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There area billion stories in the Ninth World and it is easy to lose track of them one such lost tale is Firanis and the Workshop of the Telescopes. A tale both old and new it told of one of Firanis Flux's wild adventures of how she met Large Gord another famous wanderer, of how they encountered The Nox, one of the last of it's kind and how the Nox helped them to infiltrate the wicked City of Workshops. How Firanis and her companions became involved with the Cult of the Flaming Telepaths and how they fought their way through the Evil Priests that could turn a mans brain into a torch with mere thought. How they climbed the fabled Tower of the Telescopes and of what they found there and of the great discovery they made about our moon.


But alas the details of that insane adventure are lost to us. Only the protagonists themselves know what truly happened and they don't talk about it. No that was a tale from yesteryear the tale you are about to hear now, is one that happened not that long ago. And it all started when.....


Firanis stopped at the top of the rise and looked down upon the place she had once called home. She frowned in thought, she had expected this sight to move her to bring some old fondness to the surface but alas it didn't. She found herself missing Goutro and even Cyrinx truth be told. But they were far off trying to rebuild Goutro's spacecraft and while Firanis had found it fascinating she had grown restless and bored. And so she had set out to gater supplies and some of the much needed parts Goutro required. It was chance to get out to explore and yes adventure again. But she did miss her companions. Which is why she decided to come here. One of the things Goutro needed could only be found at a nearby settlement and since it was close she thought she could visit home. Now she wasn't so sure it was a good idea.

Firanis shook her head “This is a mistake.” she said out loud to the wind, her mind made up . She would not go down would not visit those who may remember her. She had plenty of other things to do. She turned to go back the way she came and that was when she saw it, miles away at the nearest settlement to her home. A black spot on the horizon where the town should have been a black spot. She pulled out her telescope and looked toward the far off town, bringing it into focus.

It was black. The buildings blackened the walls cracked as if exposed to great heat, the ground dry cracked blackened. The trees and bushes mere dead skeletons all Blackened. She saw no people, no bodies or any indication that any had been there whenever this had happened.  She swung the scope back and forth everything around the town was blackened as if burnt Suddenly she paused the scope on a speck of green a bush on the very edge of the blackened ground and as she stopped at the sight of the green thing she gasped in horror as the blackening moved it touched the plant and suddenly the bush withered and died and turned black. She watched that very spot for several moments to ascertain to herself that yes what ever was causing this was moving.

And it was.

She swung the telescope back to the south from where it was pointed at the Blackening back toward her home, then back to the black and back again to her village. She dropped the scope from her eye and looked down from the ridge on the place that was once her home.

The place that the Blackening was coming to.


A couple of you have indicated some interest aside from Sean. Let me know if you are still interested and I will write you in. Sean PM me if you have any questions, i may have some answers


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  • 2 weeks later...

It seemed home truly was where your friends were, but with danger encroaching upon the place she had grown up, Firanis couldn't just leave Broley to fend for itself, not when she could at least give them warning of what approached. Besides, there were still a few she cared for there, if not family, even if they wouldn't be able to recognize her on sight anymore.

She had changed a lot, physically, while exploring the Ninth World, but had never really felt different. But with meeting Goutro - and Cyrinx, to an extent - the way she saw the world had shifted, or expanded. She still felt all the wonder the ever had, but there was a new, or deeper, appreciation for it, after having spoken with one who had witnessed it for himself.

Firanis returned the scope to her pack and tightened the various weapons strapped to her so they wouldn't rattle and shift. Then she began to run, her extraordinarily long legs eating drit and dirt, her pace swift, jumping and climbing as necessary to make down the ridge and hills.

It had been some time since she'd last been here, but with every step, Firanis felt the familiarity returning. She had played and explored all around the village of of Broley as a child and adolescent. But it was almost a stranger's familiarity. She knew this place, but was seeing it with new eyes. Well, to be fair, her eyes were one of her many changes since being here last, but it was the vantage from which she saw things then the eyes themselves that made things seem different. She was much taller than she had been last time she'd come home.

Firanis slowed to a jog as she wove between the trees, breath deep but steady, a wistful smile crossing her youthful features as she heard the crystalline trill of quartzkaws in the boughs. She could just make out Broley in the distance, the distinct shape of rounded domes of buildings made of greenwood coming into view. Living wood grown over inflated bubbles, a material and method developed by her mother. She carried a buckler of the same material.

Coming to the edge of the village, she ran a hand through magenta hair darkened by sweat. She wasn't sure who held ultimate authority in the village anymore - she wasn't even sure who it had been last time she was here - but Firanis presumed Camila Beyett still held influence. Camila had been a close friend of her mother's, a leader of the Cosmicologists, a philosophy that Firanis followed.

Firanis' hand went to the miniature time piece she wore about her neck. And Camila would recognize the Time-Maker, and in so doing, would know Firanis for who she was. If she couldn't find a means of arresting or diverting the creeping Blackening, she hoped she could at least give the people of Broley the time to evacuate. The call would be more persuasive coming from Camila than from someone who was a veritable stranger to the village.

Her chest tightened, surprised to feel a pang of hurt at the admission.


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The caravan had been in the settlement of Broley for a little more than a half day and would be moving on later this afternoon toward the next settlement. Large Gord leaned against the wall of the merchants hall, sheltering in the shade, waiting for the trains masters to get off their fat behinds and start the caravan moving. The giant shrugged his wide shoulders and once again wondered idly why this place, that he had never been before, was familiar to him, a sensation that had been bugging him since he had first spied the place when they came up the road. He paused in his musings when the girl called Sigil, came up to him with a tankard of short beer.

She had joined the caravan at the last stop and for several days had been the focus of much talk among the guards due to her strange looks and the way she carried herself. Despite the efforts of many to win her attentions the girl remained standoffish and was eventually ignored. However Gord had never been one of those who had tried to socialize with the girl so naturally she had gravitated to him after the others ceased their pestering. While the two spoke little to each other and perhaps less to anyone else they did socialize in a odd manner, eating together and walking with each other, not so much friends but somehow recognizing something kindred in each other.

Gord took the beer and drained half of it in one swallow before thanking the Sigil but he wasn't paying much mind to her he was looking up the way at a figure coming into the village. Gord's mouth opened into an 'O' of recognition and he suddenly realized why the village seemed so familiar. This had been the home of one of his former companions the weird girl Firanis. She had spoken of the place often with her weird little rodent friend, and lo and behold who was it walking down the street but none other than Firanis Flux

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Sigil, having settled down in the shade cast by Gord, noticed his reaction and leaned over a little to get a better look at what was surprising him so much. What she saw was not immediately of much interest. A female human, showing signs of some alteration. Perhaps Gord found her attractive. Or perhaps he was seeing something she wasn't?

Her forehead creased slightly with concentration as she expanded her senses, sampling everything from electromagnetic emissions to minute details of trace nuclear decay in the vicinity of the purple-haired female. Gathering information was, after all, her purpose.

(Scan esotery on Firanis, hehe)

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"Firanis!" The big, booming call surprised both her and Sigil. Then she saw Gord waving her over with a broad smile and a tankard of beer. Surprised at seeing a familiar face that recognized her, she came over. "Good to see you! I just realized, this is your hometown isn't it? I'm here escorting this caravan. And this is Sigil." He took another long gulp of booze and gestured at her. "Not the talkative sort. How have you been doing?"

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Intent on finding Camila, Fi didn't notice Large Gord at first, her improbably long legs carrying her swiftly and gracefully down the street. She was two steps past him and the girl by his side when he called out and her head whipped around, the expression on her exquisite, mobile features going from worried determination to one of surprise.

She walked over to the two with enviable grace. Standing close, Sigil realized just how tall the young-looking woman was - Firanis stood as tall or more slightly more than Large Gord himself, though far more slender. With her expanded senses, Sigil could notice hints and remnants of layer upon layer of alterations the vivid-haired woman had experienced, so much so, she could hardly guess what she might have originally looked like.

Firanis blew a lock of magenta hair from her face as she glanced back down the street before returning her gaze back to Gord and nodded, her brows furrowed in clear agitation. "Yes, I grew up in Broley and I'm surprised to find you here, Gord. Surprised, but pleased." She flashed him a quick smile - it wasn't forced, but she clearly had more on her mind.

"And you as well, Sigil." Firanis returned the shorter girl's appraisal with a frank one of her own. The girl did have remarkable auric eyes. Firanis gave her head a small shake, her grin fading. "I have been well enough, just needed to get out and stretch my legs, as it were, and a supply run was just the thing after the tedium of helping Goutro with his..."

Firanis trailed off with a sigh. It wasn't precisely a secret, but the fewer others knew of Goutro's ship and the less about it, the better and less dangerous it was for them. "I hadn't expected to be coming this way, but I - Sorry!" She shrugged a sleek shoulder impatiently. "I would like to speak with you more, Gord, but this is not the more serendipitous of times. You should encourage the caravan you are escorting to quickly pack up and be ready to depart."

She grimaced, looking more like a pout on her young, very pretty face. "There is a.... black... ness, something like char without fire heading this way. I mean that in truth. I saw it, visibly encroaching this way after having consumed the next closest settlement. I mean to go speak with a friend of my mother's and mine who should hold some influence, to get preparations for evacuation started before I go to investigate myself to see if this... blackening can be curtailed or diverted."

Firanis gave Gord a wry grin, a flash a humour in her lavender eyes despite her worry. "I'd ask if you'd like to help, Gord, but I'm short of shins at the moment and I can't say what manner of salvage there might be to make it worth your while."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The mountainous man shrugged. "Eh, they're stingy employers anyway. I'll do my duty and warn them, but then I'll join you." Having made this promise, Gord turned and sought out the train masters to explain to them what was coming their way and see if they were going to make a decision now - or laze about complacently still.

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Fi smirked with gratitude as she watched Gord head off to his erstwhile employers. She wasn't sure what use his fists might be against an encroaching cascade of necrotic char, but after traveling Goutro and others subsequent to a largely solo adventuring and exploring career, Firanis was privately grateful for some company.

Firanis glanced down at the shorter woman, who was still looking at her strangely. "What of you, Sigil? Will you accompany Large Gord and I, or do you have far more common sense and will remove yourself from the path of this clear and present danger?

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The pale-skinned woman gazed imperturbably at Firanis. Her eyes subtly refocused on a point past the violet-haired mercenaries head for a moment.

"I'm not familiar with the phenomenon you describe. I will go with you. It, and your efforts to overcome it, must be catalogued and documented."

She paused, then added, "Proceed."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Faber burst into Camila's work-center breathless, the door banging against the outer wall before slamming closed behind him “Mistress Camila...,” his voice faltered as he became aware that the Cosmicologist priestess and ipso facto Village leader was not alone.

Camila, a handsome woman in her mid fifties fit but with gray showing in her braided brown hair, was sitting at her work desk and before her was a tall woman with short very pale, almost white, hair, the woman wore tight-fitting clothes that resembled leather but was shiny, and she had two swords at her right side, her face the skin tanned to a medium brown was unblemished and unnaturally beautiful.

Faber stared.

“Don't be rude Faber, what is it?”

Camila's voice broke Faber's reverie and shaking his head and pulling his eyes from the unknown woman he faced his leader. “A woman,” he glanced back at the pale haired girl, “has come into the village from the mountains. I heard the name Firanis spoke by a caravan guard.”

“Firanis Fluxx?”

“That was the name but I did not recognize the woman. She is very tall and slight at the same time and her hair is a strange magenta,” he looks again at the woman before Camila's desk, “and short, cut oddly.”

Camila pushes her chair back and stands excitedly a broad smile on her face. “Firanis has returned praise the universe. Come Nyr I want you to meet her she is an incredible woman in her own right daughter of Holeon who was my very best friend and the savior of this very village.” She comes around the desk and grasps the woman named Nyr on her upper arm. “Come we must welcome her home. Faber lead us please.”


Tessereah slowly walked around the monument for the umpteenth time. The singularity itself was fascinating and the field which surrounded it and blocked it from influencing the surroundings...remarkable. And still she could not discern the mechanism by which it was created and this both baffled and annoyed her Such things do not simply exist.

She had come to Broley to see the monument and to participate in the Revelry of Wonder, a festival and contest a few days off. She liked this place the people all worked together in a harmony seldom seen. And their leader Camila a self appointed priestess of something called Cosmicology, was charismatic and strong yet fair and just. Since her arrival she had taken an interest in this strange non religion. A good portion of the town gather in the main square not far from the monument and in orderly line perform a ritual exercise part martial kata part dance. After the silent ritual which lasts about an hour the group of about 600 or so will break into smaller groups for a communal midday meal.

Tessereah came around the monument and looked at the sculpted face of the woman who vanquished the threat off to her left she caught movement and saw the woman who led the village, and another woman of striking looks who were following a man toward where the caravans gathered. Looking that way she caught sight of another woman she of the magenta hair. On a whim Tessereah fell in behind them and went to see what the commotion was about.


Firanis saw Camila approaching as he was talking with the girl called Sigil. A smile broke as her old friend called to her.

“Firanis!” Camila ran the last few yards and took the daughter she never had into her embrace. “Praise the Cosmos! Welcome home Fi.”


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Tessereah was sure that when it came to figuring out the unusual, one must simply follow the unusual people that surrounded it. And this town seemed to have a gathering of the most unusual people yet. She tried to keep as close as possible without being overtly intruding. That would be rude. But she wasn't going to let any opportunity to waste to learn more of the events in this town and how that marvelous singularity was contained.

All she needed to do was keep a close ear, and wait for an opportunity to open itself up...

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Firanis gave Sigil a wry grin. "You sound like a Mechanical Man I know --"

Whatever she was going to say was left unsaid as she caught sight of Camila, her smile widening. Fi stiffened for a moment, then melted into the embrace, bending slightly and hugging Camila tight. She was much taller than the last time she'd been to Broley - among other changes - but Fi wasn't surprised Camila recognized her on sight.

There was the Time-Maker hanging about her neck, that Camila had given to her on her mother's behalf after she'd died. And having been trained by Camila herself in the Dance of the Cosmos since she was a child, Camila could recognize her from how she moved alone. Firanis realized she had missed Camila -  like a favoured Aunt or a second mother - more than Broley itself.

After a moment, Camila and Firanis stepped apart. Camila arched a brow at her dear friend's daughter as she gave her a bemused once-over. "You haven't been back to Broley in some time, Fi. You've changed so much." A snort of laughter. "Again."

There was just a hint of a blush to Firanis' pale cheeks, her smile growing somber and wistful as she glanced at the statue of her mother. Once, she had shared a familial resemblance with the savior of Broley, but she hadn't in a long time, save occasionally in expression. Taking her eyes from the still likeness of her mother, Fi looked around the village, realizing the Revelry of Wonder was almost at hand. She should have known, just by the position of the stars when she gotten into the area.

"Yes, well..." Firanis ran her hand through her vivid hair, then shrugged and gestured down at herself. "This is better than the sharp scales I used to have, wouldn't you say? You on the other hand, have barely changed at all."

True, there was more grey in Camila's hair, more lines at the corner of her eyes, but she still looked fit and vital. And I look barely older than the day I first left Broley to explore the Ninth World.

"I wish I could say I came back to Broley for a long overdue visit, Aunt Ila, but it's not so."

Firanis nodded a greeting at the woman beyond Camila's shoulder, tall, if still more than half a head shorter than herself, her gaze lingering for a moment on the remarkable symmetry of the white-hair woman's face and a taut figure displayed in form fitting synth or leather of some kind with unabashed interest. If Camila was comfortable with her presence, there was no need to be circumspect.

Fi straightened her shoulders, her expression growing more serious. "I was in the area on another matter and I witnessed something very... troubling. The next village North of here has been... consumed by a withering blackness." Firanis tried to explain what she had seen as concisely and well as she could. "It seems unsparing and uncaring in what it infects and it comes this way, Aunt Ila. I'm going to investigate of course - two others have agreed to accompany me as well. One I have worked with before and this one."

She nodded down at Sigil. "But if we cannot find out how to stop it, I believe the people of Broley need to be prepared to get out of its ways, regardless of what they may have to leave behind."

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Camila's smile faded as Fi's words registered, she looked past the slender woman whose arms she held, off into the distance where the neighboring village of Rell lay to the north. It was to far to see the village itself a good day and a hall's march on foot. "The People," she asks softly. Behind her Faber gasped at what Fi said and the woman to only person other than the caravan guards who was armed shifted almost imperceptible from the casual observant stance to one which was decidedly more lethal in bearing. Fi was sure that only one with her own experience and training would have even been able to discern the change.


 both Sigil and tessereah are close enough to hear Fi as well


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As Firanis' story mounted, Tessereah's eyes seemed to stare into the horizon, where - according to the tall woman's gesturing - Rell was. Or, had been, to be more exact. In thought she bit on her thumb nail, etching every word into her brain. At the end of the story, she turned back to the women at the heart of this, and stepped forward.

"Excyuse me," she said in Firanis' direction in what she was sure would be her best skilled-and-confident voice, "but when hyou said it moved, did hyou mean it spread along the ground, or did it reach outward, like a psyeudopod?"

She leaned her five-foot nothing in towards Firanis a bit, her head cocked slightly to the right and up while awaiting a response. 

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When Camila asked after the people of Rell, Firanis shook her head sadly. "The people, perhaps they -- but no, I couldn't see them, nor if the Blackening had already taken them."

Firanis pursed her lips as she regarded the petite, brass-hair woman peering up at her with a cocked head. Her accent was one Firanis wasn't familiar with. "No, it is more like a sharply drawn shadow moving across the land, swiftly enough to be seen."

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"A shyadow,  shyarply drawn," Tessereah repeated after Firanis, almost as if tasting the words. For a fraction of a second her eyes seemed distant, as if she was processing something internally. Then, as quick as it went, the gleam in her eyes returned. "Too many variabels, but still potentially orgyanic in nature."

Her mind was racing at the opportunities. If it had no discernable thickness it might be an energy pattern radiating from a central source, or maybe a transdimensional shadow cast by a disaster in some coterminous existence. If it did, it might still be some form of living nonsapient entity, consuming all around it in order to expand its size. Did its blackening indicate heat, cold, or acid? Was its spread linear or exponential, focused on one location consecutively or simultaneous among its borders? Did it consume biological or also mineral material? Too many questions, too many exciting possibilities.

She raised her hand enthusiastically. "I volyunteer as well to investigate. I can contribute." She lowered her arm, pointing down at Cheslet Street. "For the science of Numenera, but also becyause if that shyadow reaches Entropy Zero, the results would be inconceivable."

Catching sight of Sigil she craned towards the pale young woman. She had noticed her when Firanis pointed her out as 'this one' before, but only now her mental checklist seemed to have caught up sufficiently to process her. "Ow, hyello. And you are?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Firanis nods at the women who have offered to join her, "Yes as soon as Gord returns we will depart. We need to travel light so we can go fast."

Camila puts an hand on Fi's arm, "I can get you some mounts that will make the journey swifter, don't worry it won't impact us if we have to evacuate."

Nyr, the pale haired woman with weapons had been silent through all of this and now spoke addressing Firanis. "I am Nyr Kas, a .... pilgrim come to study. If you think you may have need of a glaive I am willing to Acompany"

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at 11:52 AM, Large Gord said:

The mountainous man shrugged. "Eh, they're stingy employers anyway. I'll do my duty and warn them, but then I'll join you." Having made this promise, Gord turned and sought out the train masters to explain to them what was coming their way and see if they were going to make a decision now - or laze about complacently still.

Gord entered the hostel where the merchants had taken rooms and saw that most of them, six in total with two being absent, were gathered at a table being served by several servants and exorbitant amount of food, enough to feed twice their number or more. Gord waited, perhaps ten seconds to be noticed before stepping up and taking the bottle of wine that a servant was filling a glasses with.

That got their attention.

"How dare you you big..." began Sattas, but his voice trailed off to nothing when Gord fixed him with a baleful eye. Sattas like all but one of the merchants was rich and fat, and he was also the one who had organized this particular caravan. He had also hired Gord after seeing him rip the arms off a bandit once then use them as clubs on the dying bandits companions. It had greatly impressed Sattas. And scared him.

"We have a problem you  need to decide what you want to do." Said Gord who then explained about what Firanis had said about the settlement of Rell, the next destination for the caravan.

The merchants all started speaking at once excitedly, shrilly as fear entered their hearst at the thought of the unknown. All but one of them who sat silent looking intently at Gord. Ceeball was a tall thin merchant with a long beard and no mustaches, his head was balled and unlike the others he did not robe himself in finery instead electing to wear functional clothing albeit of exquisite and expensive tailoring.

"Master Gord," the others fell silent at this calm quiet yet forceful voice cut through the gibbering of his fellows. "It seems from this Firanis's tale that Rell is no longer going to be profitable. The next settlement I believe was, Docsis , wasn't it, can we go around Rell avoiding the unpleasantness?"

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Gord had respect for Ceeball even more. He had a sensible head on his shoulders. "Certainly, if you keep a safe enough distance from the Blackening the fifth of the way. I'm not going with you though. Firanis is an old friend, and I'm going to be helping her investigate. Take care, and don't let an abhuman fall on you." Without waiting for a response, Gord turned and walked away, not interested in any pleas or bigger offers.

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Firanis pursed her lips, considering Tessereah, wondering again where she might be from. She opened her mouth to mention the relic she carried in her pack in regards to her concern about Entropy Zero, then closed it. Help though she might, Firanis didn't know the woman at all and didn't know how she'd react presented with the heart of Entropy Zero. Firanis nodded her thanks for her and Sigil's help, and as well that of the white haired Nas Kyr.

Her lips curved into a wry smirk, amused at herself. Once, she had been proud to be a lone wanderer, exploring the mysteries and wonders of the Ninth World on her own. And now, she found herself stumbling into groups and bands almost an inevitable as the wheeling of the stars in the night.

"I don't know what we'll find, if there'll be anything your blades can repel Nas Kyr, but I'm as grateful for your company as the others," the leggy young woman declared with grin. After slouching slightly to give Camila a one-armed hug, thanking her for the loan of mounts, she let out a bark of laughter. "Alas, I think Gord will find himself in fell company, the only man in a band of women."

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Tessereah accepted Firanis' nod gladly. She had spent way too long away from the company of people, and it felt good - no, correct - to once again be part of something greater. Sigil's comment of not being a woman triggered a piqued rise of her left eyebrow.
She kept silent, but behind her eyes her brain started running. Her actions did seem a little...reserved...before, perhaps a sign of a synthetically enhanced intelligence? Was Sigil's comment an indication of her being like a cross-dressing Shaman, whose magical powers relied on defying settled norms? Or was she even younger than she appeared and she corrected Firanis on being a girl, rather than a woman?

In silence she pondered the meanings, while she kept close to the coalescing group of foolhardy adventures she was now associated with.

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After the mounts, swift espron, were gather and some food and water supplied, the party Led by Firanis Flux, left the settlement of Broley on the north road to Rell. Even with the mounts it would take most of the remaining day to cover the distance between the settlements.

The five rode loosely with Firanis out front. Nyr and Gord rode at the rear alternatively falling back out of training and habit to watch their trail even though there was no suspected threat. The other two Tessareah and Sigil rode together in the middle.

As they traveled they spoke casually among themselves in an effort to get to know one another. Nyr when it was her turn, told of how she was raised in a mountain top town that was older than many of the rest of the places in the world. It had stood on the mountain for thousands of years and been home to many peoples. Today it was home to her people a group of introspective warrior who sought enlightenment through inner growth. This Monastic lifestyle had grown wearisome so Nyr had chosen to take a pilgrimage to see the world. She had been in Broley after learning of the Cosmologists from Traders. It had piqued her curiosity. The others gave similar biographies as the day and journey passed.

They stopped briefly after the sun reached its peak to feed and water the espron and to eat their own ration. Firanis was uncomfortable, it took her many minutes before she was able to place what was wrong in her mind.

The silence was only broken by the soft wind blowing through the tall grass, grass which should have been alive with the buzz of insects.

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Fi expressed interest in some day visiting Nyr's village, if the opportunity ever arose, if only to see a place with such history. And in turn, Firanis offered to teach the white-haired warrior what she knew of the Cosmologist movement, having practiced it since she was a child, taught by Camila Boyett herself.

Firanis was stretching her exceedingly long legs during their peaksun break when she noted the eerie silence.

"It's too quiet," Firanis mentioned to her companions, her voice pitched to just carry over the sound of rustling grass. "There should be the drone of digiflies and chiggs and other insects. It could be they sense the threat of some other dangerous beast in proximity, or..."

Firanis glanced around, mainly to the north, looking to see if she could notice more subtle hints of the encroaching Darkening. Then she crept into the tall grass, crouching low as she brushed the grass aside, looking for any insects at all, alive or not alive.

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Firanis searched and could find nothing no insects of an sort, even worms in the earth eluded her investigation. But as she dug she became aware of a vibration, a hum which permeated the soil. It was hypnotic, felt more than heard, seductive. Firanis sprung to her feet grew dizzy with the sudden change in orientation. She looked back at the party tending the animals and preparing to resume their journey.

First Gord became aware of her, then Nyr, followed by the Sigil and Tessareah,  Grod pulled his weapon, the white haired woman hand on hilt an inch of blade showing. Both Sigil and Tessareah readied themselvs.

"Firanis," Gord questioned?

At the sound of his voice Firanis became aware that she was bearing arms and in a combat stance, that she had covered over half the distance from where she had glanced back at them and to where they were. She didn't remember moving or drawing her weapons. Or why.

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Tesserah's eyebrows darted up and down as she turned her gaze around the party's caravan. Firanis' movement had been quick and quiet, but she had moved like a flash. Now she stood ready as if she expected an attack. Tessereah slid the arm-length focusing array for her iotum ray from its sheath underneath her robes, and its triangular muzzle extended from her sleeve.

She was aware that the pink-haired woman was more experienced and had seen stranger things than she had. It'd pay to be attentive if there was trouble.

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Sigil was not normally receptive to interpersonal cues, or empathic awareness. She was much more in tune with cosmological forces; the play of energy and matter, the dance of particles large and small. It was for that task that she was...optimized. But even unoptimized awareness was not zero. Firanis was reacting to something. She was the only one confirmed to have encountered the phenomenon before, so that reaction was relevant.

She focused her senses in the direction Firanis had come from, peeling back the layers of information that defined reality in search of anomalies that were not registered in the prodigious encyclopedia she had access to.

(using Scan esotery!)

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Firanis slowly straightened up from her predatory crouch, looking down at the bolt-caster in her hands in surprise. She frowned, noticing her finger on the trigger, tensed and poised to pull it. She took a deep breath and removed her finger from her bolt-caster, then swung it back over her shoulder.

"Forgive me, I... I don't know what came over me," Firanis said, her tone puzzled, magenta brows furrowed in thought. "I was for looking for any sign of the silent insects, but did not find any." The tall, slender woman rolled her shoulders than ran her fingers through her vibrant hair. "There was... something, a thrum, a hum, and then the next thing I knew, Gord was calling my name and you all seemed as though you expected to be attacked."

She glanced at Nyr and her bared length of blade, at Tessereah and the strange rod in her hands, then back to where she'd been standing in the tall grass. "This may have nothing to do with the thing we are investigating, or it may be a precursor effect, but in any case, I think we should stick to clear areas as much as possible and be aware of any unexpected sounds. That hum, it was... heady."

A faint pinkness rose on her pale cheeks, though her violet eyes remained focused and direct.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sigil was puzzled her scan returned no real data except for the absence of wildlife. All of the radiation bands were within the norms as she understood them and there was nothing detected that was not in her banks. This in itself was a clue, in her travel her scans always detected something new even if it was simply a new type of insect or plant life, there was always something. But not here.

With more caution the party remounted and keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding and occasional glances at Firanis. They rode in silence, alert weapons and abilities primed the day grew hotter as they covered the distance until those with good eyes could make out the  dark smudge in the distance which marked where the city was. Again Sigil sent out her scans and this time she detected nothing, at first, except the same grasses, same normal radiations but no insect or animal life and no energy signatures, then suddenly nothing. The scan fed her void then a sound only she could hear, darkness reaching for her calling her inward, the noise only she could hear growing into a crescendo of breaking glass, a waterfall of silicon splinters falling toward her....


Sigil you are being attacked mentally via your scan. You need to defend with Intellect diff is 3. everyone else is still riding unaware of what is happening to sigil. every one can see the dark smudge...firanis you know that it is larger than it should be at this distance. it is approaching late afternoon it will be dusk within the hour


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Firanis settled her farsight goggles over her eyes, the lenses sharpening her vision over distance, her lovely, mobile features turning down in a thoughtful frown. The disturbing darkness made details indistinct, but there was simply too much of it. She knew roughly how far the town should be and its skyline should not be so... bold at this distance.

Fi shook her head, raising her goggles, which pushed vivid magenta hair from her face, then turned to look at her companions over her shoulder. "The Darkening, it has grown larger than last I witnessed it. Still, though it may cost us time and give the dark more time to grow, I think believe our investigation should wait til the full light of day. What say you all?"

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Sigil's eyes widen slightly as the information stream buckles in her consciousness. As if the universe itself had fallen away, leaving a ragged-edged hole in itself; an information sink from which nothing could escape. For a breathless instant she teetered on the edge of that abyss, staring into it and feeling it stare back into her. She found it in herself to wonder what would happen to the intelligence she served if she succumbed to that awful, seductive nothingness. Would it simply lose this appendage, or would it be infected through her, as if she was a limb turned gangrenous? Yet it made no move to sever her.

So Sigil struggled, strained to hear the song of nuclear forces, the constant babble of electromagnetic radiation, the feel of wind on her face. Clawed her way back to the realm of sight and sound and movement and existence. And after an eternity compressed into a few seconds...she returned.

"It...resists...my attempt to determine its nature at a distance," she reported softly, her voice almost trembling. "It is extremely dangerous to approach, but I see no other way to gather data."

Was the fear she felt her own? Where did she end, and 'it' begin?

There was something though, in the data from her scans. She had not returned from the edge empty handed. It would take time to decipher.

She met Firanis' gaze. "We can wait until day."

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Tessereah regarded the young woman with wonder, marveling at whatever senses allowed her to connect so easily to the universe. Noting this down for future reference, she turned to Firanis. "We myay be ayble to combine the yuseful with the  plyeasurable if we can find some shyelter as well as spare parts. You know this place better - mayhaps, there is some form of outpyost, or other out-building where we might find some iotum and a workbench?"

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Firanis shook her head in unfortunate reply. "Though our villages lay not that far apart, this is still largely unpopulated. Any manufactured shelter or outpost here has long been scavenged to other uses I think, or buried by the previous ages," the magenta-tressed woman admitted with a sigh and some regret as she glanced around quickly. "Any scavenging and tinkering will have to wait for another time, I am thinking.  Come, though we are out in the open, we may still have time to find some better place to make camp, to keep our mounts safe and perhaps give us some meager shelter."

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