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Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson bring to life Georges Remi's (Herge's) Tintin. Tintin is a young Belgium reporter with a fox terrier companion, Snowy, who become embroiled in adventures around the globe. A product of its time, starting in 1929, the strip featured some less than flattering stereotypes, some distasteful political ideology and a rhino having a hole drilled in its hide, filled with dynamite and detonated.

On the other hand, the strip had mysteries solved with intelligence, humor and a touch of the surreal. Remi was honored by the Dalai Lama and Europeans sure do like the comic.


I can't get over the uncanny valley thing, but maybe the wit, charm and story will win me over. Spielberg, when not schmaltzy, is usually very good and Jackson, when not being self-indulgent and using Jack Black, is usually amazing. Even his early stuff, if not great cinema, is certain memorable. Watch Meet The Feebles, then try to forget it.

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Basically the uncanny valley is a technical term that describes the way things made to look like people become more relatable the closer they are to being indistinguishable, up until a certain point at which point the similarity becomes creepy...

Uncanny Valley The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of robotics which holds that when robots and other facsimiles of humans look and act almost, but not perfectly, like actual humans, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers. The "valley" in question is a dip in a proposed graph of the positivity of human reaction as a function of a robot's lifelikeness.


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