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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): In the Shadows of the City - 3d: The priestess, the swordmaiden, and the demon

Justin OOC

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For Kaori and Ayami, it would be slower going Neither had extremely rapid means of movement, Nor could they see in the darkness, thankfully, the stars gave them some light, though only with the Mirror was it enough to discern anything of real definition.

Their trek gave them ample time to talk, and plan.

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Ayami fumbled out the flashlight as quickly as she could once they were outside, shivering as her mind filled in all the dark spaces around them with every twisted variation of the demons that she'd briefly seen the night before. Flashlight tightly clutched in one hand and her mirror in the other, she stumbled after Kaori and made silent prayers to the kami for the two of them - and everyone else - to make it through the rest of the night.

She wasn't sure how much more tragedy she could really take before just breaking.

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Kaori found herself partially blinded a few times as her ally fumbled with the light. She couldnt' fault her however, some people were made for this and other weren't, and others still just needed help getting there. For as long as she could think back her grandfather had taught her to fight, react, attack and counter attack. Everything now was simply muscle memory, but nothing prepared her for the carnage she faced the night prior. Her family missing, and resumed dead and her entire world screaming to a halt and shattering in one despair filled shriek.

"You are troubled." Kaori said quietly, creeping along with one hand gripped tightly on Onimaru still resting within it's scabbard. "I'd be a fool to ask why, since I am troubled as well, but take heart, Ayami, you are safe with me."

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The girl jumped as some small furred animal rustled in the undergrowth nearby and managed to strangle down most of her scream. The light from the flashlight bobbed and traced out shaky patterns in front of the two girls, while her mother's mirror was clutched protectively to her chest.

"I...I'm sorry, Aoyama-san. You'd probably be safer without me. I don't....I don't know what Sayoko expects me to be able to do." The miserable girl shook her head, headless of how dangerous it was to close your eyes, even for a moment, when demons were prowling about. "I've never fought anyone, not except in a clubs or a dojo...Not for real...How am I supposed to make sure you stay safe, that we're both safe and fight demon and I don't even have a weapon? What am I supposed to do, flash it with my mirror and hope it's so freaked out by how ugly it is that it just...goes away? Spontaneously com- EEK!"

She let out another yelp as something slithered against her leg and flushed a deep red as the errant leaves, stirred up by the breeze, continued to drift lazily by. She hung her head, shoulders shaking as she caught her breath.

Get a grip. What good would a sword do you anyways, right now? You'd just drop it or poke yourself.

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If that is all the faith you have in yourself, then you are useless Ayami."

The voice in her head came from nowhere. She felt a warmth in her hand holding the mirror. "I am so much more than what you think I am. You have only to entreat of me, and believe. I will be all you truly need of me."

The woods around them had the expected sounds, but there was no one there but them... was there?

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Oh god, am I goin-

The thought got squished mid-panic. She was in some time-spelled forest hunting demons and she was going to wonder if a voice in her head from her mother's mirror was a sign that she was insane? Everything was insane at the moment.

And she hated being called useless.

Kaori saw her go through several stages - deafeated fear, startlement, and finally a small spark of indignant resolution. She held the mirror out in her hand, shining the flashlight on it and trying to ignore the pressing darkness around them. *Alright, magic mirror, what I need right now is a light I don't have to hold and something useful for fighting a demon. ...and some way to find the demon, I guess, since we've been wandering about for hours now and still haven't found it.*

Her faith wasn't perfect, with her fears and well-taught scientific mind warring with the reality of magic and people that could change into cats and every other insane thing of the past day, but she wanted to believe that she could help. That she wasn't useless. That she wasn't going to get everyone else killed or be the really annoying and constant damsel-in-distress.

*So, can you do that?*

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Ayami blinked several times, some of the tension that had knotted up inside her since the declaration of their nighttime activities melting away in the warmth of the sword-light. "Uh, well, that helps. And, um, it says that the demon will find us now....so..."

She would not freak out. She wouldn't. This is what she asked for and at least now they were both armed. She switched off her flashlight and slipped it into her pocket, glancing around the now well-lit area. "Any ideas, before it gets here?"

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She squinted, raising up her arm to block the intense light until her eyes adjusted. Seeing the sword in place of the mirror didn't surprise her much, par for the course in all the weirdness lately, but he offered a smile and an approving nod. "That's quite a gift you have there. If it will come to us, then close your mind to distractions. Prepare yourself for what we're about to face, cast away doubt Ayami, we can to do this."

With the information of the demon on it's way Ayami was the first of the companions to see Onimaru drawn from the scabbard. Slowly she pulled it forth begining as simply a sliver of blueish light. The metal slid softly along the base of the scabbard making the tell tale sound of a sward being drawn and it seemed like it took far longer than it really did but Onimaru was soon ready for battle. The metal was a strange alloy, dense and strong, but it shimmered with a blue tinge like shakudo electrum. A variety of etching and runes were engraved along the blade on both sides, filled with something that caused them to glow deeper than than the blade itself.

Kaori looked to her birthright and narrowed her eyes. "It is close. Be on your guard."

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Suddenly the Prey was aware of the Hunter's presence. This made things even more interesting, as the Hunter watched silently. One carried herself with the bearing of an accomplished warrior. The other, the other was a child with a special toy. destroying the toy would hasten the war's inevitable end, and as such, that girl had to be her target. The warrior maiden would be fast to seize upon things, but with any dark fortune.."

The creature cloaked in the Night itself smiled. For the tiniest of seconds, the Ebon shadows above were broken by a cheshire grin of many teeth, gleaming in the light of the celestial blade.


attacks will be at a -3 to hit since you only have a vague idea where this demon is, and no idea of it's shape.

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Look up, Ayami!

Her head jerked up just in time catch a flash of razor-wire teeth before they disappeared into the shroud of night.

"It's here!" she shouted and then lunged, not giving herself the time to freak out. It wasn't graceful, though there was enough focus to it to suggest that in other circumstances she might be trained or graceful. Possibly both.


Malachite *rolls* 2d6: 4+5+6: 15

Sword attack:

Malachite *rolls* 2d6: 2+5+6: 13 - 3 = 10

Ranged Defense:

Malachite *rolls* 2d6: 4+5+5: 14

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"Wait! Ayami!" Kaori 'shouted' a warning, which for her was everyone elses normal talking voice. Gracefully and with well trained movements she pivoted her foot and launched herself into the fray, attempting to interpose herself between Ayami and the Hunter. She said she would protect Ayami, but she didn't she didn't expect the shivering student would go running off head long into the battle at the first sign of danger.

Her blade lashed out at the darkness, none to surprised that the demon was too much of a coward to face them in plain sight. "It is good you came to us, Wretched Thing, it is far easier to strike down a foe so eager to die."


Roll(2d6)+12: 1,5,+12


Attacks: (Normal ACV is +9 w/sword)

Roll(2d6)+6: 2,4,+6




Defense (Ranged):

Roll(2d6)+4: 5,4,+4


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Kaori's instincts were much faster and she lashed out at their mostly unseen foe, But caught only air, and the sleeve of her left arm was torn away by a blade-like scythe, but it missed her.

Though not coordinated, the effect of the two young women charging into battle was telling. The demon dodged Kaori effortlessly, at the cost of mostly missing her, and only barely dodged Ayami's attack. Now, framed by the light of the glowing sword, they could see a humanoid figure, with four large arms coming from it's back, each tipped with a large scythe blade. on it's forearms, it had two more smaller ones. The creature's teeth were large and numerous, and it's eyes shown a sickly green, like a cat's. This was a very quick and agile predator type, like all of those loosed, it was still very young.

Kaori, your turn, then Ayami

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She winced as the blade slashed her arm. A few droplets of blood began to form from the small wound. Luckily, her clothing took the most dangerous aspects of the attack, like always. Why the demons went after her clothing was beyond her. Flesh was repulsive, much like this demon.

Gritting her teeth she ducked low to avoid another slash and raised Onimaru in time deflect a blow that was aimed for Ayami. Sparks showered the area as demon talon's scrapped across Onimaru's surface in a violent reaction. Onimaru was made to kill these beasts, its light made them nauseous and its touch caused them pain and in that moment it knew: if it wanted Ayami, it'd have to go through Kaori and Onimaru. Normally it was simple math for Demons, kill the warrior and the weapon is useless... but Kaori had skill and talent.

"Back to whatever darkness spawned you Wretched Thing!" She swung her blade about in a series of parries and ripostes to keep the demon back and away from Ayami. "She is under my protection! You want her, you must go through me..."

Not very exciting, I know. But it's hard to write a good combat posts when I don't know if I've hit.


Attacks: (Normal ACV is +9 w/sword)

Roll(2d6)+6: 5,6,+6




Defense (Ranged):

Roll(2d6)+4: 5,6,+4


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When Kaori ducked and engaged the demon, Ayami strafed to the side, looking to flank the demon and hopefully score a deep cut. Hours in a dojo either practicing with her team or in competition made her movements smooth, overriding the terror eating away at her thoughts.

Sword Attack

Malachite *rolls* 2d6: 4+5+6: 15

Ranged Defense

Malachite *rolls* 2d6: 5+4+5: 14

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The two sword-wielding maidens were simply too much. Armed with weapons made to kill demons specificlly, they removed the creatures bladed arms and hands, Even as The final wild slash from Ayami bisected the demon crown to crotch, splitting it's disturbing smile. Even as it died, it smiled. "Only Beginning."

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"That's....is it dead?"

Her heart was racing and she was really hoping that the fight was over that quickly....but it also seemed a little disappointing. Maybe Koari is just that good at fighting demons? Or...it was a really weak demon? Sayoko is a little scary, but she did say this was supposed to be training, so I guess...She shook her head to get her focus back when she realized that she felt a little disappointed that it was over.

"We should...should we go back, or go look for the others?" The sword in her hands was slowly reforming back into a mirror, the light dimming from it as it did so; the darkness sent chills down her limbs again and she fumbled the flashlight back out of her pocket.

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"No, we shouldn't look for the others." Kaori said softly, pulling out a cloth and wiping the demons ichor from her blade. She looked to Ayami and remembered her spat earlier at dinner. She sighed. "You may, if you wish, I shall not stop you. I will be returning to the cabin to await their arrival. I believe that this challenge is something that each of us must face. To assist the others is to rob them of their training. We have been successful. We will now wait for the others."

Onimaru slid back into it's scabbard with the hum of scraping steel. "If they die, so be it." With that final word she began walking back towards the cabin.

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