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Mutants & Masterminds:[M&M] Godborn: Legends of the Wild West

jameson (ST)

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In ages distant past Gods rose up and warred against the Titans. The worship of humankind made them strong and allowed them to imprison the Titans, locking away the Avatar's of these beings within a magical slumber. The Gods dared not destroy the Titans lest they destroy the very things and concepts that these beings embodied. Without Gaia there would be no earth for humankind to live on for instance. Instead they locked away the Titans, imprisoned below and beyond the Underworld.

For millenia the Gods stood strong, sustained by the worship of humankind, but now the spread of the Abrahamic religions coupled with the expansion of the European cultures into the western hemisphere has weakened the Gods. Many now rely only on the meager scraps of essence that the study and knowledge of classical mythology allows them. In the Americas the Pantheon of the Great Spirits has faltered or broken as the Native peoples have been wiped out, displaced, or forcibly converted to Christianity.

Deep in the darkness beyond the Underworld the Titans are stirring. The magic slumber the Gods forced them into had weakened. Their fitful slumber has disturbed the Underworld and freed Titanspawn into the World once more. War is coming once more to all the realms, and the Gods cannot be certain of victory...


New Mexico Territory, June 7, 1875

The arid lands of the New Mexico territory were bleak yet beautiful. Baked under the fires of the sun during the day and as cold as the Underworlds at night, scrub and hardy grasses clung to strips of land around tiny streams, while verdant growth flourished on the banks of rivers and lakes. The Mojave, Pueblo, and Navajo people, among others, called this land home, and their gods still held sway in these parts.

The band of men had gone out with the intent of hunting, and had become the hunted. The last of them had put up a fight worthy of his ancestors but there had been little chance, his blood was not divine, he was not up to the challenge. The creature had the rough form of man, a body with a head, two arms, and two legs, but any similarity ended there. The head was overlarge, with a protruding jaw lined with yellowed and blackened teeth, including two pair of jutting tusks. It’s dark eyes held a malicious intelligence that was greater than animal despite its appearance. Short legs that seemed almost stubby held the creature upright; each foot was three toed, ending in massive blunt nails that looked like they could gouge stone. The long arms hung nearly to the ground, ending in four-fingered hands the size of spades, and stained rust-red with layer upon layer of blood. Thick nails that could have been yellow for a lack of blood, tipped each sausage-like finger.

The creature reached down and rent a leg from the dead warrior, its huge hand covering the foot, ankle, and part of the shin as it brought the thigh to its mouth. The sound of bone snapping and flesh being macerated soon followed. The monster moved forward, eating the man even as it shuffled along moving ever north and west. It’s master’s had promised a feast; this was only an appetizer. Behind it, and to the sides its two brothers followed, their own kills filling their bellies.


Pecos Bill's boots hit the packed dry earth and raised little puffs of dust from the parched soil. The wind whipped away the clink of his spurs and the whinny of the horse. He flipped the leather cord reigns over the hitching post and allowed the animal to drink; or it would have drunk had the trough not been bone dry. The little group of buildings barely had right to be called “town” and yet it went by the name of Ciudad del Río. Two streets meeting in an oversized town square around a dried up well, a dozen and a half buildings, and one saloon cum whorehouse. Something had dried up the well, the land, and everything else worth having within fifteen miles. That something was what Bill's pa called a sandwyrm, a titan spawn of the Titan Vritra.

Bill's footfalls on the boardwalk thudded hollowly as he moved toward the saloon's swinging doors. Inside it was darker, and moderately cooler as a result, if no less dry. A couple of emaciated rancheros sat with glasses of what looked like whiskey but was probably a passing excuse for water. The bartender was whipcord thin and bald as an armadillo with a bushy mustache that looked like it had been grown in reaction to the man's bare pate. The only other figure was sitting at the end of the bar with a slew of empty mugs, glasses, and bottles before him.

“Muchacho, more beer! More whiskey! I'm THIRSTY!!” The man at the end of the bar cried as the last drops of rotgut dripped out of the bottle he had inverted over his mouth. The hombre behind the bar twitched and pulled a bottle from the glass shelf behind him. He walked quickly down to the customer, his footsteps sounding like the scurrying of a mouse. Bill mused that, in a way, the man was.

Bill took a moment to focus, barely an act of effort, to tap into the ichor that flowed through his veins. The man at the end of the bar smelled like desiccated corpses and dry sand. Bill's rolling gait took him across the floorboards followed by the even clunk-chink of his boots and spurs. He bellied up just out of arms reach of the sandwyrm's host and took a close look as the thing drank down a quart of whiskey in a single draught and then beckoned for more from the proprietor.

The wyrm had burrowed into the human body it now wore through a bullet wound in the arm it seemed. There was a hole in the shirt that was surrounded by the dark rust of dried blood. Through the hole Bill saw the wound was healed over with scaly cracked flesh. The things lips were so dry and cracked they looked like wood from the Petrified Forest, and the rest of its face was dry, cracked, and peeling. It turned and looked at Bill, smiling, its thick swollen tongue lolled out of its mouth. “Ssssscion,” it hissed, “Leave here or...” BOOM!

Bill's left hand held the smoking gun across his torso. The cylinders glowed with the fires of Hade, which was appropriate given that they were filled with those very fires. The creature's head exploded in a cloud of dust as Bill stepped away from the bar. The dry husk of human seeming crumbled away leaving something awful behind. The revolver fired again as the angry sandwyrm lunged for the Hero …


The American west:

The year is 1875; the Civil War is ten years ended and yet the wounds are still fresh. Six years ago the first Transcontinental Railroad was completed connecting California to the East Coast. Texas Longhorn cattle are quickly expanding into lands emptied by the Bison slaughter of the 1860s. With the cattle came the first of the cowboys. The Comstock Lode (silver) and the various California Gold rushes resulted in boomtowns up and down the Rockies while others would soon be started in the Dakota Territory, including the infamous Deadwood. The US military, and the nominal landowners and settlers were ever pushing into Indian Territory sparking the Apache and Navajo wars among other armed conflicts. Chinese immigration to California is in full swing bringing cheap labor for both rail and mine work. Rogues like Jesse James are at the height of their careers while others like Billy the Kid are just getting started, and who knows, some of them may well be Godborn as well.

Outside the World:

Most of the Titans remain within their prisons. The Gods look down on the world and do what they can to guide their mortal charges without falling deeper into Fate’s skein. The Yankee Pantheon, young and brash and newly formed, watches the United States push westward. Uncle Sam and Columbia thrill as their idea of Manifest Destiny results in a growing nation, unaware of the damage being wrought; the Pantheon of Great Spirits (the gods of the Native North Americans) are being weakened by the death and displacement of their peoples. Several gods have disappeared and are presumed dead or corrupted. The Titan Logismoi, the Titan of Corruption, has escaped his prison as a result of the weakening of the Pantheon of Great Spirits. The other Titans, imprisoned in the underworld, are slowly coming to wakefulness. Its only a matter of time before their own prisons begin to break and the Overworld erupts once more into war between the Titans and the Gods.


What is this? A reboot of my last attempt at a Scion game (and I do mean last) using a rules set I am far more comfortable with, M&M 3e.


What's the setting? Geographically … pretty much anywhere. The focus early on in the game will be the western half of the US, everything west of the Mississippi River as well as northern Mexico. Later the game could range far and wide however …

What of racism and sexism?

While people will still be racist and sexist I don't intent to play it heavily, and I do intend that in this game characters (both PC and NPC) can change people's impressions of them through their deeds and actions. A Godborn (or mortal) who happens to be black (or Chinese, or native, or whatever) will be treated according to their deeds. For the PCs this means that the higher your legend the better received you will be (unless your legend includes a penchant for destroying everything in your path).

Character Generation details to follow...

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Design Aesthetic:

I want this game to feel like Scion to a degree, the Purviews & Boons, the Epic Attributes and their Knacks, and the use of Relics and Creatures and Followers. All of this added to the feeling in Scion that you were a child of your parent God, and all of this can be emulated with M&M by enforcing a design aesthetic.


Legend is equal to PL -5 and is represented in game by a character's initial number of Hero Points (Legend Points) for each "session". Any person or thing below PL 6 is mortal, some exceptions exist for exceptionally large creatures, and technology which allows people to act at a higher PL without having any divine blood or supernatural power. PLs 6 thru 10 are Hero level, PLs 11 thru 15 are Demigod level, and PL 16+ is God level.

Example: A PL 9 Hero level Godborn starts each session with 4 Legend Points (Hero Points), while a God at PL 17 starts with a whopping 12 Hero Points.

Epic Attributes as Enhanced Abilities

Gods are far more than men, and capable of much much more even without the use of Boons to channel their purviews. Since M&M and Scion don't use the same attributes/abilities use the following to determine what M&M Abilities are most relevant to your character.

Epic Attribute Equivalents (Scion → M&M)

Strength → Strength

Dexterity → Agility, Dexterity, & Fighting

Stamina → Stamina

Perception → Awareness

Intelligence → Intellect

Wits → Awareness

Appearance → Presence (and the Attractive Advantage)

Manipulation → Presence (and some Awareness)

Charisma → Presence

Buying Epic Abilities:

"Epic" Attribute arrays are limited by the base attribute, specifically you cannot start working on an Epic Attribute until you have at least a base attribute of +4 (highly gifted). You have to have some talent for the Divine Blood to work with. Epic Attributes will be built as Enhanced Ability powers with Alternate Effects built into an array. Each Ability should be its own array.


Billy the Kid (PL 9) is a Godbporn of Artemis. Mom's associated attributes and boons are Awareness (Scion Perception), Dexterity, Agility and Fighting (Scion Dexterity), Moon, Health, and Arete.

Billy is deadly with a gun. He buys his Dexterity to +5 and then further augments it with the following:

Epic Dexterity - Enhanced Dexterity 3 (6 pp)

AE • Perfect Aim - Perception Range on up to 6 ranks of a ranged damage effect (e.g. guns) (1 pp)

Billy could buy up his base Dexterity to +8 if he liked and get the same attribute levels and bonuses, but he wouldn't have the option to take Alternate Effects for Dexterity if he did, nor could he use extra effort to increase his Dexterity or stunt a new effect.

Later on Billy decides that the best defense is dodging out of the way of things. His base Agility is already at +4 so he decides that rather than train up his Dodge directly he will buy the following:

Epic Dexterity - Enhanced Agility 2 (4 pp)

AE • Run Like the Wind - Speed 4 (30 mph) (1 pp)

He gets a +2 bonus to his dodge normally, but if he wants he can trade that (and the associated AGL bonus) to be able to run at 30 miles and hour! Sure it costs more, but he can do more with it. These two aspects of Epic Dexterity are not linked however, they are separate.

Billy also takes some Epic Perception, because it's wise to be able to see trouble comin' for ya. That looks like this:

Epic Perception - Enhanced Awareness 1 (2 pp)

AE • Eagle Eyes - Senses 2 (Extended Vision 2 (1000 ft), Sustained) (1 pp)

AE • Starlight, Star Bright - Senses 2 (Low Light, Extended Vision 1, Sustained) (1 pp)

AE • Dog’s Ears - Senses 2 (Ultra Hearing, Extended Hearing, Sustained) (1 pp)

Godly Purviews & Boons

Purviews are purchased in an array configuration in the same way that Epic Abilities are. Each Purview is purchased as its own Power with Alternate effects as an array. All Purview effects are to built using the Unreliable (5 uses) Flaw for -1 pp/rank cost. In this way Godborn will be able to throw around a limited amount of power right away. An exhausted power can be refreshed with 5 more uses at the expenditure of a Hero Point. In addition, all Purviews are to be built with the following: Quirk (Requires an access relic). At the Demigod level this quirk can be bought off for Purviews associated with your divine parent. At the God level this quirk can be bought off for all purviews.


Moon Purview (Array 8 pp) (Quirk (needs to see the moon), -1 pp) - 8pp

• Moon’s Reflected Gaze - Remote Sensing 8 (Vision, 1 mile, Unreliable (5 uses)) - 8 pp

• AE • Phase Cloak - Concealment 4 (all visual; unreliable (5 uses)) - 1 pp

List of Purviews (for reference)

All Purpose Purviews: Animal, Chaos, Darkness, Death, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Guardian, Health, Illusion, Justice, Moon, Psychopomp, Sky, Sun, War, Water.

Special Purviews: Magic, Mystery, Prophecy

Pantheon Purviews:

Arete - Dodekatheon specific purview, Cheval - Loa specific purview, Heku - Pesedjet specific purview, Itztli - Atzlanti specific purview, Jotunblut - Aesir specific purview, Tsukumo-Gami - Amatsukami specific purview, Enech - Tuatha Dé Dannan specific purview, Taiyi - Celestial Bureaucracy specific purview, Samsara - Devas specific purview, Asha - Yazata specific purview.

Arete - The Dodekatheon Purview of Arete presents a special case. Per the house rules the Skill bonus cap is normally PL +5 (instead of the usual PL +10). Greek Godborn may purchase any of their skills to PL +10 as a function of the Arete Purview. This can be done through any combination of Ability, Skill, and Enhanced Skill, but Enhanced Skills cannot be stacked into an array (but are also not subject to the Unreliable flaw). In addition Greek scions are the only ones able to buy Ultimate Effort for Skills. These characters are "the best at what they do" and while PL limits on combat will limit that aspect of their skill, their non-combat skills will allow this Purview to shine.

Geasa - Geasa will be built as Features of 1 or 2 ranks conferring a circumstance bonus of +2 or +5 respectively to a single roll or to a group of rolls defined by a limitation of use. These will be tied to power loss complications associated with the Geasa's ban and a Weakness based on the effects of breaking said ban.

Example: +2 on attack rolls while using a specific weapon (1 pt Feature) power loss if any other weapon is used, an a weakness commensurate to the bonus such as -2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls until the Godborn is cleansed.

Likewise an bonus that applies more widely can be gained for appropriately more narrow circumstances.

Example: +2 on all Persuation checks when dealing with children. Power loss when you are mean/cruel to a child or deny a child your aid in any way, weakness of a -2 penalty on future persuasion checks (against all) until you make up for your misdeed.


Birthrights are the gifts of Gods to your characters. Enchanted and divine weapons, mythical creatures, and loyal followers.

Relics - Build the relic as a power or group of powers and apply the Removable Flaw (see discussion on removeable houserule). Purview access is a Feature costing 1 pp per purview.

Example: Cyprus Arrow (relic)(easily removable, -0) - Feature 2 (access to Moon & health purviews) - 2 pp

Followers - Use the Minion Advantage to build minions. Follower PL is limited to the character's PL -2. If your followers are summonable via the use of one of your relics use the Summon effect instead and add it to a relic as described above.

Guides - Use the Benefit Advantage. 1 rank means a powerful mortal guide, 2 ranks is a minor supernatural guide, 3 points for a major supernatural guide, and 4 points for a powerful supernatural guide. Some Guides are contacted by the means of a Relic, and should be added to such an item as appropriate (this is most often the case for Guides who are Legendary in their own right).

Creatures - Use the Sidekick Advantage to build your creature. Creature PL is limited to the character's PL -1. If your Creature is summonable via the use of one of your relics use the Summon effect instead and add it to a relic as described above.

House Rules & System Hacks

PL Limits for Skill Bonuses - The total bonus for a skill (Ability + ranks + misc) is PL +5. The exception are Godborn of the Greek Dodekatheon who have the Arete Purview.

Ultimate Effort - Ultimate Effort is not purchasable for Hero and Demigod level Godborn. Greek Godborn with Arete may purchase Ultimate Effort for Skills only, as part of their Pantheon Purview. The Hero Point/Legend Point cost to use this Advantage remains for the Arete using Godborn however.

Advantages - Eidetic Memory, Inventor, and Jack of All Trades require Epic Intellect. Evasion requires Epic Agility. Attractive Requires Epic Presence. Artificer is not available to Hero level Godborn.

Removable Flaw - replace the section on removable point value with the following (color bolded for emphasis)



Removable applies to the power as a whole and not individual effects, although it may apply to a power with only one effect. For Easily Removable powers the flaw is worth –1 point per 5 total power points of the power’s final cost, after applying extras and flaws to its effects. Removable effects do not receive a cost discount but instead accrue a Hero Point as a Power Loss complication when they are taken away.

Example: Billy the Kid has a Greek Muscle Cuirass that was made on Hephaestus' Forge. It provides him with Protection 5. This is Removable, but not Easily Removable, and so instead of being cheaper to buy he will gain a Hero Point during a session where the Relic is taken away.

Example 2: Billy the Kid has a magical revolver that harnesses the power of Zeus' Thunderbolt. It shoots Lightning as a Ranged Damage 6 effect. This is Easily Removable (it can be taken away with a disarm or grab action) and so costs 1 pp less per 5 total pp; in this case it costs him 10 pp to buy (12 pp - 2). Later on when he becomes a Demigod he is able to have the enchantment improved to Rank 7 (costing 14 pp) with a final cost of 11 pp (14/5 = 2.8 rounded up to 3 → 14-3 = 11).

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An example Godborn. Note that he is not strictly built on PPs, and is really only meant as a guide to the design intent.

Billy the Kid

Name: William Bonney

PL 9 Hero

Scion of Artemis

Abilities • 40 pp

STR +0, STA +2, AGL +4/6, DEX +5/8, FGT +1, INT +1, AWE +4/5, PRE +3

Defenses • 15 pp

Dodge +9, Parry +7, Fortitude +8, Will +10, Toughness +9/+6*/+3**

* w/o defensive roll

** w/o armor or defensive roll

Advantages • 31 pp

Assessment, Benefit 1 (Ambidextrous), Contacts, Daze 1 (Deception), Defensive Roll 3, Evasion 1, Fascinate 1 (Deception), Improved Aim, Improved Critical 1 (Fulminating Colt, 19-20), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 3 (+12), Language 1 (Greek), Minion 1(horse), Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack 4 (all), Quick Draw, Redirect, Skill Mastery (Deception), Takedown 2, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge

Skills • 26 pp (52 ranks)

Acrobatics 4 (+10), Athletics 6 (+6), Close Combat (unarmed) 6 (+7), Deception 6 (+15), Expertise (Larceny) 4 (+5), Insight 4 (+9), Perception 6 (+11), Persuasion 4 (+7), Slight of Hand 4 (+12), Stealth 6 (+12), Treatment 2 (+3)

Powers • 55 pp

  • Epic Dexterity (Array, 6 pp) - 7 pp
    • Enhanced Dexterity 3
    • AE • Perfect Aim - Perception Range on up to 6 ranks of ranged damage
    • Epic Agility (Array, 4 pp) - 5 pp
      • Enhanced Agility 2
      • AE • Run Like the Wind - Speed 4 (30 mph)
      • Epic Perception (Array, 2 pp) - 5 pp
        • Enhanced Awareness 1
        • AE • Eagle Eyes - Senses 2 (Extended Vision 2 (1000 ft), Sustained)
        • AE • Starlight, Star Bright - Senses 2 (Low Light, Extended Vision 1, Sustained)
        • AE • Dog’s Ears - Senses 2 (Ultra Hearing, Extended Hearing, Sustained)
        • Arete - Enhanced Skills 5 (Ranged Combat 4 (Fulminating Colt), Deception 6) + Enhanced Advantage 2 (Ultimate Aim, Ultimate Deception) - 7 pp
        • Cyprus Arrow (relic)(easily removable, -0) - Feature 2 (access to Moon & health purviews) - 2 pp
        • Moon Purview (Array, 8 pp) (Quirk (needs an access relic), -1 pp) - 7 pp

          • Moon’s Reflected Gaze - Remote Sensing 9 (Vision, 2 miles, Unreliable (5 uses), Quirk (not during a new moon))
          • AE • Phase Cloak - Concealment 4 (all visual; unreliable (5 uses))
          • [*]Sky Purview (Array, 8 pp) (Quirk (needs an access relic), -1 pp) - 7 pp

              [*]Wind's Freedom - Leaping 8 (1800 ft, Unreliable (5 uses))

              [*]AE • Wind's Hands - Move Object 4 (800 lbs, unreliable (5 uses))

              [*]Muscle Cuirass (Relic) (removable, -0) - Protection 3 - 3 pp

              [*]Fulminating Colt (relic) (Easily removable, -3) - 12 pp

                [*]Lightning Blast - ​Ranged Damage 6 (electrical)

                [*]Blessed by Zeus - Feature 1 (Purview Access: Sky)

                [*]Sky's Grace - Movement 1 (Safe Fall)

                Abilities 40 + Defenses 15 + Advantages 31 + Skills 26 + Powers 55 = 167

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Character Creation

Characters are created with 125 Power Points at PL 8 limits. This is about equal to Legend 3 in the WW: Scion rules. Remember to review the House Rules and System Hacks two posts up.

I'd strongly prefer that unless reworking a character from the prior version of LotWW characters be original for the game, no reboots, adaptations, and the like. I won't make this a full on requirement, but I would rather see original submissions for characters that weren't in the original game.

Characters should also be heroically inclined and willing to work and travel with each other. I'm not saying you need to be happy shiny super goody goody godlings, but I need you all to know that I'm not looking for people who are not going be able to function in a group.

When you have a character done and ready for me to look at send it to me via PM. The subject should be: "[Godborn] character name" and please include both sheet and background info. Thanks

One last thing, but it's important ...

So I've got this relic, and it's awesome ...

Yeah relics are awesome, as are followers, and even creatures and guides to an extent. Putting them down on paper is one thing but give me more, give me something to make them pop out as part of your PCs legend, or part of the greater legend of his pantheon.


Bob submits a PC names Hercules, he has relic armor that is a lion's pelt. That's all he gives up for detail. Its kind flat and boring, nothing about that says that its legendary or myth worthy.

Example 2: Bob submits a PC names Hercules, he has relic armor that is a nemean lion's pelt. Maybe he even says that its nearly impossible to cut. Better that the above but still not something fully myth-worthy.

Example 3: Bob submits a PC names Hercules, he has relic armor that is a nemean lion's pelt. He goes on to explain that his PC was tasked with killing the beastie but found that its hide couldn't be cut so he hand to wrestle it down to the ground and choke the life out of it. Once he did his father (ZEUS) removed the skin and gave it to Hercules as armor, knowing that it could never be cut. ... That is LEGEND. That's the kind of detail, in only a couple of sentances that makes a relic pop off the page.

Example 4: Tim sumbits a character (Maerlyn) who has a book that gives the Magic, Mystery, and Prophecy Purviews. *yawn*

Example 5: Tim's character Maerlyn is given a tome of power by his mother Brittania. The book lays open the secrets of Fate as recorded by over 1000 years of mystics and wizards since the British Isles were first settled. AWESOME. Even though this relic was just given/gifted to Tim's PC it has a sense of history and Legend of its own, its no longer just some book, its a tome with the work of generations of magic users and prophets.

Dude what's your point?

My point is that relics should never be just a couple of dots and a 3 word description. Do yourself, myself, and the other potential players a favor and put a little effort into your relics (and you followers, etc). It'll help to establish a sense of both depth of character and a sense of wonder.

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Damnit, I knew I forgot something. I'd strongly prefer that unless reworking a character from the prior version of LotWW characters be original for the game, no reboots, adaptations, and the like. I won't make this a full on requirement, but I would rather see original submissions for characters that weren't in the original game.

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I'm gonna have to get training in 3e. Time to start doin my trainin', sayin my prayers, and eatin my vitamins, brotha!

But in all seriousness, James, we will this week have to work together for something.

Concepts: A female gunslinger of Athena, A male strong-man of Odin, or a female Japanese who came over with the chinese to work on the railroads, and daughter of Amaterasu.

These are in order of preference. I'll think of which one to go with over the weekend.

Depending on what day you're open for a one-on one in chat, I am open to working this through.

This has high-concept and I like.

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"Red Finnegan, Scion of the Morrigan. The meanest, orneriest two-fisted cuss in this or any other town. You might think I talk a good fight for a man who don't go heeled..? Well, lad, you just pull out your fancy Colt and, by the time the smoke clears, you'll be sitting mighty uncomfortable on account of where I shoved it."

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Samuel Connell

Personal Information:

Name: Samuel Connell

Concept: Young scrappy cowpoke.

Pantheon: Tuatha De Dannan

God: Lugh

Physical Traits:

Weight: 136 lb.

Height: 5'6

Age (apparent age): 15-16

Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: White (Irish)

Nationality (place of origin): USA

Eye Color: Dirty Blonde

Hair Color: Light Blue

Handedness: Right


Lugh never fails to travel to where his people go. And in the time when an Gorta Mór, known to more general history as the Irish Potato Famine left Eire seemingly as desolate as a formorian invasion at times, a multitude of Irish went to the Americas for hope of a better life. Lugh went down to the United States years later, to ensure they were fairing better, and to dally as well.

In the guise of her husband, Lugh sired a child onto young ex-farmer's wife Flora Connell, and Brian was never the wiser about it. Young Samuel was only a few years old when opportunity seemed to open up. The 1862 Homestead Act opened the bountiful plains of the West up, with no risk of English landlords- curse em- the land would be theirs. The Connells scraped together everything they could get in money, waited with bated breath- and their application was accepted.

The three-member family settled in Kansas, with a few other homesteaders in the area, and a small town eventually sprung up for the extra needs of the farmers. Samuel Connell grew up in this environment, having to be self-reliant and know how to shoot- there were the occasional herds of bison to be hunted and cattlemen and their steers to be kept away from their precious crops.

Then one day, several months ago, Samuel was out shooting a few birds that would otherwise be pests on the crops, when an auburn wolfhound bounded up to him, followed by a similarly hair-colored man with glinting green eyes. Samuel was less than receptive, seeing as he didn't recognize this man and he seemed to be potentially trespassing.

Then the man claimed to be Lugh, one of the old Eire gods- and his father. Samuel told him he was speaking blarney and could he please git? The man looked at him sadly and vanished in the blink of an eye, as did the dog. Samuel didn't give the incident thought for some time. Then people started coming into town with wild tales, the Douglas family all dead.

With the damage and bodies found when armed groups of men went to the different scenes, fear and alarm spread. Something monstrous was stalking the town. In fact, Logismoi's escape had spread corruption through the Indian spirits, and one warrior spirit was twisted into something that only wanted vengeance upon the white man, regardless of actions taken.

Even as the Connells huddled in their farmhouse- they were next by Fate's decree. The next night, a buffalo skull-headed thing burst into the house, on a frenzy of death and destruction. It sliced down Flora immediately, and impaled Brian when he fired off multiple ineffectual shots at the devil that killed his wife.

Overcome by crippling fear, Samuel hid in blind terror, and thus was spared as the berserk spirit went off elsewhere. Alone in the wreckage of his home, sobbing over his parents' corpses, the wolfhound came up again, whining and rubbing against him in a clear attempt to console him. Lugh was there too, genuine sadness in his eyes.

Brian had been as much a father as Lugh, he agreed, and Samuel's acceptance months ago could have saved the two now, with the power that could have been bestowed on him. Guilty at this mistake, at having pained two fathers greatly, Samuel didn't contest a thing this time. The first thing the new Scion did- granted ownership of the Tuatha-bred wolfhound Cúmhaighe and given a 1873 Colt engraved with a bison skull (all the better to remind him of why he would fight)- was to hunt down the twisted spirit and put an end to it.

Afterward, Samuel is now a traveling youth, getting money however he can manage it, as a cowboy or bounty hunter despite his youthful age. As he sees it, there's no point in being a boy when there are monsters out there that prey on men.

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Geasa will be built as Features of 1 or 2 ranks conferring a circumstance bonus of +2 or +5 respectively to a single roll or to a group of rolls defined by a limitation of use. These will be tied to power loss complications associated with the Geasa's ban and a Weakness based on the effects of breaking said ban.

Example: +2 on attack rolls while using a specific weapon (1 pt Feature) power loss if any other weapon is used, an a weakness commensurate to the bonus such as -2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls until the Godborn is cleansed.

Likewise an bonus that applies more widely can be gained for appropriately more narrow circumstances.

Example: +2 on all Persuation checks when dealing with children. Power loss when you are mean/cruel to a child or deny a child your aid in any way, weakness of a -2 penalty on future persuasion checks (against all) until you make up for your misdeed.

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I consider it a sad thing that I have to say this, but PCs are going to need to be heroically inclined and willing to work and travel with each other.

I'm not saying you need to be happy shiny super goody goody godlings, but I need you all to know that I'm not looking for people who are not going be able to function in a group.

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The carnival (name still pending) that Kyria, Kaitlin, and Red are in is open for other traveler or carnie-type characters for character ties and putting people together for the start of game. Just let one of the three of us know how you want to intertwine the histories and we'll get everyone sorted out that's with the carnival. :D

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I started a thread for the gods themselves, just pictures, but really that's all we need at the moment. I'm limiting it to confirmed parents at the moment, so that's why those 5 are up. If you've mentioned here an idea but it isn't up don't worry, I just wasn't sure how set in stone that would be, so I decided to wait. If you have suggestions and comments, either a better picture, or a better casting choice, feel free to discuss here. I may or may not change my casting choice, but if you really don't like a dark haired Thor who isn't built like a brick shithouse, this is your chance to give me another suggestion. Note, for a picture to be usable it needs to be in period clothing, or ambiguous clothing. thanks

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I started a thread for the gods themselves, just pictures, but really that's all we need at the moment. I'm limiting it to confirmed parents at the moment, so that's why those 5 are up. If you've mentioned here an idea but it isn't up don't worry, I just wasn't sure how set in stone that would be, so I decided to wait. If you have suggestions and comments, either a better picture, or a better casting choice, feel free to discuss here. I may or may not change my casting choice, but if you really don't like a dark haired Thor who isn't built like a brick shithouse, this is your chance to give me another suggestion. Note, for a picture to be usable it needs to be in period clothing, or ambiguous clothing. thanks

I really don't like a dark-haired Thor. :( The brick shithouse is optional. I'll look around for another choice, or work on a photo manipulation. I know that Kyrie's player is probably going to feel the same about Loki, since we were very specific on hair color when we choose our avies.

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Jer asked me this morning if you all were limited to the boons presented in the scion books when building your characters. It was something I had taken for granted that at first I was a bit taken aback, but for clarity's sake; you do not need to limit yourself to the boons described in the WW Scion books. Mostly I am concerned with theme, descriptors, and intent. A god with the Animal Purview for Birds might be able to grow talon like claws adding to his melee damage , while a god with the Fire Purview may take the same effect but wreathing his fists in god-fire. Both characters end up with the same effect (Strength Based Damage effect), but how its done, is more important that the mechanics of it.

Hopefully that helps.

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Update on ... stuff

Jer - Sam Connell - Tuatha dé Danann, child of Lugh

Carver - Kaitlin Ingen - Æsir, child of Thor

Mala - Kyria Ingen - Æsir, child of Loki

The English Guy :P - Rory Finnegan - Tuatha dé Danann, child of The Morrigan

Varro - ??? - Dodekatheon, child of Hermes

Long - ??? - Amatsukami, child of Susano-o

did I miss anybody?

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Kaitlin Ingen

kaitlin.jpgPersonal Information

Identity: Kaitlin Ingen

Nicknames: Kat and her Kittens (Stage name for trapeze act), Kaitlin of the Cutlery (Stage name for knife throwing), Katie

Occupation: Flying Trapeze Artist, Knife-thrower, her sister's keeper

Marital Status: Umarried

Known Relatives/Friends: Kyria Ingen (sister), Katarina Ingen (mother), Thor (father), Red (brother-in-law – sorta), Samuel Connell (band-mate)

Allegiance(s): sister; band; Continental Carnival

Nationality: United States Citizen (such as it is out west)

Physical Traits

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 5 ft. 8 in.

Apparent age: late teens, early twenties

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Caucasian

Age: 21 or so (exact birthdate unknown)

Eye Color: Blue-Gray

Hair Color: Red

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Appearance: Tall for a girl and taller than her sister, Katie is a red-headed woman with blue-gray eyes. She has a toned frame, as her work at the circus as a trapeze artist with her mother and sister have kept her body limber and lithe. She's also a knife thrower and bodyguard for her sister when Kyrie's telling fortunes. She's the catcher on their team, having taken this role over from their mother not long after her Calling.

Katie's considered to be an unusual lady among the carnies; more than once she's appeared at someone's side just as things have gotten rough. The girl has a knack for showing up when she's needed with a fast knife and strong right arm. She's known to be quiet and reliable, but she has a fiery temper that burns hot and (thankfully) fast. She's also not nearly as promiscuous as other ladies in the circus though that's largely because she only chooses discreet women to share her bed. Or as discreet as you find in the circus. She also doesn't care much about her clothing. Long years of showmanship have taught her how to move in just about anything, so she's just as comfortable in a corset and heels as pants and boots.

Powers, Skills, and Personality

Known Powers: Katie is able sense danger to her chosen wards, as well as conferring her protection to another. Due to her sky powers, she can fly and shoot "bolts" of lightning using her knives. Her strength is impressive when she wants it to be, and she can left an impressive amount. She can heal damage rapidly. She's also able to inspire people to new heights of courage and valor.

Abilities/Special Skills: Katie's background has given her an unusual range of skills. She can tumble and swing and generally do insane things in the air. This has given her confidence while flying to tumble and playing through the air.


Katie was born in the Continental Carnival to an unwed woman named Katarina Ingen. She was the second of the twins that Kat had, the result of a one-night stand with a handsome red-haired man. Despite being younger, Katie always seemed older than her twin, Kyria. As the two grew older, Katie was the one watching out for Kyrie; the one who got into trouble because of Kyrie. She never begrudged her sister her protection.

Kat hadn't wanted children; she seemed almost afraid of the prospect. Still, she raised her girls as best she could, and if she seemed to almost watch their growth with trepidation, she loved them anyway. However, her phobia of children sank into Katie, who clearly understood that if one wanted to avoid children, one had to avoid sex with men at all costs. Katie has adhered to this almost religiously; aside from one encounter out of curiosity, she's avoided men, much to her sister's chagrin.

It seemed that they were destined for a life much like their mother's until the night that Thor and Loki returned to the carnival. The two gods pulled the girls aside and explained that they had a destiny: long ago, Katarina had been a daughter of Sif. Loki had prophesied that Kat would give birth to both a child of a god and a child of a titan. Sure that meant she'd be raped by a titan and forced to have titanspawn, Kat rejected her calling and ran. She joined the circus and became their trapeze artist. While the Aesir might have forgotten her, Loki remembered, just as he remembered getting Thor and Kat drunk and getting them into bed together, and he remembered appearing to her as Thor that same night. The result of those encounters had been two girls, one fathered by a god and another by a god who would side with the titans at the end.

Kat had been a means to an end, and Loki's end was to fulfill the true focus of the prophecy: the children. Loki drew his daughter away and taught her secrets, while Thor awkwardly explained the reality of Scion life to Katie. He also told her she'd have to watch her sister: there were Scions who would hunt Kyrie just for being a daughter of Loki. It was the same old story for Katie, who accepted her new role easily. Thor gave his daughter two pieces of jewelry to serve as relics for his daughter.

Katie and Kyrie remained with the circus for a while. It was during this time that they met Samuel and Red, and pulled them into their band. Gradually, the danger their nature brought to the circus forced them to leave their home. The circus gave them parting gifts; Katie got to keep her throwing knives and was granted one of the horses. Granted the ringmaster had been talking about selling it anyway, but Katie was still touched.

What the girls' true destiny is remains to be seen. Even Loki claims not to know what awaits them, but the twins are going to face it together.


The Ward of the Dragon: warddragon.jpg Storm Cloud: stormcloud.jpg

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