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Taken Game Proposal

The Story Guide

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The Premise:

You've been taken. It could have happened while you were shopping for groceries in San Francisco or at a discotheque in Paris; you could have been taken while sleeping next your husband or just after dropping off your daughter at school. You woke in a dark space with sloped floors and no corners; it stank of human food, strange metals, and a biting cold.

Time passed and passed, eventually the hiss gas gave you a short warning before you passed out again. You've come to under an umber sky surrounded by strangers and stranger items. Wherever you are, you're no longer in Kansas....

The Game:

Run in the Mutants & Mastermind's 3rd edition system, the game will start with a group of taken people dropped on an alien planet. Characters will be made as normal humans to begin with (power level to be determined still) and will acquire superhuman abilities while on said planet. Characters can come from anywhere on Earth and any occupation, though expect a level playing field no matter what you decide to build.

This is an open game, though all characters must be approved through me. Characters may start together but I also will allow separate groups in different locations as well.

Please post your interest/intention to play and any questions below!

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It sounds interesting. Getting in on the ground floor of a game is good, as long as it doesn't stall during takeoff. I'm still trying to find a way to write my character into Dead Rising, with more than a week of reading just to read the current chapter and find out where everyone is... At least with this game, I wouldn't have that issue.

I only have difficulty posting that much if nobody else is posting. I don't see much point in posting after myself smile

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Okay, we've got enough players to start, so let's start getting to the details:

First, I'd like people to put up character concepts. Don't worry if you seem to 'overlap' with another player, trust me you guys will need every bit of ingenuity and skill you can muster. wink Please put up the general character concept, where they're from, and a brief sentence or two on their history.

The game will be M&M 3rd Ed (aka DC Adventures) at PL 4 with 60 PP to spend. This will allow players to make generally competent normal people, or a specialized person. No supernatural qualities are allowed at all; these are vanilla humans.

Any questions so far?

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC
Originally Posted By: Jeremy Noctis
Yes, very good. He's actually sane! laugh

Are you implying something about my PCs, Jer? :P

Let's put it this way. Too much Morri is bad for you. And there's been so much Morri in the air, that I have second-hand wounds from unintentional inhalation. So Matt is eagerly anticipated. laugh
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This is Jer. smile


Malcolm Lee

Concept: Martial artist and actor.

Malcolm Lee always knew he was going to be an actor, one way or another. In his mind though, it had to start out with an action film. His drive allowed him to develop rather good acting skills, and the fact that he was a practitioner of Muay Thai Kick Boxing already was some plus for the action films.

So he achieved his goal, and the five films that he's been through have gone to be great successes if not always box-office hits. Such flicks included The Black Hand and Forged Warrior, two of the greatest action hits in the past three years. The rub or two was that he never got the major spot, a visible secondary character, but never the big ones. It didn't matter much, since Malcolm was responsibly raised, (puritanical in some ways) and the antics of Hollywood on and off sets became something that bothered him.

Hence, he made his retreat to his beach house in Nag's Head, North Carolina, to relax and recover from the stress. He took a good few months to unwind at the bleach and enjoy the simple atmosphere of the town before he has to do anything.

And then one evening he was walking home from the local diner, and everything went blank- then crazy for the next few periods of waking. Malcolm could swear he'd seen, even acted in this movie before... but it wasn't.

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Name: Krystal Johansson

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Swedish, Irish, probably some others too

Nationality: American

Age: 20

Height: 5’4''

Weight: 122 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Deep Auburn

Handedness: Left


Description: Krystal is a gorgeous, young co-ed, slender, yet buxom. She has stunning green eyes that sometimes take on a blue or grey hue. Her silky hair is a deep auburn and hangs straight to her shoulder blades, though she has dyed it blond on several occasions. She usually dresses very casually, with loose, frayed jeans or cargo pants and a variety of oversized college sweaters, worn band shirts, and tank tops. She always has a number of pens and pencils on her, and a sketch pad covered in surprisingly detailed doodles.

She is often accompanied by her faithful friend, Fawkes. Fawkes is Krystal's beloved dog and possibly her best friend. He is a well trained and loyal mutt, a large husky-german shepherd crossbreed, with a bit of labrador thrown in. Krystal got him as a puppy when she was thirteen.


Personality: Krystal is a vibrant and confident young woman with a stubborn resolve to make her own way on her own merits and talents rather than her looks. Though considering how her luck has turned out, she's beginning to wonder why. She works very hard and is very reluctant to accept any charity, despite never seeming to get a break.

Despite her mother telling her of their family's supposed psychic abilities and alien abductions, and meeting the rest of her mother's family back in the mid-west on several trips, Krystal thinks of all that supernatural stuff as pure hogwash - same with aliens. Much to her annoyance, she seems to be a weirdness magnet, and meets far more than her share of similar freaks, even for a place like Vegas.

She is a good student, and studies hard. Surprising to her, she actually enjoys her Occult Sciences and Myth and Symbols classes - she eyes the subject matter with a skeptical eye, but the occult and religious iconography give her great ideas for her artwork, and the history helps with her writing.

Krystal is a very gifted artist, with a love of the comic book medium, if not for superheroes. She prefers fantasy concepts and has a style somewhat reminiscent to Brom, Royo, and Vallejo, though with a slightly more comic-booky overtones. Despite her intentions, many of her pieces end up darker than she had originally envisioned.

She was extremely disappointed that the graphic novel she spent a year slaving over - A Thousand Broken Dreams - and that she self-published, barely sold. It also meant that she couldn't afford to go to college out of state as she wanted, instead ending up going to a local community college.

Despite the setbacks, Krystal hasn't given up on her goals. She's going to finish college, get out of debt, and become a successful commercial artist and graphic novelist.

Background: Krystal was born to Jolene Johansson, a small town girl from Maine who ran away to Vegas with her boyfriend when she was fifteen. By sixteen, Jolene was pregnant and single, her boyfriend ditching her when he found her in bed with another man.

Krystal was born and raised in Las Vegas, her mother raising her by herself, working as a showgirl and stripper. Krystal grew up well aware of what her mother did, Jolene never hid what she did from her daughter. Krystal also knew that the men that her mother brought home for a few days or weeks, or rarely months, wasn't her father, or even a replacement for him. She never felt the need to find a replacement for him either.

Once Krystal was a little older, and Jolene was making a decent living dancing on various stages, they began to make regular visits back to Jolene's family in Maine. Her mother always enjoyed the visits, and her family never held anything against the lifestyle she chose. Krystal on the other hand, hated the small town after after the bright lights of Vegas, the cold, and their weird belief in the uncanny. The visits were never short enough for her.

When she was sixteen, Krystal moved out of her mother's home to find her own place. Though Jolene tried to convince her not to, Krystal was tired of her mother's beliefs and the way her boyfriends would look at her - Krystal also felt guilty about the one boyfriend of her mother's that she had slept with, even if Jared was closer to her age than her mother's, and she was sure her mother didn't know about it.

Krystal found a tiny studio apartment and paid her way waitressing and selling art commissions online. While finishing high-school, she slaved her nights away frenetically working on her graphic novel. A year later, A Thousand Broken Dreams was finished, Krystal had graduated high-school, and thought she'd be on her way to college in California.

Instead, her graphic novel flopped - she only managed to sell twenty-one copies, and seventeen of those were to family members and only one person bought it as a PDF. The money she lost self-publishing meant she couldn't afford to move out of state or the tuition, so she had to enroll in a local community college. Further, due to all the time she her graphic novel, she had lagged behind on her commissions, so even that as a source of income was drying up.

Too embarrassed and too prideful to ask her mother or her extended family for help, Krystal struggles on, taking what jobs she can - and is willing to do - to pay the pills. She is also working to regain confidence in her commissions, hoping that will give her some much needed extra income.

A Thousand Broken Dreams: A lengthy graphic novel that Krystal wrote, penciled, and coloured all by herself. The novel is structured similarly to Pulp Fiction, with many interweaving plotlines and points of view. The setting is a version of the real world combined with a medieval fantasy setting, modern technology existing side-by-side with magic in a weird mix that somehow works. The tone is gothic and dark, despite what Krystal had intended, though one of the plot threads is very light-hearted and brightly coloured by contrast with the rest of the novel.

Krystal keeps a battered, dog-eared copy with her, and is often surprised by what she finds in it, while leafing through the pages. She doesn't remember drawing/writing half the things in the graphic novel... but she was very stressed by all the hard work she put into it, only to see it fail.


After a day at College, Krystal was at a local park, taking Fawkes for a run and spending some time working on a commission before her shift at Boomer's Bar and Grill. She was heading back to her apartment to drop off Fawkes and hoping her shift went by quickly since she had a late date with Ian that night, when she suddenly found herself... elsewhere, head reeling as if she'd been partying all night and then some.

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Name:Dustin Traccia

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 175 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black


Dustin was born of an Italian mother with a father who was killed by the mafia. Raised on the streets of Chicago where he tried to help his mother by starting into a life of crime at age 10. He found that he was best at theft, robbing people on they fly was hard, as was being a con-man. Dustin finally found his niche in robbery, mostly of homes, and other building when people were not around. Through time, effort, trials and time on the streets he eventually had many people who he worked with and through. Everyone from a fence to see all the goods through, a snitch who seemed to know when things happened around the city, to a high end madam who told Dustin of jobs he could do for a percentage of the profit. Holding a vendetta against organized crime he tended to take some more dangerous jobs to rob from them.

Years went by, at age 22 Dustin got caught with his hand in a very big cookie jar. He had been robbing a mansion/estate on the word of his snitch friend, when things took a turn for the worse. He had thought the place was abandoned of people, rich people, gone on vacation. As it turned out, the snitch had gotten pinched by the cops, and rather than go to jail, he decided to give the cops a bigger fish. Dustin was robbing the house of the mayor of chicago, and the cops were waiting for him. To his talent Dustin almost got away, but was caught and pulled arrested for felony burglary. What Dustin didn't know is that this would lead to more than he bargained for. In his deal with the courts, he got fewer years in jail, with the understanding from the feds that as a good of a thief as he was he would help them on cases to catch other thieves.

While in federal prison for his crimes the greatest toll was taken on Dustin. His mother died, and when he found out he was told it was from stress put on her by him being in prison. Dustin blamed himself, berated himself, and with work and help got himself released to parole the very next year. He went to his federal handlers and convinced them to use him full time to help solve crime. This led to the next 5 years of Dustin's life, leading a dual role. Working for the feds in one light, and working on his skills and own abilities to rob/burgle/thief his way into better places. At 32 Dustin's parole ended and the FBI offered him a full time position with them as a consultant. He took the job and has worked for them now for 3 years, while also back to his old ways.

In the time working both on parole and officially for the FBI Dustin has accumulated a small fortune, as well as others to help him with his illicit behavior. He knows playing both sides of the fence is likely to get him burned, but has taken precautions to set up money, lawyers, and escape plans for most ways he has seen things going.

Dustin has many tools and skills at his disposal now for his work on both sides. He tends to carry and keep close, a large backpack filled with a variety of items for many various means of work.

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Mik - I'd like you tone down the character a little. Being a good enough thief, con artist, and essentially double agent to fool the FBI when Dustin already has a conviction on his record for burglary seems a bit much (I know it sounds like a great premise for the show White Collar, but it's good tv). With the power level and power points you'll have to spend on the character, I have great misgivings that you'd be able to build Dustin mechanically to be where he could consistently pull off what you've described in background. The FBI would always be watching him, as they're the ones with cases and agents to lose if Dustin ends up being a weak link or dirty consultant (as you're saying he is). They'd be watching his bank accounts, personal habits, friends, and free time with a scrutiny that would take a true master of several forms of deception to outwit.

I'd ask to pick one side of the fence or the other: either the well-connected career thief or the blue-collar crime FBI special agent.

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Ben Washington, VP of marketing.

Born with cerebral palsy to lower middle-class parents, Ben's life was dominated by a constant battle against letting his disease determine his life, and a fierce sense of independence. Corrective surgeries in childhood enabled him to walk with the aid of twin forearm-crutches, though walking any distance came at the price of pain and fatigue.

Early on, Ben dedicated himself to an intense regime of self-improvement including physical therapy (which at best kept the disease at bay), intelligence and perceptual training, and aggressive social networking. During the course of his education, Ben discovered the power of well-chosen words to influence people's perception and attitudes and double-majored in communicating and marketing, followed by an MBA.

Whether in college or career, Ben refused to accept any allowances for his disability, fiscal or otherwise. Offers of help while moving were met with a cold shoulder, even if the move took him ten times as long by himself. He refused to apply for any scholarships for the disabled, paying for school with brainpower and hard work. Lucrative job offers were turned down if the company in question accepted any government money for hiring him.

In his marketing career, Ben made it a point of honor never to submit any T&A adds, or to engage in other deceptive practices. Any moron could flash a little skin or lie to sell a product. It took real creativity and artistry to make a product stand out from its competition and leave a positive mark in the consumer's mind. Ben also demanded courtesy in his subordinates (a response to his childhood bullying), going so far as to fire employees who were rude to their coworkers or their subordinates.

Though unfailingly polite himself, Ben developed quite a vindictive streak towards his enemies or enemies of his friends. Careful never to let his vendettas dominate his time or affect business, people who crossed Ben (especially the rude ones) nevertheless were always passed over for promotion or raises, and typically found themselves going bankrupt from IRS audits, ruined credit scores and business deals that just fell through.

After his stubborn independence and vindictive streak, Ben's other major flaw was his seriousness. Self-discipline, as Ben saw it, was responsible for every good thing in his life, and held at bay most of the bad ones. Anything that threatened his self-discipline was ruthlessly cut out of his life, including hobbies and relationships. Life, as Ben saw it, was a battle against his disease, and a battle against the assholes who tried to take away what he'd accomplished.

Ben had just been promoted to VP of marketing and was picking up his new business cards when he was taken.

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Sure! It's an open game. Just come up with a character concept, and post it along with what your character was doing when they were taken. I'm keeping everything in this thread for now until we're ready to start the game.


PM this account character sheets with the heading format of "[Taken] Character Name". Thanks! I would like to have characters done by the end of the week, if possible. Please let me know if you need more time.

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Query: Our characters start off as relatively ordinary humans. Are there any meta humans on Earth that we know of, or do they only exist in fiction? This could greatly influence how we react to events.

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Normal. How boring :P

Working out the details right now, but my concept is James Smith, the teenage son of the owner of a junkyard. He is a bit of a mechanical genius who spends most of his time coming up with all sorts of crazy machines built from spare parts. He has developed a fair bit of fame in the Battle Bots community for his robots, winning enough money from competitions to pay for the parts he can't find in the yard.

Do we have any equipment with us? I'm not going to buy the equipment advantage if our abductors leave us with nothing but the clothes on our back, but I doubt he is ever without at least a multitool except in bed.


Also, would buying the sense powers direction sense and time sense be acceptable as natural abilities, not actual powers? There are plenty of people who have these abilities in the real world, though generally not quite as precise as the power grants.

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Part of the reason I asked people to post what they were doing when they were taken was to allow for them to have some reasonable equipment expenditures. smile

As for Earth-based fame....well, you won't be on Earth, but you will be around people from Earth. It's up to you if you want to take it or not. I try to make sure that characters don't have wasted points, but I also won't move your fan club over to the new planet just to make your fame as impressive as it would be on Earth. In the end, you have to decide how important it is to your character concept and how true you want to stay to that concept.

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My life is pretty boring, but I've managed to sum it up below. I swear, it's all true, I've not embellished a single a fact...

Name:Dave Killop

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 185 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black


Born several years after the Vietnam War, my life began as nothing less than epic. When my mother was stabbed in the stomach by a Vietnamese bayonet, had I not performed surgery while still in the womb, she and I both may not have survived. Shortly after my birth she fled from Tennessee and moved to Michigan, the terror of wonder why there was a Vietnamese bayonet lying in Tennessee waiting to stab her never leaving her mind. These were my formative years and used the time wisely, learning to hunt and forage within Detroit's concrete jungle. I learned the languages of the native creatures, bears, wolves, lions, and even a smidgen of platypus here and there. Life was perfect for me, or so I thought...

I must have been four or five when I received my first call from the president, he needed me, my country needed me. As my mother cried I was taken away to serve my duty to the United States. They gave me a choice: swords of shield. I don't remember the procedure much, mostly just images and flashbacks, but the pain was immeasurable. I was the only one who could survive it, they told me, the only patriot capable of bringing freedom and justice into this world. Whatever happened, I survived, obviously, and the cold metal that's laced to my bones to this day is a reminder of what I gave up for this great nation of mine.

After several covert missions I went AWOL, the stress of that saving the world was far too much for me to deal with. By age 8 I had spiraled out of control into a mess of drinking and drugs to escape the pain of my sins. So much death, and it was all on my hands. It was there, as I lay drunken and destitute in an alley way that I met a man who would become my savior. Cogliostro was a strange old man, but he rescued me from what seemed like the very pits of Hell that evening. He taught me how to master the powers that lay dormant inside of me. He taught me how to master the chains that bound me to a Fate that I could escape from at anytime of my choosing. It was he who told me my true identity...

I never would have thought I was from another planet. To have barely escaped it's destruction and landed here to be raised inside my mother womb until I was healthy enough to survive on my own. His the power of the yellow sun enhancing my alien granted gifts I bid farewell to Cogliostro and thanks ed him for his lessons. I was the master of my own destiny now. I decided to return home, and see my family but it was not meant to be. Tragedy clawed at my heels and despair was to ball I'd ever know. My family... murdered one night on their home to the theater by a mugger in a dark alley.

I wept for hours until I finally knew what it was I had to do. In the deep caverns far below my family's estate I finally knew what it was I had to do: I'd master the Force and become a Jedi, like my father before me (before my planet was destroyed). I'd become something they'd fear in the night, I'd be a hero to the people and a nightmare to the criminal scum that plagued the city.

After my time of fighting crime and training with an extinct clan koga ninja's I was truly beginning to feel as if inner peace was truly was within my reach. It was during this time that my abilities to communicate with animals came in handy because all the martial artists were animals and I still think the tiger had a ting for me.

Having been called away from my training by a good friend in need I arrived at his home to find that he'd been the victim of a robbery. The villains had stolen his favorite rug and I vowed to him I'd help him return it. I had to, that rug really tied the room together...

<<<More to come later>>>

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God, what a load of tripe, Dave! Shame on you. Never have I seen such a blatant disregard for verisimillitude. You're supposed to be making realistic characters!

Everyone knows it was Ichigo Clan who had the animal martial artists!! GAWD!

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I still need finished sheets from:




We've also had two new players join the game, Raven and Levi. They've got characters up and ready to go, so I'm hoping we can get started by the beginning of next week! smile Please let me know if anyone is having issues making their characters or Krul or Max if you're having issues coming up with character concepts.

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Name: Fiona McClellan

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 132 lbs

Age: 22

Fiona is a young redheaded lass with strong Irish roots, she was was down on the edge of the ocean the day she was taken. Fiona was a collage student in LA, with a major in art, she loved to paint, work with pottery and carve wood. She was actually quite good at it and thought she might be able to make a living in the matter some day. At the time she had gone down to the beach to get some inspiration for her next painting, and had a very different form of inspiration then she expected.

Besides knowing the various creative arts, Fiona is a strong willed girl, with a love for animals and having a bit of a dislike for violence, though she does know it's sometimes necessary, and has been studying Judo for basic self-defense.

Basic appearance and what she was wearing when she was taken.


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Name: Ivy Callahan

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 160 (Athletic)

Age: 25

Hair: Red

Eyes: Blue

History (Sum-up):

Ivy was born to a pretty typical military family, and honestly didn't have a very notable childhood. Her parents expected her to follow in their foortsteps, so she enlisted in the army straight out of highschool. Finding herself none to keen on the actual combat aspects of the Army, she went the way of becoming a medic, and was surprisingly pretty good at it.

When a posting came up to travel to Nigeria for peacekeeping work, she volunteered. However, once there, her commanding officers felt that her "you cover me, I'll patch you up when you get hit... no serioulsy, YOU do the shooting...." attitude was less than satisfactory, and she ended up being sent out for more training.

It was on the tail end of one of those training missions that she woke to find herself in unfamiliar territory.

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James is the son of the owner of a large and successful junkyard, or 'field for the reclamation of perfectly good materials.' When he was little, he enjoyed playing with the interesting things that his father brought home, but after his mother died he practically lived in the junkyard. He loved searching through all of the things that people had thrown away, figuring out how something was supposed to work and making it work again. He wasn't socially inept like many geeks, but he preferred the company of machines and animals to that of people.

After learning of the existence of Battle Bots, he felt that he had discovered a calling. He rapidly developed a reputation as an innovative inventor and fierce opponent, and picked up a bit of fame as he started winning competitions. His father's junkyard received all kinds of scrap, including some military scrap from the nearby Air Force base. The base was careful never to send weapons to them, but he got to play around with a lot of decommissioned planes and trucks. He even built a plane for himself by salvaging parts from several others, though his father wouldn't even let him test it until he had his pilot's license. A pilot's license is quite expensive, so he went to work building his best battle bot ever. He was nearly finished, and had closed his eyes to rest for just a minute, when he woke up in a small room.

And no, his battle bot was nowhere to be seen, more's the pity =)

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Keiko Erikson is a photojournalist...or wants to be. She's finding it tricky to really make that title mean something though in an age when anyone with a cellphone and an advantageous location is a competitor. Even so, she attacks the problem with energy and positivity, deciding that the difference must be in what personal risks a journalist is willing to take versus what an ordinary schmo will be willing to. Her motto is, "Anything for the shot!"

As such, she was falling off of a very high bridge, camera in hand and bungee cord stretching out behind her, when everything changed.

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Sorry guys, I totally missed this thread, and while you'd think Mala would know me well enough to poke me a lot sooner than this, I suppose I'll forgive this once. wink

I'll try to have a character posted soon, I already have a concept. Hopefully it doesn't conflict with anyone's yet, I'll read through the thread. Basic idea was a New York Irish cop, Maggie Fitzgerald. Short and cute and spunky-looking, kind of Murphy-like (though this is a character that I used to use FAR before Dresden Files was being written, I promise.. LOL.) Anyway, I'll get back with you on the details, but give me a shout-out if this is too close to anyone's character that they've already created.

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