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Robocop version 2.0

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I love Robocop, one of my all time favorite action flicks. That is has some pretty biting satire (dulled by age sure, but still), makes it only better. Ronny Cox as the bad guy was also a major career defining change for him, and you can see why.

Despite all of that I really hope this movie manages to not be just another crappy remake. I think that there is a lot that could be done with the property to make this different in a good way.

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RoboCop worked best when it was the American version of Judge Dredd; a vision of the future with an acidic satirical bent, where all the sins of the present are blown up and magnified. However, a super-strong super-tough robot cop who twirls his gun and makes cool one-liners and looks really sweet is also a guaranteed marketing draw - and so, sadly, RoboCop became the very thing he was meant to satirize, a consumer product meant to reassure.

They seem to know that the satirical bent of RoboCop is part of the film's appeal with this trailer; "We've Got The Future Under Control" is the kind of sinister marketing tagline that could only escape a corporation full of clinical psychopaths. This has me more confident than the remake of Starship Troopers without "all that satire and political stuff."

Hmmm. Between Starship Troopers, RoboCop and Total Recall, Paul Verhoven is sure getting a lot of his films remade...

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