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March 27th

(Roughly one month after Lion, Wench and Warzone)


"Well," Professor Jensen sighed as she squinted down at the steady flow of data scrolling across the screen of her tablet, "I think we're done with this battery of tests."


"Agreed." Dr Chase said as she eyeballed the matching set of figures on her own screen. She looked up and out through the reinforced transparent viewing window. "The changes to his cellular structure are significantly beyond those I studied when he first arrived at the Academy, but they seem to be stabilising again now." She then added what both women were thinking. "Fortunately."


"Rapid secondary mutation." Jensen summed up as she turned to look at Director Drumm. "No sign of the cellular changes trending towards the malignant. As you can see, his cell formations are becoming more efficiently aligned as his mutation progresses." Jericho Drumm nodded and pushed away from where he had been leaning on the rear wall of the lab. As he came forwards, Chase handed him a pair of polarised goggles which the Director donned without argument before glancing out of the similarly-polarised observation window.


Alexander Andrews was floating roughly six feet off the floor, clad in a pair of shorts and nothing else, with a huge bank of lights arrayed around him in a roughly circular pattern. The lights were releasing a steady pulse of light, heat, UV and IR rays, enough to cause melanoma and blindness in anyone else after a mere ten minutes of exposure, but young Andrews was just soaking it up. Literally.


"This is kept hush hush." the Director told the doctor and the scientist. "Need to know only. Bad enough that they tried to snatch Alex and Aradia last month: if they knew this, they'd have put up one hell of a bigger fight." He squinted through the goggles at the young man and smirked. "A living sun."


"Not technically." Jensen said in her best scientist voice as she came to stand by Drumm. He glanced at her and she shrugged. "Well, the definition needs work."


"What would you call him, Professor?" the rakishly handsome man asked her with a sly smile.


"Well, he's technically a catalytic absorber. They are usually Class 3 mutants, but with Mr Andrews, there's an interesting twist. He can use the absorbed energy in a number of ways, giving him greater versatility. Combined with his power output, I'd say that puts him at Class 5. Next year?" she shrugged and made a gesture of helpless surrender. "Who knows."


"He's also a young man." Dr Lucia Chase said, a note of somewhat prim disapproval in her voice. "For all of his power. I worry about the possible emotional effects of his further mutation."


"We all have to learn to grow into our capabilities." Drumm replied. "That is what we're here for, doctor. I trust you and Professor Jensen to keep a close eye on Alex." The line was delivered deadpan, and Drumm gave no sign of noticing the faint flush on both womens cheeks in the dark booth. "Keep me updated." he told them as he left the room.


* * * * * *

Alex was deep in thought as he wandered across the grounds, the spring thaw being helped along a little by the summery radiance he shed in his wake. The doctor and the professor had been straightforward in informing him of their findings. He was changing, growing further and further away from the norm, and the most significant differences were on the cellular level. The glow, the heat - they were just symptoms of the fact that every single one of his body's cells was akin to a tiny, inefficient star.


It's kind of cool he mused as he passed a group of girls heading the other way. He flashed the knot of freshmen a warm, if somewhat preoccupied smile in response to the staccato chorus of "Hi Alex" before shoving his hands into the pockets of his thick black wool coat and went back to thinking. It's not all bad. I don't get tired so much, I hardly ever miss a shot at hoops now, I can fly... Not so bad at all. He kept on walking, not really to anyplace so much as just to walk, head down and his mane of sun-hued hair tumbling in the wind, and wondering why he had to keep telling himself that it wasn't so bad...

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His eyes on the ground, Alex was wondering towards the body of water on school grounds - too big to called a pond, too small to called a lake - when he walked into a tree unaccountably bestriding the path. A tree that felt entirely too solid, yet sheathed in resiliently soft padding. Raising his eyes, Alex's gaze traveled the length of a pair of trunks that bore an uncanny resemblance to the longest, strongest, and shapeliest legs at Lawrence Hunt, barked in snug, shiny leather. Higher than his head, the twin trunks/legs joined and spread in an epic behind that combined tight, athletic firmness and squeezable, heart-shaped plushness into a greater whole. Standing so close, Alex couldn't really so much above it beyond a canopy of crimson.


Startled at feeling something bump into the back of her legs, Sonja took a step forward and twisted at the waist, glancing down and behind her. Her short, vibrant red velvet coat gaped open, revealing her silk, snowy white blouse and a profile that belonged on a mudflap. Her outfit was obviously modeled on Theodora's from the movie Oz, The Great And Powerful, though Mila Kunis would kill to look a quarter so good at her make-overed, movie-tricked, and airbrushed glamorous best.


Admittedly, being fourteen feet tall would make filming a movie with standard sized actors unwieldy at best.


* * * * * *


Sonja had rounded up a group to go see Oz, The Great and Powerful on opening day. How the gang of mutants - one who needed to buy to seats to be comfortable, another who glowed, a pair who found being inside confining, another who wouldn't shut up about the scientific inaccuracies of the movie until threatened with being twisted into a pretzel, and a couple who weren't quiet about making out - managed to attend the movie without causing a riot or drawing the ire of a mutant-hating society is an entirely different story. That may or may not ever be told.


But Sonja had watched the movie raptly and immediately afterwords had commissioned outfits based on those of two of the three witches from her aunts in Iceland. She hadn't cared for Evanora's, but Oneca had taken it upon herself to make one for her sister based on Theonora's other outfit, with the metal-strengthened corset and pointy hat. In bright pink.


Sonja would never tell 'Neca she actually rather liked it, if not ever wear it in public.

* * * * * *


"Oh, hey, Alex! Sorry, didn't see you there." A super-sized Sonja couldn't really manage to look sheepish, but her soft smile was apologetic as she turned all the way around and leaned over some to keep Alex in full view. Alex couldn't help but note that the V-neck of her blouse was low enough to reveal a hint of cleavage; at her size and their size, it was more than a hint. "I was just just spacing out in the early Spring weather, thinking."


Thinking how despite being pretty, popular, and well-liked - by the majority of students at least - she was, in some ways, starting to feel alone, not helped by seeing her sister or some other friends gleefully sucking face with their boyfriends. She didn't regret her physical gifts and loved being attractive and tall, but having so much of a good thing also served to set her apart. She was a great deal more confident and comfortable with her natural, seven foot height - if not with the full heights she could achieve, yet - to the point she even wore heels again, occasionally.


But with her height and buff, buxom figure, Sonja often appeared older than she was. When she was hit on, it was more likely to be by college boys or older - sometimes much older - men, rather than boys her own age. While she did appreciate the, usually, greater maturity, they usually came off as skeezy and perverted. If they managed to look pass or ignore her mutant nature, they often just saw her as an ambulatory pair of tits - made all the easier since they were at eye level or higher to most - rather than getting to know the real her.


Alex was way better than most boys at treating her as a person and with respect, instead of drooling or letting his eyes wander - well, too much - which was why he was probably her best guy friend. She was comfortable around him - his sunny warmth probably helped - just hanging out or doing homework or helping Morri or when practicing using their powers together. She didn't even think about people seeing the two effortlessly gorgeous blonds together and comparing them to Barbie and Ken anymore.


"Sorry 'bout the whole..." Sonja rolled her shoulders in a shrug, intimating her current size, "...thing. Dr. Chase asked me to try staying super-sized for as long as I can, to help get over my uncontrolled outbursts of growth... and to get used to moving around at these sizes without crushing things - or people - accidentally." The platinum-tressed titan sighed, then smiled wryly. "It's hard enough just getting used to what things look like when I'm like this. Or bigger."


Unless Alex, Sonja wasn't composed of solar-powered nuclear reactors. Instead, her blood and tissues were awash in a cornucopia hormones, most natural - though in levels that would be extremely dangerous or deadly to humans - and some that were entirely new variants. An epinephrine-like substance partially influenced her natural strength and speed. She also produced something bearing a superficial similarity to somatotropin, but considerably denser and more complex that was responsible for her recent growth spurt and her ability to swell to gigantic sizes - though Ms. Jensen or Dr. Chase weren't sure how. She had increased estradiol production to thank for her perfect complexion and well-developed - some say over-developed - figure.


She had seen Dr. Chase and Ms. Jensen earlier in the week. They had figured out she drew all the extra mass from the air and stuff in the air, which resulted in a slight pulling sensation and drop in temperature as she suck it in. When she shrunk back to normal size, she released it as air, heat, and sound (a faint to mild groaning creak). They figured the mass was released in multiple forms to the effect from each one was mitigated. What concerned them was they couldn't figure out the exact mechanism for how she could accomplish it in the first place.


What concerned Sonja was that Dr. Chase couldn't say for sure that she wouldn't experience another growth spurt - sudden or gradual - in her natural height.


"You were to see Dr. Chase and Ms. Jensen today for a check-up, weren't you? What they have to say about out friendly, neighborhood Mr. Sunshine?" Sonja teased mildly, but after a moment, she cocked her head to the side, her grin fading. "If you don't want to take about it, that's okay too, we can talk about other stuff too. Just though you looked down. Er. And wanted an ear to listen." She glanced down at herself and him, comparing the disparity in sizes, her grin growing crooked as she arched her fair brows. "Uh, I can shrink down to normal, if you prefer, but I think I only have about another hour or so in me, like this, before I have too anyway."

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"Uh..." Alex said wittily as he tried, really tried, not to look at fourteen-foot-girl-cleavage. He won, mostly. though he would likely have REM-sleep nightmares about being trapped in an airbag factory. "Oh, the checkup went okay, I guess." he shrugged and gave her a smile that was a few watts short of his usual radiance.


"Uh oh. That bad, huh?" Sonja furrowed her delicate brows and regarded him with some compassionate concern. Perhaps as a result of her size, she had a tendency to Big Sister everyone, even people she really didn't need to. His demeanor made her mind up, and the giantess shrank to merely Amazonian proportions and linked her arm through his, glad that Alex was reasonably tall so she didn't look too silly doing so. In fact, it seemed he'd put on an inch or two since coming to the school, which figured: boys were notorious for growing like weeds at his age. "Spill." she not-quite-demanded, giving him a winsome sympathetic smile as she started walking with him again.


"More changes." he said, obviously not wanting to whine, but feeling a little down. "I don't know where they'll stop, and when I ask the Prof, she tells me she can't predict when either." He held up one hand in the weak sunshine, showing Sonja the motes of fiery light. "Suns. Millions of tiny suns. And they're getting more like suns and less like regular cells every time I look through a microscope, Sonja." He sighed, looking up at the patches of blue sky, then at her, earnest concern in his cerulean eyes.


"What if I change to the degree Mark did?" he asked, referencing the arachnid mutant who was a legend and cautionary tale in on. "What if I actually become dangerous to be around? Hell, I could even start giving people radiation poisoning or something." He blew out a sigh again, his breath blowing away the errant lock of hair that always seemed to fall over his face.

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Sonja's fingers twitched, stifling the urge to brush the charming wayward lock of golden hair from Alex's face, instead smiling down at him to add a touch of levity as they continued to walk by the still water. "Then I'll get a hazmat suit so the tanning doesn't get too bad. But only if you promise to hang around if I become the fifty-foot woman permanently."


Alex gave a melancholy grin that faded quickly, trying not to picture the proportions of a fifty-foot Sonja. "Deal."


Sonja's smiled faded after a moment too and they continued in companionable silence for a while longer, good enough friends that they didn't feel the need to break it. They were coming to one end of the lake and could see Mark's woods at the far range of campus grounds. Sonja paused to contemplate them.


"They told me pretty much the same thing," Sonja sighed, her voice soft. "I thought I was done most of my growing a year ago. Then I have this crazy growth spurt - felt horrible for a week. They say I could have another one, but can't promise it or predict it or say how many inches I'll put on this time. If it happens, it better not be measured in feet." Sonja looked down at herself and chuckled wryly. "I sure hope I don't have another, seven feet is more than enough for me."


Sonja gestured towards the woods. "Mark was gone before I got here and he really got the bum's rush. But I'm sure people would say we're too pretty to have to worry about anything like that happening to us," Sonja joked... but not entirely. She was still young, and though she had suffered losses too, she was strong, tough, beautiful and idealistic. She was still flushed with the immortality of youth, believing the entire world was out there, waiting for them. "And if it does, well, I'll stand by you - all my friends - as best I can." She winked a bright, blue-purple eye. "Just try not to grow too many tentacles, 'kay?"


She glanced down, comparing her arm to Alex's linking it, the faint patina of sunlight emanating from his skin, and laughed softly. Hers was longer and thicker with muscle, if still feminine. "At least being made of suns sounds a lot better than having more human growth hormone - and other hormones - swimming inside you than the entire East German women's Olympic Team put together."

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"I guess that can get rather tough." Alex grinned up at her, the eye contact and his smile warming in more than one sense. "Not many guys are comfortable around gorgeous girls who just happen to be taller, stronger and faster than them."


"Not many boys are." Sonja corrected with a toss of her hair. "It's so hard to get a guy to look me in the eyes."


"They're probably afraid that you'll see the Wonder Woman fantasy dancing in the back of their retina." Alex deadpanned. Sonja let out a snort of laughter.


"Probably." she allowed, then glanced at Alex again as he looked out over the lake. An idea came to her, and not for the first time, that he'd be a really cool boyfriend. They got along well, he was definitely easy on the eyes, he was smart, funny, and didn't seem to be intimidated or mindlessly lecherous like most of the guys. He made eye contact easily, and even though she had caught him noticing her curves he was polite about it. She appreciated the effort he made not to let his male instincts totally rule his eye-level. She studied his profile, running her indigo gaze over his lips, and imagined kissing him. The thought was good for a warming sensation that was nothing to do with his aura.


Plus, of course, she was utterly sick of being the only girl in school without a steady. Okay, so there were other girls her age with no boyfriend, but dammit, she'd been so wrapped up in being what Oneca called "Miss Perfect" that she'd suddenly become aware that she had no romantic life. None at all. For someone who took a certain secret pride in her looks, this was nigh intolerable. Sure, guys would catcall, or stare, or come across as complete skeevy pervs, but they weren't interested in her. Alex was different.


"So... Wonder Woman?" she asked him, eyes on his face and a smile on her full lips. Alex blinked and looked at her, his sky-hued eyes dazzling.




"You think guys have Wonder Woman fantasies about me?" she pressed, feeling the warmth of his arm linked in hers and squeezing it gently.


"Um, yes? At least, I'd guess so." The solar Adonis was a little confused, and maybe nervous too. Sonja smiled a little more.


"You'd guess so. Is that because you have them?" The Amazonian blonde was rewarded with a dark flush that suffused Alex's cheeks and the way his eyes suddenly darted to the left and down. Gotcha.


"It's not that." he said a little quickly, his smile no less radiant despite being nervous. "It just stands to reason that... well any guy would." Alex was aware that his heart was beating faster, and tried remain cool, all the while wondering what had gotten into Sonja. Was she flirting with him?


"Mmm." Sonja pretended to consider that as she half-turned towards him. "So do you?" He was right where she wanted him, and the hormones coursing through her perfect physique were sending out all sorts of suggestions. Alex's mouth opened, then closed as he resisted the urge to lie and his blush deepened. Finally he relaxed a little and met her eyes once more.


"Yeah, I guess I have thought about that. Once or twice." He started to say "Sorry." but Sonja placed a finger on his lips.


"It's cool, Alex. Really. Coming from you, it's kind of flattering. And it's sweet that you're honest about it." Sonja took his hand with her other hand and faced him, trying to find the courage for the next bit. "Y'know, its been hard, adjusting to being here, adjusting to all sorts of things. But you've been really nice the whole time. Sooooo..." And now she dropped her eyes, studying his chest. "Soooo I was wondering if... perhaps you and I... we could..."


"Really?" Alex asked, his voice registering calm surprise as he mentally finished her sentence. "You want to go out?" Sonja nodded, her eyes still on his chest, feeling her face flame red suddenly as Alex took her other hand in his, his clasp warm and gentle. Sonja looked up through her long lashes to see him smiling at her. A really, really nice smile. "I'd love to." he told her, his voice low. Sonja tried to say something more, but her eyes were fixed on his lips. After a few heartbeats, she managed to speak.


"What did I tell you about that smile, Alex?" she asked, her voice far away as, on impulse, she leaned down and kissed him.

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Oh. My. God. What am I doing?! Sonja thought, heart pounding as inexorably, her lips tilted down to meet Alex's. Despite being very athletic, Sonja was a feminine young woman too. She had had her dreams and fantasies about how it would go with her first boyfriend, the growing relationship, even played at planning her wedding like nearly every little girl. If those dreams and fantasies had more to do with what she considered duty than with desire, they were no less yearned for, if in a vague sort of way.


Yet while in them all, the figure with her was a nebulous one of indistinct shadows, one thing always remained the same - the figure was taller than her. She had to tilt her head up to kiss it, and it was strong enough to carry her across a threshold in its arms. With the onset of adolescence and the clear indication she would be taller and stronger than most, let alone taking into account her latest growth spurt, Sonja had been forced to revise her dreams.


As their lips met, the warmth radiating from Alex spread through her, Sonja's doubts burned away. Kissing him felt like kissing summer - the season, not the Astovik skank. The shadowy figure in her dreams brightened with detail, filled with colour, shape melding to fit into a luminous one that bore an uncanny resemblance to Alex.


Both of the blond teens were inexperienced beyond perfunctory kisses at the end of few dates, if they could even be called that. Yet both were also more graceful than human, avoiding the physical awkwardness of most hormonal teens. Many of their peers would envy them how easily they fitted together, as much as they'd envy them how attractive a couple they made.


One hand still holding one of Alex's, Sonja snaked the other around his back, her hand teasing the nape of his neck as she held him close, one long leg wrapping around his. His solar heat suffused the length of her body, matching the one rising inside her. Alex could feel her heart beat and every breath she took as her breasts pressed heavily high up against his chest.


Initially surprised at Sonja's impulsive action, with synapses firing at light speed, Alex quickly responded with his own rising eagerness as he found himself embraced by an enticing and intoxicating blend of firmness and softness. Mythic of proportion and stature, most boys at Lawrence Hunt had fantasized about the towering blond, but very few ever imagined anything could come of it.


Besides, he wasn't sure if he could have broken her embrace if he had wanted to.


But Alex had come to know Sonja better than most, a true friendship growing between them. Still, he was surprised to find how natural it felt for something only pictured in the privacy of his own thoughts to flower into something real. The powerful, curvaceous woman pressed against him suddenly didn't feel too big, but rather, just right.


That said, he was still somewhat at a lost of what do with his free hand. Despite Sonja's evident desire, he didn't want to presume, so he settled to putting it around her waist... at least, that hand been his intention. Sonja was not only extraordinarily tall, she was also remarkably leggy for her height; Alex's hand ended up sliding around Sonja's firm, leather-clad behind.


Before Alex could worry if he was trespassing, her behind flexed in a slow and emphatic way, leather creaking, her full lips pressing tighter against his, telling him it was okay.


Their kissed lasted an eternity, in the mind of the immortal teens, yet was still over too quickly. They finally broke apart, breathing deeply, sharing bright, young smiles. Sonja stood up to her full height, an expression of mock severity on her face as she straightened her jacket, fiddled with the neck of her blouse, and brushed platinum-blond hair from her face which had unaccountably broken free of her pony-tail.


"Well, I sure hope that taught you your lesson, Mr. Andrews," Sonja said with a sniff and an arched brow as she surreptitiously undid a button on her blouse in the process of 'fixing' it. But her lips were quirked and while the colour was still high in her cheeks as she wagged a finger at him.


"I don't know, Ms. Bahaar," Alex countered, flashing that grin once again, winking a crystalline blue eye as he made a token effort to fix his collar. His British accent just made everything he was saying just a bit sexier. "I fear I may be a slow learner. I may need remedial classes and a willing tutor."


"Oh, you-" Sonja growled before breaking down into a fit of giggle-snorts. She huffed - impressively - and tossed her hair back over her shoulders. "I guess I can help out."


She rushed him, picking him clear off the ground as she kissed him again, giving his own ass a double-handed squeeze and letting the hormones. This was exactly what she wanted and she was glad she had waited for the right boy instead of the first one to come along like 'Neca. Alex for his part found it curiously thrilling being literally manhandled.


Another eternity passed before Alex and Sonja found themselves walking around the lake once more, this time with their fingers entwined instead of arms linked. Sonja was so jubilant she was almost skipping and didn't give a damn about what anyone else had to say... almost.


"Um, you're not gonna be bothered by the Ken and Barbie comments that are inevitably going to come our way, are you? Probably among others."

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"Barbie can't lift her Dream Car, and Ken can't melt rock just by giving it a mean stare. People will probably tease, be stupid, and yeah, be cruel too. I think we're both strong enough as people to shrug them off." Alex smiled at Sonja as he gently squeezed her hand. Despite the fact she was bigger than him, the girl found herself drawing strength from the reassurance Alex radiated. "I'm not saying it won't annoy me, just that it won't change this for me." He held up their linked hands in emphasis, and smiled over them at her. Sonja smiled back, resisting the urge to kiss him again... for the moment. Walk a bit more, then stop and make out a bit, then walk a bit more, then stop and...

"So you really don't care what people say?" she pressed lightly. Alex snorted.

"Come on, Sonja. I'm British." he told her as if that explained everything. She blinked, her expression halfway between a smile and a 'huh?'.

"One does not," Alex began in with hauteur you could bounce a rock off "conquer an empire if one is always concerned about what people will say about it."

"Oh." Sonja's lips quirked. "Y'know, Alex, I'm pretty sure the empire is over." Her boyfriend (and part of her squeee'd at the word), tried to look imperious, but the sparkle of his eyes ruined the illusion.

"We just need to build another Death Star." he deadpanned. "If we can just get the Death Star right, everything else will follow."

"You are such a nerd sometimes!" Sonja giggled as she stopped and tugged him toward her. This time there was less hesitation about where his hands should go, she was pleased to note. She felt the warm radiance of his touch as his hands stroked lightly up and down her back, now and then roaming over her leather-clad derriere, and she sighed into the kiss they were sharing, her own hands exploring the lines of his shoulders and torso in much the same way. She liked the way he reacted to her kiss, his body tightening against hers, his concentration fully on her.


For Alex, it wasn't like he'd thought it would be. Sonja was so very literally larger than life in every respect that she was, well, overpowering. Intimidating. Especially to a young man who was, as Oneca so accurately put it, riding the virgin train. It had been easy to be friends, because Sonja was a decent person that had time for anyone who wasn't an asshole. He had also pictured her in a variety of costumes and states of undress, because they make you hand in your hetero-card at the desk for overlooking that sort of thing. But he'd never actually considered (beyond abstractly) what it would be like to touch her, to kiss her. He simply had no frame of reference for that imagining.


But it wasn't overpowering. Sonja wasn't overpowering. In fact, the small breathy sighs she emitted were anything but intimidating to Alex, who swiftly came to realise that he was actually not bad at kissing (if Sonja's reactions were anything to go by). She pressed herself against him, causing both the teens hormonally charged bodies to thrum like one of Alex's guitar strings, and clung gently to him as his hands stroked, held and (now and then) squeezed. The living sun felt a surge of confidence run through him and went for the ol' two-handed ass grab and not only did Sonja not mind, her arms tightened about him carefully, holding him to her as she let out a sound that was part-squeak and part-rapturous murmur. On the heels of this small triumph, Alex felt a small wave of protective tenderness towards her. Under the fantasy figure and looks, under the sheer strength and power of her mutant frame, Sonja was as vulnerable as anyone. Not weak - pity the fool who assumed weakness of character - but possessed of emotional needs and wants common enough in girls her age. She was entrusting him with a part of herself, and Alex felt good about that. Felt like a better, more worthwhile person.


Of course, while it all ran through his head, all this cerebration didn't actually get properly filed and analysed until later, when Alex was laying on the roof of the dorm and grinning up at the stars like an idiot. Right now, all his forebrain was thinking was "Mmmmm." and "Those sure are soft." and considering if he should maybe explore a little more with his hands as Sonja's tongue and lips teased his.

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Basking in the feel of Alex's hands gliding over her body, their warmth penetrating her clothing, Sonja let the intoxicating hormones rage. For once, she didn't have to be the eldest sister, the responsible one, the one looking after those smaller and weaker than her. She could just be a girl relaxing in the arms of her boyfriend, feeling oddly, but deliciously, protected as they kissed and more.


Speaking of something more, Sonja raised her eyes from nibbling at Alex's ear - she wasn't sure if she was doing it right, but Alex was making pleased groans and she didn't think the thing poking her in the thigh was hiss cellphone. She covertly glanced around too see if anyone was watching them.


Not seeing anybody but the solar-powered young man in her embraced, Sonja felt an illicit, wanton thrill race through her as she pushed her jacket out of way and placed a hand over one his grabbing her ass. Then slowly but inexorably, her breath coming faster with each inch, she brought his hand up and after a pause, planted it firmly on a breast.


Alex was the first boy she'd ever let touch her breasts, let alone encouraged, even with shirt and bra between hands and bare flesh. Alex stiffened in surprise (already stiffened in other ways for other reasons), feeling the heavy yet buoyant mass under his hand rise and fall with each breath. Alex managed to look up and meet Sonja's large, indigo eyes, silently asking if she was sure.


Sonja nodded, then bit her lower lip to stifle a moan as Alex fulfilled many and boy and man's fantasy and sunk fingers that felt scorching for reasons other than be composed of microscopic suns into firmly yielding flesh. Through silk and whatever an industrial engineer used to construct her bra, Alex felt his thumb slid over a distinct, if muted, bump. At this moment, Sonja did feel huge and overwhelming, their sheer size making Alex's hand feel small in comparison. But Alex didn't mind and Sonja didn't either. At all. It felt just right.


Some time later when the blond teens finally broke apart to recover their breath, Sonja found herself unaccountably, but not annoyingly, backed up against a tree. Her cheeks were bright red, her eyes were sparkling, and another button had been undone on her blouse, though whether from her heavy breathing or questing fingers was unknown.


"Um, maybe we should slow down just a bit?" Sonja suggested as she straightened her clothing... but she left the buttons undone. "Take this at a scenic walk instead of racing to the finish, 'kay?"


Not that Sonja even wanted to contemplate her time with Alex ending, but she was finally growing aware that maybe her hormones might not have the best judgement at the moment and might get her into something faster than she wanted with someone she had only decided was her boyfriend a few - maybe more than a few - minutes ago.


"I'm willing to walk it this journey as long as you are, Sonja, as long as it is with you," Alex agreed gallantly. Then waggled his brows in a parody of teenaged boastfulness. "And I quite assure you, I'm never quick to finish."


Sonja giggled, actually giggled girlishly, seeming no more than her real age of sixteen as she leaned over and gave him another kiss, this one lingering instead of fiercely passionate. "Why do you Brits call kissing 'snogging' anyway?"


"Blame if on Cockney Rhyming Slang," Alex said without missing a beat.. until he glanced at the line of cleavage she was revealing - it wasn't an unseemly amount, just more than usual for Sonja unless she was wearing a bikini, but on Sonja, that was still a lot. "Fog, of which we have sufficient, rhymes with Snog, of which we do not."


He kissed his girlfriend again.


* * * * * * *

When Sonja and Alex walked back onto campus and through the halls - okay, to be honest, Sonja was strutting outright (and almost wished she was wearing heels to add that extra oomph she didn't need) and even Alex may have been swaggering some - the way the unfairly gorgeous blonds had their arms and fingers entwined was a clear proclamation of their new status as a couple.

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Morri was not in a good mood as she stormed across campus. She’d almost gotten into a fight today; only the knowledge that Eileen would be upset if she’d sliced open one of her classmates stopped her. There was also a sense that no one would be happy if she fought with a seven-year-old. But Byrant had made fun of her! He’d called her a bad name! All that Morri could do was fume and struggle not to slice him into tiny pieces.
She was still angry, but there was as much rage at herself as there was at Byrant. She was a ree-tard. Once, the word had meant nothing, but Byrant had shown her a u-tube clip of a ree-tard trying to figure out how to open a door. Then he’d shown her another one fighting to read, and another and another after that. What Morri and most of the campus didn’t know was that Byrant was a social genius, capable of destroying his target emotionally, and with enough intelligence to be brutal about it. Worse, he rather enjoyed being a three-and-a-half foot tall bully capable of challenging older kids. Morri wasn’t the only one he bullied; she was just one of the easiest.
So the young feral was raging to herself as she walked, angry at the bully, angry that she couldn’t find the right words to shut him up and angry that she cared. They were words, and words were stupid. But knowing what he thought of her was the source of the pain - knowing that when people had called her ree-tard, they were comparing her to those people she’d seen in the videos. That was what twisted her gut - that people thought she was like that or worse that one of her friends might see her that way.
Then the entire day shifted. On the sidewalk ahead was Sonja and Alex. But they weren’t just walking, they were Holding Hands. Like the sun coming from behind the clouds, it dawned on Morri that they were In Love. The young mutant had only been introduced to this concept recently - she’d seen romance movies and she knew what it meant.
For one moment, there was a spike of some strange, dark emotion; then it was washed away by happiness. Morri didn’t deal on it; this was Sonja and Alex, and they were not responsible for that dark feeling. Bounding forward, her anger forgotten, Morri grasped their intertwined fingers. Her expression was pure joy as she exclaimed, “Sonja! Alex! In love!”
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  • 2 months later...

A week or so later...


In love or not, the blond pair were nigh-inseparable. There were, naturally, cutting remarks about Ken and Barbie, but they were met with a stern gaze and a sniff from Barbie and a patient, fuck-you-you're-jealous grin from Ken. Even Oneca, who was commonly heard to compare Alex to a Christmas Tree ornament, couldn't be too mean. Besides, it was kind of funny to have her prim and proper big sister, the one who disapproved of hanky and panky in all forms, come late to class with a button undone and her hair mussed, breathing a little too hard despite the fact that she hadn't been running. Her and Warren snickered about that, though she had to admit having a happy and laid-back Sonja about the place was a nice change.


Less preachy, for one thing. Now all that needed to happen was for them to actually go the whole way. Oneca was firmly of the opinion that Sonja needed to get laid like a fish needed to swim. Warren had the same opinion about Alex, though he tended to express it in typically Warren ways, such as asking "Boned her yet?" every time Alex glided through the window after a late-night 'study session'.


So... April. Spring was in the air, flowers were blooming, birds were building nests, and under a tree just starting to put forth buds well away from prying eyes, Sonja was making out with Alex.


It had started as a study-session, really it had. There was the blanket, and the bag with the sandwiches they'd brought, and there were the books, open and unheeded. It was Alex's fault, Sonja would swear before any court that cared to prosecute. He'd been laying there on his back in a tank-top and denim shorts, shimmering fires dancing just under the surface of his skin in the Spring sunshine, and when she'd asked him a question he'd twisted his head to look at her and the wind had blown his golden hair just so over his face and she'd felt like someone had punched the wind out of her - but in a good way. There'd been nothing for it but to pounce on him, pin his body with hers, and start kissing.


Well okay, Alex would counter, but the time before this one was totally Sonja's fault. They'd been studying in her room, and she'd decided that, for some reason, a pink halter-top with a lacy bottom hem and a pair of cutoffs was attire calculated to inspire a studious frame of mind. And then, he'd tell the court, she'd sprawled on her bed, bare feet kicking idly, and spent more time staring at him and toying with her lower lip than actually hitting the books. Under the circumstances, it wouldn't have been gentlemanly to ignore her.


The verdict would have been that the pair were so wrapped in the first blush of young love that they were incapable of being alone together and getting anything serious done. Of course, the verdict would have probably been ignored, because the pair on trial would have been kissing... again.


The problem with making out with Sonja that Alex was discovering anew every time was that it was hard to know how, or when to stop. First base led with leisurely ease to second base, with his warm hands roaming the expanse of skin under Sonja's shirt with her full encouragement, while her own hands were likewise exploring in turn. Her hips were moving against his in gentle circular motions that served to titillate both mutants. The problem was that both teens were leaving these sessions happy but unsatisfied, their bodies wanting more than had so far been experienced. Alex was experiencing what was popularly known as the worst case of blue balls as a result, and to be fair, Sonja wasn't much better off, which led to some truly awesome passion in their make-out sessions. But still, something had to give, as they say.


The problem was inexperience as much as anything. How far to go? What to ask for? What to do, and more importantly how to do it? Alex pondered these questions anew as he tried to think calming thoughts to his lower half. He definitely did not want to 'go early', as it were, but if he were to be honest, his dick felt like it could drill through granite right now as he felt up Sonja's impressive tits.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Straddling her boyfriend, Sonja glanced up from Alex and looked around to make sure they were still alone, then peeled off her white shirt, a sexy smile on her lips. At least it was meant to be sexy. What Alex had learned in the last week or so was when Sonja was just being herself, she was arguably the most attractive and appealing girl at Lawrence Hunt, unconsciously and naturally. When she tried to be seductive on the other hand, she just came across as a gorgeous, but awkward, if gigantic, dork.


Movements that usually made the boys drool, like crossing her legs, breathing deep, or stretching in certain ways seemed absurd and goofy when she did them on purpose to attract attention. Maybe she was trying too hard? Hell, the one time she uncrossed and recrossed her legs in her best Sharon-Stone-in-Basic-Instinct imitation, she almost fell out of her chair. Whatever smoldering, if slutty, sex appeal the younger Bahaar could evoke, the elder Bahaar didn't share a single ounce of it in her over-sized and overly curvaceous body.


Alex found it rather adorably endearing, but thought it better if he didn't say so out loud.


With growing facility, Alex unhooked the numerous hooks of Sonja's crimson bra, that seemed like something that should have been designed and built by a team of structural engineers instead of a seamstress, her bounteous bosom engulfing his face and head as she leaned forward. Sonja didn't understand boys' fascination with 'motorboating' boobs, but Alex seemed to enjoy it, so she tolerated it for his sake, as long as Alex kept himself shaved as smooth as possible. Nearly bulletproof or not, her breasts were still sensitive and she found stubble ticklish and irritating. Alex found himself sometimes shaving twice a day.


But she definitely loved the feel of Alex's warm, solar infused hands and lips on her yearning flesh, the way he tweaked and teased the achingly stiff tips of her breasts. She swore after only a week, she was already developing a summer tan. Indigo eyes nearly closed, a soft moan escaped her full. One of her hands skimmed down his lithely muscled torso, eager and tentative at the same time, toward where she could the rigid length of him pressing against her crotch through the denim shorts both of them were wearing.


It wasn't only youthful inexperience that made the gorgeous blond couple anxious when to press on and when to hold back in their explorations. They were mutants, and with that, adolescence came with a whole host of other problems. Sonja was a foot taller and outweighed her boyfriend by a considerable amount - sometimes she worried she was too big for him. She was also strong enough to crush steel with her bare hands, and she still didn't have full control over her growth ability. There had been an awkward or humorous incident or two already, but she was still concerned it could end up dangerous.


Sonja insisted Alex glowed brighter and grew warmer when they made out, which he adamantly denied. But he could tell she was developing tan already and a tiny part of him wondered if prolonged close contact with him and his solar aura could have adverse effects, despite the assurances of Prof. Jensen. And he couldn't forget how he had lashed out and vaporized that rock in front of Sonja and Morri. Considering the epic case of blue balls he was suffering lately, he felt like he could take down the Great Wall of China when he finally 'went'.


Sonja was hardly in better condition. Alex and Warren might have been more right than they knew about how explicit and frank girls could be when discussing boys and sex, but unfortunately, Sonja found herself with no one to talk with about it. For whatever reason, Aradia grew surly whenever Sonja even hinted at speaking about Alex. With Morri's issues, and despite - or because of - the Marco Mind Meld, Sonja wouldn't talk to her about it. There was no way in hell she'd ever talk about her sex-life with her younger sister, regardless of her supposed 'experience'. And at least half of the female students seemed to hate Sonja for taking Alex for herself when she already had so much, in their eyes.


Tracing the hard outline through Alex's shorts, Sonja slipped a hand inside, gripping him firmly through his briefs, A few tentative strokes, then her hand slipped inside his briefs, caressing his hardness flesh to flesh. Her hand was large and strong, but no way mistakable for a man's, the skin silk smooth, the fingernails grazing him trimmed and feminine. She looked down at him, chewing a lip, not attempting to be sexy anymore, her expression intent trying to please him and he had pleased her with his hands and lips.


It was Alex's turn to close his vivid blue eyes as he rode the sensation, her hand on his shaft almost too firm, but feeling so right. Trying to stop himself from exploding, Alex spasmodically bucked his hips once, surprising Sonja. The big bombshell jerked her hand back, afraid she had hurt him, inadvertently ripping the button off his denim shorts and destroying the zipper.


The turgid length of his manhood sprang free of his briefs, curving proudly towards his flat stomach, the tip glistening with pre-release. Every inch of Alex radiated his soft, solar incandescent. Alex glanced down, feeling the coolness of the April air against his naked member, his cheeks glowing more than what his aura would cause. Sonja also glanced down, seeing it bobbing between and below her bare breasts, her cheeks also growing red.


It wasn't the first time she had touched him down there, but it was the first time Little Alex (who wasn't so little) was standing free and clear between the two of them, as it were. Alex tried to look apologetic, even though he really wasn't, but Sonja didn't see, her eyes locked downward.


With Alex at her side, she didn't care what people said about Ken and Barbie being a couple. But privately, she did care what they said about their sex-life, or lack of it. Alex was everything she believed she wanted in a boyfriend. For nearly a week, they had been stomping around second-base, but a week was a month to a teenager, maybe even a year. It was time one of them a run for third before one of them fouled out by mistake.


Heart beating so hard she was afraid it was going to burst from her chest, the sound of surging blood and hormones loud in her ears, Sonja gave Alex a determined smile, as she shifted back, stretching an arm forward for place a finger across his lips to still any protest or comment. She was doing this! With almost intolerable slowness, Sonja bent down and down, her firm and heavy breasts pressing against his legs.


Then she took him in her mouth.

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