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Trinity RPG - Post-Nuke Trinity


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  • 3 years later...

Games start up around here all the time, just have to keep an eye open for them. If anything we probably have too many start too often causing the death of interesting older games. But it's hard to say no to a really great story idea and you never know when a story will erupt and take off.

There's not much going on at the moment in Infinite Earth, people seem to be on a bit of a hiatus, but you are always welcome to create a character there and join in, either in Cosmos Nova or the open setting.

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I understand. It's not for everyone. For a really long time on the site there were no high level games at all and any new game that got created always specified no Q6 ever, or not for at least a year or more, etc. So I created IE to be the go wild and have fun setting where anything is possible.

Personally I think of things over Q5 as being story-telling only, once you are in the higher levels of power there isn't much point in rolling dice, it's all about telling some specific story that couldn't be told in lower powered settings.

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