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Aberrant RPG - Might be starting an aberrant campaing irl soon


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Hey, my current RP group is getting kinda sick of DnD (4.0 is rather lame, and while we enjoy the system more in 3.5, the story since we switched back to 3.5 has been rather lame), not to mention our current DM isn't the best, so I've been thinking of suggesting that we switch to Aberrant after the holidays and DMing myself. As much as I love the game world, the ST rules are somewhat flawed and imbalanced from what I've seen, and the d20 rules don't look like much of an improvement (and really, for a game like this, I'd prefer non-level based character advancement, that's one of the things I like most about the ST).

So, what I'm looking for here is some suggestions on alternate rules, house rules, etc. that some of you who've played Aberrant more than me have tried and prefer over the base rules. Things like changing force field so adding another dot of mega-stamina doesn't improve the power more than adding another dot of force field for the same cost with more added benefits elsewhere, etc. are what I'm looking for. Anything that improves game balance would be appreciated. ^_^ I've only played Aberrant a bit (Trans-D and a one-shot at a con, plus making random characters for 1v1 combat with my brother a couple times), so I'm not sure I know the rules well enough to keep people from being too broken until it's too late.

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I recommend my changes to ping damage, and highly recommend using the "Puny Human" optional rule from the book.

I recommend staying away from Teragen PCs until you have a greater handle on the system, and have decided if you want to deal with the cluster-**** that is their Chrysalis system. If your players aren't familiar with Aberrant (or Heroes, which is the closest mainstream I've seen) then I recommend starting them off as Utopians or working for the US government. They can always leave/transfer/defect/die later.

If your players aren't familiar with the system, look at the powers (from all books) and have them give you a theme. Then help them pick out what powers/megas would be appropriate for their character. Convince them not to gadget until they know more about the game.

I recommend passing around the core rules and have everyone read the first hundred pages of flavor text. Really, it's freaking awesome to help them learn a little bit about the world.

IIRC, all of my house rules for Trans-D are in the Quick Reference thread. Skim it and take whatever you want.

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