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Trinity Universe: Backlash: San Diego


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Name: Richard Foxmart

Occupation: General Practice Doctor

Nova Powers: Ability to deflect projectiles. No other powers known.

Exposed: Not Yet ::blush

Richard Foxmart is an M.D., practically with the ink still wet. He graduated from the medical college at UNLV with a decently high grade point average. He erupted during the last two weeks of his internment, when a pair of junkies tried to rob the emergency room of prescription painkillers. One of them opened fire just as Richard came out a door, and his powers started deflecting all of their bullets harmlessly into the concrete floor. Due to his wearing the identical scrubs and face mask, Richard managed to go undetected, though a search continues in Las Vegas for "The Doctor". He has joined with the network, supplying his time and medical expertise to a "volunteer organization" when he is not on call at the VA hospital. Other than his seeming immunity to bullets, he seems to have no powers, and only minimal enhanced senses and abilities that seem common to most novas. His seeming lack of powers is both a comfort and a worry to him. He spends his time at work tending tirelessly to his patients, and his work for the Network often (though sadly, not always) allows him to share his devotion to the Hippocratic oath.

Normally, Richard is found wearing the doctor's version of 'business casual' - a collared shirt, slacks, usually with a white coat over it. He exudes an air of quiet confidence, reflexes to equal the finest brain surgeons in the state, and displays a brilliant mind. Bright red hair is always kept perfectly combed, except when wearing a surgical mask has mussed it in an attractive manner, and his naturally green eyes often prompt grumpy comments from old men about how artificial contact lens look nowadays. Other than those qualities, he is normal and mundane enough to fade into the background. His two-bedroom apartment has bookshelves with tattered copies of every issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association from the last five years, a stack of very dusty Crichton and Grisham books (thanklessly given to him every Christmas and birthday by his mother, who really wanted an author for a son) that he has never read, and a waterproof document safe underneath the bathtub installed at a great cost by another Network nova. His Myspace page has not been updated for two years, and still (erroneously) lists his favorite pasttime as listening to Wagner operas. These facts, though seemingly useless, help combine to ensure his neighbors think of him as normal, and do not immediately start reaching for the torches, pitchforks, and armor-piercing rocket propelled grenades when a nova hits the news.

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