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IC: Scion: Modern Mythology - BeforeThe Bell


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"This just keeps getting better and better." Rachel's mind was reeling even worse than when Vidar had given his visitation. "So, faculty as well, wow.  Are you like what Grace said our watcher? Are you going to be the one who sends us on missions? There's so much we need to know. I have so many questions."  She suddenly realizes shes babbling and everyone is looking at her. She shuts up.

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"Nadya, calm down," He motioned for her to quiet down.  "That which spawned her is named Aphrodite, and she can hear you.  Need I remind you of the legendary tales of Greek divinity and their penchant for revenge?"  Gi-Archimedes, was doing his best to try and wrangle in a fuming Nadya, and was surprisingly good at it.  "Look, there is no rule book for all of this.  Being a good person is not a prerequisite.  All the Gods care about is that the job gets done.  Eric and Mercedes may not be the best of people on a personal level, but they are both accomplished Scions and brave warriors in their own right.  You don't have to like it Nadya, but it won't change the truth."

"They're called Guides, Ms. Cooper, not Watchers.  You are Scions, and Scions don't need babysitters.  You are free pursue your duties in any avenue you like."  He smiled at Rachel, she was so full of life yet burdened by doubt and fear.  It was a tad scary the way he didn't look at her, he looked through her.  "I have not acted as a guide for quite some time, but I would never turn away young Scions seeking advice in affairs of the World and your duties within it.  Now, I may have an occasional task for you from time to time, I think you'll find the World has far more interesting way to ruin your day than any I could think up."  He leaned in and winked with a smile.  "And I'm very crafty."

He managed to steal a smile out of Rachel's confusion and gloom.  "I have answers, Ms. Cooper.  Questions are the gateway to knowledge."

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Rachel looks serious as she considers what to ask, her eyes flicker from Austin to Nadya and Fisher, then over to Grace. "You called Eric and his gang a band and said there were two here . I assume we are the second one. When we had our little parental introductions and meet and greet last week they all said something about being fatebound but didn't elaborate. Is that what being in a band, as you call it, mean?"

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Archimedes took off his glasses and polished them with his sweater vest.  "A Band of Scions, is simply a group of Scion's working together to keep each other safe.  Strength in numbers as I'm sure you understand."  His slid his wire rimmed glasses back on and addressed the entire group.  "There are only a few things the Gods can not control directly, despite their ability to alter reality at a whim, Fate for starters and Time certainly comes in as a close second.  Fate is something that, like the Gods themselves, is simply a force that can not be explained, it simply is."

"Like the those ladies, with the thread?"  Rachel guessed, her mythology knowledge was close to nonexistent.  She remembered a few things she'd picked up from Wikipedia.

"The Norns, yes.  However they are not Fate, simply divine agents of the entity itself.  To be honest, we don't really know exactly what Fate is.  What we do know is that our powers warp reality, we can do things that simply can't be done in the minds of mortals.  So, when he push against reality, we alter the flow of the way things are supposed to go and shift them down the road we would like them to go.  Essentially, we alter Fate, and sometimes Fate pushes back."  He was pacing now leaving about a table's length between them and himself.  The whole time he lectured he waggle his finger about to stress certain points.

"On rare circumstances, the Gods work with Fate, or the other way around, we're all not sure on the specifics, but the result is a Band that is brought together for a specific purpose.  Jason for example, he and his Argonauts are a prime example.  As are you, to have another Band of Scions in the same city, let alone the same high school... well, this is very exciting indeed."

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Well, Fisher bitterly noted, that was one thing Mom had definitely chosen to omit from mentioning to him. The stuff about Eric, Mercedes and their ne'er-do-well hodgepodge, that was. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if the others had picked up on the fact that some of the faculty were implied to be Scions as well. Sure, it had taken a few moments to process, but still. Would that be good or bad?

And, thirdly, the 'exciting' fact that there were multiple bands in the same place. Was that translation for the Chinese 'interesting times'? Best find out what they'd be dealing with. "So, Mom hinted that there would be these titanspawn monsters we'd fight. What are they like?"

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"So," Grace asked not so subtley, "if one Band is being jerks to a member of another Band, are there any sort of rules about punking them like the bullies they are? Also, which teachers are going to be the ones that understand the weirdness that is now our lives?"

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"The titanspawn are many and varied, Fisher.  Giants, monsters, chimera, even dragons,"  He replied calmly.  "Almost all you'll meet will attempt to kill you.  They can sense you ichor and while it doesn't offer them any particular insight, they could certainly pick you out in a crowd of mortals.  Regardless of what for they come in, you must understand that their goal is to disrupt the World, to damage it in a way that would fracture the connection the mortals have with the gods.  The rely on mortals for prayers and their continued Legends to be told and recounted.  Without those mortals, the gods would powerless against the titans.  Now, not all titanspawn are evil, there are very rare cases, but as a rule, always be on your guard."

Archimedes pulled a book from the shelf and flipped to a page as he spoke.  "What's worse, was that we sealed the Titans themselves within the respective Underworld for each of the Pantheons and all our Underworlds are connected, so when they broke out they've done incredible damage to the lands of the dead.  Because of this... well, the dead aren't being ushered to their final rest like they are supposed to.  What's worse, many of those who have died in the past have been allowed to return to the World, some were even powerful enough to craft a new flesh and blood body for themselves, or had someone do it for them."  He turned the book around so they could see it.  "For example."

The page was turned to a picture of Adolf Hitler.

"As for Band politics, back in the old days we'd meet on the battlefield and settle our differences there. Many Scions met in war and helped their parents claim many victories or entire cities.  Troy, for example.  Lovely place, but the crime rate, whew, talk about property value issues.  If you have a problem with others like yourselves, which you invariably will, since all gods have rivals, simply handle it as best you can.  As a general rule, with it being war time, try not to kill each other.  However accidents do happen, Scions battle all the time.  Some fall to the sway of the Titans, others are just bad seeds.  It's best to use your judgement, but remember we need everyone for the war, don't kill needlessly."  It seemed a bit odd how casually he talked bout them all going out and killing, like it was thousands of years ago when barbarians roamed and no one had running water, until Archimedes invented irrigation (don't let anyone tell you otherwise!).

Sliding the book back on the shelf, he looked to Grace and the others.  "Principal Taoka, Ms. Elliot, Ms. Glapion, Coach Fingers, and Mr. Guiler, the school's guidance councilor.  Also, Horace's uncle, Sheriff Farrow is available to help, should you need it.  Having him in law enforcement helps us explain some of the less explainable things away."

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"So, can we actually go to them for a 'how to'? Or is this strictly shit-hit-the-fan sort of mentorship? 'Cause I've gotta say, if they're hands-on with younger Scions, they kinda seem like they suck on the whole 'good character' training with that other bunch. And that's just from one day's worth of observation here." Because 'good character' was the important part here, obviously.

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"Well, we're all on the same side here, Grace," he absently placed a few books on the shelf as he spoke or he'd switch their order on the shelf.  Fisher noticed they were in perfect alphabetical order.  Not bad considering he was looking at Grace as he spoke, and not paying attention to the shelves.  The faculty aren't really mentors, per se', but they are wiser and more experienced when it comes to the challenges you'll face.  I'm sure if you approach them, they'll be more than happy to assist you."

"Seven more sit-ups you chunky little hussie.  I don't care if you have Face Books updates to change or an Instantgram message to check or a god damn tweet to twaddle, if you don't get give me seven more I will grind your bones into dust and snort them with my morning coffee!  Do I make myself CLEAR!?"  Nadya thought back to last years Phys Ed. with Mr. Fingers.  The dude was more hardcore than German midget loli porn.  "Yeah, I' have to side with Chica del'Gracie here."

"They're good people, they try at any rate.  Besides, you can have to understand that they're, and I mean no offense, adults.  They've a nearly a decade of maturity compared to the lot of you.  One of the drawback of young visitations is all the drama that comes along with, well, high school kids."  He smiled and winked at them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nadya was mostly silent, except when she was letting her mouth run on autopilot to rebut Archie's claims of the Godblooded faculty's natures. She was still trying to wrap her head around the idea of Mercedes Bloody Rhodes being the daughter of a Goddess. Sure, Mercedes had pretty much always acted like that, but somehow, it was worse that it was true, and she'd been even more obnoxious about it lately. Huh...

"And how long ago did Mercedes and company learn about their real heritage?" Nadya amended to Rachel's questions. "'Cause, y'know, Mercedes has acted like Venus' daughter since she was, like, ten."

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"Other Scions and Demigods do know, yes.  Mostly because I told them.  It's sort of my job to facilitate the training and education of newly visited Heroes."  Mr. Syracuse glanced at Nadya, seeing her ready to burst with own questions.  When she finally piggy backed Rachel's own, he chuckled slightly.  "It's okay for people to know, to be honest, the chances of a mortal believing you is slim to not-at-all.  The problems arise when you try to exert your supernatural condition on the world around you.  Fate has plan for the World, and by your very nature, you can go against that plan.  In a nutshell, just because you have super powers," he glanced at Rachel. "Like throwing a motorcycle an entire city block, doesn't mean you should. Take my word for it, the greatest weapons you have are the things you had before you were visited, everything else is a tool in your arsenal.  Use them, but don't rely on them."

"As for Mercedes and the others,"  He paused to consider for a moment.  "Last year, I believe.  Shortly after Christmas.  As for Mercedes being, well, Mercedes, think about it for a minute.  Who your parent is is a part of who you are.  You, in some way, resemble you divine patron.  Scions of Thor are strong, stubborn, and athletic.  Bast's Scions are lithe, cat-like, open-minded and often, well, trouble prone.  Consider for a moment, why a Scion of Poseidon just happens to be on the swim team, or why Rachel possesses such a strong sense of morality and justice.  Things to consider."

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Grace's flat expression communicated volumns of her opinion of being compared to her divine father. "So, we're the newbie team and the fact that we're here in Salem with two other Bands mean that the local area is likely to blow up worse than Sunnydale during a season finale. Awesome."

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