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Mage's Ascension War


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Paradox isn't a term for the Ascension War.


Pardox refers to the phenomenon of a mage altering reality in ways that go against the consensus, especially in front of Sleepers. In Essence if a Sleeper sees a magickal effect and their reaction is "that's impossible", Paradox is invoked. This is manifested in reality in the form of Paradox Spirits that come to punish the offending mage.

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I am very much aware that Paradox referred to a specific stat, as well as how to determine it, and how to deal with it. Not trying to be a jerk, really; it's just that, for some reason, I was remembering the War of Ascension (ie, the Technocracy vs. The Traditions, Marauders, and Nephandi, being referred to as the Paradox War (which makes sense as the struggle is determining not only how Ascension is supposed to happen (paralleling the Garou's Apocalypse and Vampire's Gehenna), but also how Paradox would be determined (in another Mythic Age, for example, Paradox would effectively not exist).

Ergo, I was curious what other names were used for the struggle, especially given WW's need for poetry...


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Off the top of my head the Ascension War was the big name, though with each different groups own paradigm it meant different things. This represented their goal of ascension of mankind (or at least the appropriate chosen few) towards awakening into willworking.

I always loved this setting. But it was always so darned hard to get players that understood what they were playing. They always wanted magic to be more like super powers rather than a force of deep significance to the mage.

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