferians in spirit, for sure."  He glanced around at everyone present, his eyes narrowing as he came to a decision.

"We'll use Sara's Rez idea." he told them firmly, his voice calm.  "For one thing, you mentioned a lab - no way in hell am I putting teenagers in various states of intoxication near a lab or anything else that could lead to property damage or explosions.  For another, having the party at the pool house puts the onus on you two-"  he gestured at Clara and Lona "-and I've already gotten you guys kicked out of Bunnee's by Allister's loving jackboot.  Nobody pays for my actions if I can help it."

"Which leads me to Lilly's point.  This is going to be a party.  People will have access to booze and weed.  Now my intention is for those to be the social lubricant for a good time, not for people to get insensible and end up passed out on an Indian burial ground, only to come back possessed by a wendigo."  He regarded Lilly, then the others.  "Which is why I'll be making it plain - get wasted if you want, but it's on you to make sure you can get home.  Not me.  Not anyone else.  If a partygoer has a buddy that is willing to carry them off the Rez, then great.  It should not be assumed that anyone else should be responsible for that person's actions.  'Handle your own shit like an adult' will be the tagline on the invite."

"Now for the guest list..."  his wry smile grew to a grin.  "Using social media is just being as stupid as Chet, only with opposable thumbs.  We need someone plugged into the social scene who knows how to network and get the best people to come... with enough pull to make sure there's no careless leaks.  In short, we need a social powerhouse with the sort of rep that will bring the party and keep it fun."

"Oh man..."  Sean groaned, the first to catch up to where Jase was heading.  This was too much.  Too far.  Even for Bannon, arguably a genius at inspired mad off-the-wall scheming.  "You're not..."

"Yes."  Bannon nodded, smile disappearing and gaze hardening as he finished his coffee, then stood and tossed a couple of crumpled bills onto the table to cover his check.  "I'm going to the medical center."

With that he gave them all nod and headed for the door.

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On 7/28/2019 at 8:50 AM, WS ST said:

Marias Medical Complex

Urgent Care room 107

Outside where Marissa was berating the nurse a similar tablet sounded an alarm and the nurse looked down at it and frowned. See looked up at Mari. "The doctor says you can come in."

With his sister present Dr. Cook could see how they both seemed more at ease just being in close proximity.  Like most twins they seemed to share a bond, whether real or imagined, and the more they were a part of each others lives the more in control of their own they felt.  Especially in powerless situations like this one.

They shared some more small talk with the doctor, just Devin said, the moment she was allowed in she was calmer, more rational, and certainly more cordial. Several minutes later, Misti, their mother, arrived in a tornado of panic at the thought of something happening to one of her children.  Although she flustered, Dr. Cook was excellent at calming her down and discussing the how's and whys seizures can happen.  He recommended a series of tests and recommend keeping him over night for observation and run and MRI.

None of them were thrilled with the idea, Devin least of all, but he conceded.  Marissa retired not long after the decision was made, with her father still not there yet they wondered if he'd gotten the message.  She hugged her mother and brother and grabbed her keys.  "I'll be at home, in case he goes there.  I've text him at least a hundred times, but if he's out in the boonies, there's no way he'll get them until way later.  I'll call Joe, see if he can get him on the radio."

Misti just nodded, holding her son's hand, squeezing it tightly.  Despite Devin feeling in perfect health one would think he had cancer and was slipping away by the moment the way she was taking the news.

"Mom, chill.  It's an MRI, he's gonna be fine, Jesus..." Mari rolled her eyes and shook her head before looking to her brother.  "Seriously.  You better be fine.  Don't you dare leave me alone with the whackos that pass for our parents."  She kissed him on the cheek as they both managed a laugh at her humor.  "See you in a bit."

There was an awkward stillness after she left.  Devin and his mother didn't a lot these days and the tension between him and his father at home wasn't something they ever talked about.

It was a long thirty minutes.

Finally Dr. Cook came in and smiled.  "Okay, are you ready?  Everything will be fine, it's a real quick and easy test."

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Sara watched as Bannon headed toward the door then, not knowing why she scrapped her chair back, dug some cash out of her pocket and slapped it down on the table between of Cade and Cora. "Thanks but you guys shouldn't have to pay fro everybody, it wasn't your fault."

Without waiting for either to answer she went out after Bannon, as soon as she cleared the door she called to him. "Hey Bannon, want a ride?"



She slapped a 20 and a couple of crumpled 10s down. If Bannon takes her up on the ride you can just move us to the hospital where we will catch Mari as she is getting to her car. unless you want to converse going there but you being you...


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Charlie stared blankly ahead as Bannon went away. "He's going to bring Mari the Mantis in on this." Considering how the two loathed each other, it was insane to think Bannon would be going this far to ask for her help. Admittedly, on the one hand it sounded like an explosive party, on the other hand, it might just explode. "For the life of me, I don't know whether to accept that invitation or stay far far away."

With that, Charlie began to kick back his lemonade like he was chugging booze.

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"Jase doesn't believe in proportional responses," Sean commented with a sullen jut to his chin as Bannon left, followed right after by Sara, while finished his Big Bird sandwich. "And he generally responds to authority with extreme prejudice."

Bannon was one of the very few who didn't treat him any differently because of his appearance, who treated like a guy despite looking anything but. But while Bannon was objectively aware he had boobs, Sean didn't think he really knew what that meant for him. While society seemed to practically revere tits, those with prominent ones were rarely respected and any complaints they had were brushed off or seen as humblebragging. And that was for the girls. He got the same as well as other reactions unique to him thanks to his condition. At the party, someone could very possibly try to get him drunk and/or high and run around the camp topless.

Sean didn't really drink - he thought beer was revolting, even the smell of it, though he didn't mind the sips he had of a couple of mixed drinks he had tried - and he didn't smoke. Despite how bomb it supposedly was, he hadn't reacted well to a hit of Jase's best he'd taken when he was aching after a fight at school he'd unsurprisingly lost. But Jase had said one of the few things that would make Sean go - he had called him a pussy if he didn't go.

It had taken Sean a long time and not a little therapy to stop seeking validation from others. He hadn't completely stopped of course, but being called names, teased, or insulted from others didn't immediately set him off as much as it used to. But when it came from someone he considered a friend - when they weren't just jesting in fun - Sean found it much harder to resist the challenge. He was aware of it, most of his friends knew it too, but that didn't make Sean fall for it any less.

God dammit!

"You can stay away, Charlie, but be prepared for the endlessly merciless mocking and missing out on the stories because 'you had to be there,'" Sean said making air quotes, when Charlie sat down his glass for a breath of air. "These kind of parties are hardly my thing, but if Jase is going through the effort of setting this up - regardless of what I think of his reasons for doing it - the least I can do is show up and then take it from there."

Sean finished his own lemonade, making a point of taking his time with a small smirk Charlie's way. "Let Jase and the Ma -- the dubious help he finds worry about the party. Let's finish working out the details for gaming night at Lona's, uh... Clara's - their place tomorrow evening."

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Cade frowned, but resolved to return some of Sara's money to her, as it was over half the bill for everyone.  He'd find a politic way to do so quietly, and  got the check once everyone was done.   He split it with Coraline, and put in some of the money from Sarah.

"He's going to bring them both in Charlie, it's never just one or the other for long."  he said idly.

He looked back to Sean, and nodded.  "Sounds good to me, are we thinking Six or Seven?"  they could start earlier of course but he knew some had curfews.   He turned to look at Lona, then Clara.  "What works best  for you?"

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3 hours ago, Sara Hutchins said:

as soon as she cleared the door she called to him. "Hey Bannon, want a ride?"

Bannon was already halfway out of the parking lot - the lanky stride could eat up the ground when he started motoring - but he stopped and spun on his heel as Sara called out.  For a moment he paused - the reason he'd not asked for a ride is that he didn't want anyone else on Mari's radar if negotiations went south - but on the other hand it was hot as balls out here and the Medical Center was not a short walk.  He considered for a moment longer, then nodded.

"Sure." was all he said, changing direction towards the wrecker.  His lips twitched in a wry smile.  "You might want to hang back when we get there, though."

Marias Medical Complex, Parking Lot

The black Mercedes was easy to spot, and Jase positioned himself nearby - and not a moment too soon.  Shelly High's walking nightmare-dressed-like-a-daydream came out of the med center, dark glossy hair bouncing just so, manicured nails adjusting the expensive shades over her eyes, keys dangling from her other hand in musical counterpoint to her gait...

Much as Jase acknowledged that Marissa's heart pumped cold ichor and her saliva glands produced acidic venom, even he had to admit the predatory camouflage was perfect.  Like a scientist studying a xenomorph, he admired her simplicity of purpose.  Marissa Jauntsen had turned herself from whatever larval stage she'd begun as into the Queen Bee of Shelly High, and would probably go on to college to do the same.  She had enough smarts not to be dismissed as just a pretty face, enough looks to advantage her in social power plays, and ruthless cunning which he could appreciate - in the same way that hypothetical scientist could appreciate a Giger-spawned nightmare.  It didn't occur to Bannon in that moment that there were people outside the gaming group who probably viewed him as a cold-blooded monster as well, but then insight was always most accurate when directed outwards.

"Got a moment?"  he said, pushing off the car he'd been leaning on.  Not her car - Jase was fearless, not stupid.  As Marissa turned her head towards him, he stepped forwards.  "Wanted to ask how Devin is - and to talk to you about something." he admitted without a hint of discomfort about having ulterior motives.

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Her keys jangled a bit as she looped them up into her palm and squeezed them tight.  "I think you mean, 'you wanted to talk to me about something', and my brother just gave you a convenient excuse."

He could feel her ice cold gaze already beginning the process of of sizing him up to tear him apart as she inhaled as a means on buying herself a moment to consider him.  Her blue sundress and wedge shoes were somewhere the ballpark of Jason's entire closet full of t-shirt and jeans.  While every teen knew she was an evil young adult, she had the veneer of class and manners seeping from every deceptive pore.  She lowered he sunglasses off the bridge of her nose, raising an eyebrow at him.  "Please.  Let's not bullshit each other.  None of you genetic rejects care a bit about my brother.  So what is it you want, Low-Income?"

"That's not entirely true," Jason said matter-of-factually, barely raising his voice higher than an ears shot tone.  "I'm the only sociopath in that little group.  I think."  He offered a non-committal smirk.

"You don't have the eyes of a sociopath," she answered swiftly and just as certain.

"And I suppose you do?"

"Yes," she offered a vile smirk of her own.  She rattled her keys.  "On a different key chain, I keep them for luck.  Now, your point, Jason.  Get to it.  You're already boring me."

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"Chet's a moron.  Flyers over town.  Sheriff knows."  Jase rattled off casually, giving Mari pause.  She knew about the party, of course.  And had been planning to attend, since Shelly had zero and nothing else to recommend it except other people's weed and booze.  His gaze, squinted though it was against the sun, was calm and cold as it regarded her.  She was reasonably sure he wasn't a sociopath - but was also sure he was a lot smarter than his strict C-average indicated.  He also was one of the few people in Shelly High who wasn't scared of her.  " So I was thinking of getting a different party together."

"Wait, flyers?"  Marissa snorted.  "Those idiots.  What are they, remedial?"

"Funny.  That was my first thought."  Bannon said with a wry, lopsided smile.  Mari sighed and flipped a hand for him to continue.  "We've got a better location in mind.  Sheriff won't be able to bust it, no neighbours nearby to call the cops, and no property damage to worry about."  He went on to explain Sara's proposed site, just over the boundary of the local Rez, close to the wooden bridge.

"You have my interest."  Mari pursed her lips in consideration.  "I trust you'll be providing some of your product?"

"Of course.  And as a VIP, you get access to the special reserve I keep for myself."  Bannon grinned in a shark-like fashion.  "All we need from you is for you to do what comes most easily.  Bring the party in your wake.  You know who to talk to, how to pass the word so it won't get blabbed."  He met her gaze squarely.  "Still interested?"

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She pondered.  That's how he knew he had her attention.  She removed her sunglasses and chewed the end of the their arm for a moment.  After a few long thoughts she finally looked at him narrowing her eyes.  Yeah.  He had her attention.  "So, the Nerd Herd thinks they can out bash the popular crowd?

"Not entirely," he raised his hands in the admission of some truth.  "Summer's almost over, we've had not one decent party after Ronnie Shaehan set fire to Cynthia Meyers mom's roses over spring break-"

Marissa looked at Jason like he was the one on fire.  "What?  No, the roses were struck by lightning.  We were banned from going over there because she let it slip that she and Ronnie were planning on punching their v-cards and when her mom got wind of it there was huge fight and they were saying-"

Bannon raised his hand to silence the rumor flood.  "Point is," he managed calmly.  What was it about popular girls that made them want to talk so much?  "We've not had a blow out and Shelly is over due for one."

Marisa leaned against her car, nibbling on her sunglasses again.  She was staring off into space for what seemed like an eternity until finally she looked at him again.  "Fine.  Truce.  For one night the Nerd Herd and your gaggle freaks will be off limits.  I'll pass the word and make arrangements,"  she grabbed his hand and popped the cap off a pen with her teeth that she'd wrangled from her purse and wrote down her number on his hand.  "I know you're a low tech mouth breather which is why I wrote it on the inside of your palm, so as to not wear off as your knuckles drag.  Give it to someone who can reach me and knows how to operate a smartphone.  Rules are simple: we use vague code.  No mention of what we're doing.  If you you get busted I will make sure you and the Virgins 4 Life movement take all the blame."

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"As always, a pleasure."  Jase glanced at the number on his hand, committing it to memory.  "So, how is Devin?"

"I said spare me-"  Mari started to snort, but was cut off as Jase continued in a level tone.  

"The 'gaggle of freaks', at least a couple of them, stopped him from dashing his brains out on the floor or furnishings during his fit."  Bannon omitted his own part in that.  Mari's opinion of him wasn't so important, but she needed some facts injected into her tightly-wound brain. "They also stopped Chet drowning in his own blood and made sure he wasn't seriously injured - but that's probably not so important."  Marissa started to retort, but Bannon went on with that same inexorable calm, his eyes meeting hers.  "My point is, Devin could have been seriously hurt if we hadn't been there.  I've got no need to dissemble to you.  So I ask again, and I mean it:  how is he doing?"

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Her lips pursed as the Queen of Shelly was ceased from getting her way.  Had she been so inclined she'd have already sped off, keeping hers and her brothers problems their own.  The topic had returned her caged bitch from its cell within her.  "He's fine." She said flatly.

"Were the roles reversed, I wouldn't have done anything for any of you freaks but laugh and social media the shit out of it.  My brother?  Same thing.  Don't for a moment think that he or I owe you losers anything for what you think you did today.  I've already heard that it was more important to record it than call for an ambulance and Lilly tackling him could have, for all we know, caused his injuries to begin with.  You're all menaces, you just got lucky, today.  That's all."

She slid past him, popping open the door to her car and taking a seat before looking up at him.  "Don't over evaluate your stations.  You're losers and you always will be.  Dealers and freaks, nerds and outcasts."  Her words were so cold that could nothing but honesty in it's most bitter form.  "What you did has earned you this party, so were I you, I'd worry less about my brother and more about keeping your end of the deal up.  Because if the whole school is there, and you don't deliver?  You won't need my help destroying your lives here."

In dramatic last word fashion she pulled her car door closed and pressed the button so Bannon could hear the roar of forty grand worth of high performance vehicle.  She sped back in reverse and her tires squealed on the pavement as she tore out of the medical center's parking lot.

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Lilly seemed to pay no mind as Jase got up and left, apparently to go to the medical center, on his own. He was her friend, but she was not going to chase after him to offer what he knew he could have asked for. If he left without asking for a ride or company, then he must have a reason, she thought. Sara chancing after him did come as a bit of a surprise though. She had never seemed that close to any of them after all.

"The game is actually a lot of fun. It's cooperative storytelling, in the end, and nobody knows how the story will turn out until we are done. And along the way we joke, laugh, cringe and whatever. Like when I rolled three critical failures in a row... which is, like, a one in eight thousand chance. It is actually s great way to blow off steam." Lilly explained to Cass, and even to Clara.

"As for tomorrow, If anybody needs a ride to the game tomorrow, let me know or just text me whenever." she offered the rest at the table.

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Marias Medical Complex

Once the tests started they never seemed to end. Devin felt like he had given them at least a gallon of blood. His heart rate, temperature and blood pressure was taken at least five time. His eyes were examined, his ears, his heart and lungs listened to. All by different doctors, none of them Dr Cook. Then they left him alone for a little while that felt like hours but was only about twenty minutes. Then they came for him for the MRI.

They took him up to the third floor, he had to ride in a wheelchair, but the young nurse who pushed the chair was only in her early twenties and was pleasant. Once at the imaging dept he was taken into a room with the huge magnetic device with the tunnel like opening. There he was transferred to a gurney and giving instructions to lie as motionless as possible. The gurney slid into the cavernous maw and Devin found himself alone in the tube. Suddenly there was aloud clang and then a bone rattling thumping began pulsing to a beat that was just a little off.

It was nerve racking  but other than the noise Devin felt nothing, then a wave of vertigo washed over him. For a moment he couldn’t tell which way was up or down, he thought he was lying on the ceiling of the tube then the bottom then the ceiling again it flipped and flopped multiple times then the noise stopped and he was lying still a cold sweat had broken out all over his body.

Suddenly the gurney moved and he found himself looking up at the smiling face of Dr Cook.

“I bet your hungry, how do you like your steak?”


Back in his room, after shower and another vitals check they brought him dinner and much to his surprise it was a real rib-eye steak cooked perfectly just as he had requested. He had taken a couple of bites and in came Dr Cook, who sat at his bedside.

“Go on and keep on eating I just wanted to come up and let you know that everything is looking perfectly normal. I gave a look at the raw data from the MRI and nothing looked out of place. So really we are just waiting on some of the lab work then I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to give you a clean bill of health. Should be able to get you out of here first thing in the morning. What do you think of that champ?”

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"I think a rib-eye either means you found out I'm from Krypton, or that I'll be dead by the morning and you guys are gonna charge my mom and dad seven hundred dollars for this steak and call it 'edible therapy or something on the bill.  And... 'champ', really?  You realize this is 2019, right?"  He took another bite and while he wouldn't admit to save his life that it was a damn good steak, he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"So?" He finally asked.  "Which is it?"

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Dr Cook smiles and nods his head looks down at the floor then looks Devin in the eye. "If there was anything seriously wrong I would be meeting with your parents and setting up more test. In reality I don't think what happened today is indicative of anything. You were pumped full of Adrenalin, you have an athletes metabolism, you have been under a lot of stress, and you had an emotional event, I think these were just circumstances that all came together at once, a perfect storm lets say, and I think you had a little nervous system... glitch, lets call it." He pats Devin's leg, "The steak is just me feeling guilty that you missed lunch and that I kept you from eating til way past anyone's normal dinner time."

"I have not seen anything wrong in the tests, and I don't see anything wrong with you. I'll talk to you parents and bring you back in in a week just to go over the full results of the tests. But I don't think that this is anything to worry about. But on the offhand chance I am wrong and you experience anything else no matter how small, make sure you let your parents know."

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"Parent."  He said softly.  "I noticed my dad didn't show.  Yeah, I'll tell em, no worries.  I'm seizing and he out playing with the moosen."

"Moose."  Dr. Cook laughed.

"What?"  Devin asked, looking at him like he was confused as to why that was funny.

"Moose,"  he said again.  "The plural for moose is moose.  Well, I'll leave you to your meal and we'll see about finding your father."

He took up his phone that was resting beside him in the bed and tapped out a text to his sister.  He didn't hear the doctor leave but his face curled into a smile as he read the words 'back to school readiness meeting'.  She just neglecting to tell him the deals she had to make, and with whom to make it happen...

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